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Wilmots Attacking Fotball: A FALSE!!

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    Without trying to take an aim at smearing or criticizing Wilmots, one clear decline has been our defense reliability. We look quite shaky and unreliable defensively. Seems like our defense line has not been so penetrable in the past 7-8 year to be honest.

    But we need to give him more time, it's too soon to judge the man. He barely has coached a few official games. Hope he will focus on our defensive tactics and improves defenders duties, just as much as he emphasizes on playing attacking football. Having them both won't hurt.


      8 years of building such a disciplined unit that gave us so much pride.

      40 difficult years which have made the soil of a nation lose its fertility, and within which any success needs to be valued and cherished. We need to know our salt.

      But the fact is that we have Wilmots now and it is still too early to see what his philosophy will be for the national team. Three competitive games isn't enough to give us an idea. All we can do is hope and support him and TM.


        Lets talk after the Iraq game. If we lose ...... if we win everything is forgotten


          Originally posted by nisfejahan
          In one game*, TM coached by Mayeli Kohan scored more goals (17-0 vs Maldives) than all 9 games played under Brango in all Asian Cup Games AND World Cup TM games combined.
          So by your logic, I guess Mayeli Kohan >>>>>>>> Brango
          Talking numbers with someone who suffers from dyscalculia is like trying to discuss nuclear physics with a toddler. They just don't have the ability to grasp it.

          I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.


            Originally posted by Keano View Post
            Without trying to take an aim at smearing or criticizing Wilmots, one clear decline has been our defense reliability. We look quite shaky and unreliable defensively. Seems like our defense line has not been so penetrable in the past 7-8 year to be honest.

            But we need to give him more time, it's too soon to judge the man. He barely has coached a few official games. Hope he will focus on our defensive tactics and improves defenders duties, just as much as he emphasizes on playing attacking football. Having them both won't hurt.
            A loss in Basra and we are in deep shit. think the result in that game will be decisive for Wilmots.
            If we lose he should be kicked out.
            Esteghlal 💙💙


              I want to give this guy a little more time before making a final judgement, but this whole thing is really starting to stink. According to this article IFF had already reached an agreement with Herve Renard to succeed CQ after AC and he was fully on board. But right when the contract was about to be finalized there was an intervention by the regime's Belgium ambassador and an agent, insisting that "Belgium's coach" be hired instead.

              Taj apparently didn't even know at first that it wasn't the current Belgian coach but the one who got fired before him! Now they're paying Wilmots $3 M a year while CQ would have only been paid $1.6 M!


              به گزارش خبرورزشی، مأمور فدراسیون در مذاکره مستقیم با ر*نار، عباس ترابیان سرپرست سابق روابط بین*الملل فدراسیون فوتبال بود. او که در گذشته مسئول مذاکره با کارلوس کی*روش بود و این مربی پرتغالی را به تیم ملی آورد، این بار هم پای میز مذاکره نشست تا بتواند اروه ر*نار را قانع به حضور در تیم ملی کند.
              پیش از آن گفته می*شد فدراسیون در جام ملت*ها از مربی فرانسوی خواسته بود تا بازی*های ایران را تماشا کند. عباس ترابیان در زمانی که فدراسیون فوتبال اعلام کرد ابتدا به صورت تلفنی با اروه ر*نار و ایجنت الجزایری*اش صحبت کرد. در ادامه قرار شد طرفین در کشور سنگال با هم ملاقات کنند. ترابیان در این باره به خبرورزشی می*گوید: «بله این اتفاق افتاد و من به درخواست فدراسیون فوتبال برای مذاکره با ر*نار عازم سنگال شدم. مذاکرات با او بسیار خوب پیش رفت. این مربی واقعاً علاقه*مند بود که به ایران بیاید.»
              توافق طرفین قطعی شد و اروه ر*نار پذیرفت به ازای دریافت سالانه ۲ میلیون دلار با فدراسیون فوتبال قرارداد امضا کند. همسر ر*نار هم در جریان مذاکرات قرار داشت. به هر حال برای او مهم بود اروه قرار است کجا مربیگری کند. این مربی فرانسوی همیشه خانواده خود را کنارش دارد، به همین خاطر همسر ر*نار هم درباره شرایط ایران و زندگی در کشورمان سؤالاتی داشت. او در گذشته همسر برونو متسو بود. آن*ها ۴ فرزند هم داشتند. بعد از مرگ این مربی نام*آشنای فرانسوی که در دوره*ای برای مذاکره با پرسپولیس هم به تهران سفر کرده بود، اروه ر*نار که دستیار سابقش بود، با همسر او ازدواج کرد و ۴ فرزند او را هم پذیرفت.
              خانواده ر*نار در جریان مذاکرات از همه چیز رضایت داشتند و قرار شد بعد از بازگشت عباس ترابیان به ایران قرارداد تنظیم و برای این مربی ارسال شود. در این بین، اما نه ترابیان و نه ر*نار نمی*دانستند از سوی دیگر اتفاقات دیگری در جریان است. با پادرمیانی یکی از سفرای ایران در اروپا و همین*طور یک ایجنت فوتبال، سرمربی بلژیکی به ایران پیشنهاد شد. فدراسیون فوتبال ابتدا تصور می*کرد این مربی همان کسی است که در حال حاضر روی نیمکت بلژیک می*نشیند. به همین دلیل تاج و همکارانش ذوق زده شدند. آن*ها در ادامه، اما فهمیدند مارک ویلموتس نه حالا که در گذشته سرمربی تیم ملی بلژیک بوده است. مذاکرات با او آغاز شد و در نهایت طرفین به توافق رسیدند تا مربی بلژیکی به تیم ملی بیاید. او یک حسن ویژه داشت و آن این بود که به خواسته فدراسیون عمل می*کرد. اروه ر*نار تفکرات تاکتیکی خود را داشت و فدراسیون نمی*توانست به او بگوید هجومی بازی کند؛ به ویژه اینکه مربی فرانسوی بازی ایران مقابل ژاپن را هم دیده بود. ویلموتس، اما به نظر فدراسیون تمکین کرد و پذیرفت به خواسته آن*ها تیمی هجومی بچیند، اما از نظر مالی حضور مربی فرانسوی بسیار به صرفه*تر بود.
              یکی از دلایل قطع همکاری فدراسیون فوتبال با کارلوس کی*روش علاوه بر اخلاق او، مسئله مالی بود. تاج اعتقاد داشت دستمزد بالای این مربی برای آن*ها مشکلات مالی زیادی به وجود آورده. آخرین قرارداد کی*روش که ۶ ماهه بود، ارزش ۸۰۰ هزار دلاری برای این مربی داشت. بنابراین اگر او می*خواست یک ساله تمدید کند یک میلیون و ۶۰۰ هزار دلار می*خواست. بنابراین توقع می*رفت مربی جدید رقمی بگیرد که حداقل با حرف*های تاج برای صرفه*جویی مالی همخوانی داشته باشد. حالا، اما منابع خبری و نزدیک به فدراسیون فوتبال فاش کرده*اند این مربی سالانه ۳ میلیون دلار دستمزد می*گیرد! یعنی حقوق مارک ویلموتس در ایران بالای ۳۳ میلیارد تومان است. البته یک منبع خبری دیگر گفت این رقم دستمزد ویلموتس و دستیارانش است که آورده ولی مگر دستمزد دستیاران او چقدر است؟ ر*نار اعلام کرده بود در سفر به ایران تنها دو دستیار خود را به همراه می*آورد ولی اکثر دستیاران ویلموتس خارجی هستند و وحید هاشمیان تنها عضو ایرانی کادر فنی است. شواهد نشان می*دهد سنخیتی بین حرف*های تاج بعد از جدایی کی*روش و پیش از امضای قرارداد ویلموتس با اتفاقی که پس از آن رخ داد، وجود ندارد.


                Originally posted by DR Strangemoosh View Post
                8 years of building such a disciplined unit that gave us so much pride.

                40 difficult years which have made the soil of a nation lose its fertility, and within which any success needs to be valued and cherished. We need to know our salt.

                But the fact is that we have Wilmots now and it is still too early to see what his philosophy will be for the national team. Three competitive games isn't enough to give us an idea. All we can do is hope and support him and TM.
                Only those of us who are old enough to remember the last 30 years of Iranian football suffering syndrome “horrible defense” know how painful it used to be for us to get defeated and knocked out of prestigious competitions/world cups mainly due to our feeble defense. Historically we often benefited from a lethal offensive line with amazing strikers. However one department that over and over for decades failed us was our defense.

                So for me personally it was a fresh breath of air to finally have witnessed an amazing defense after all in my life. Many thanks to CQ for that. I enjoyed 8 year of organized and disciplined football for the first time in my entire years of following Iranian football.

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                  Wilmots gets 3 Million USD a year ??????


                    Originally posted by P-Money View Post
                    Wilmots gets 3 Million USD a year ??????
                    I seriously doubt it!


                      Originally posted by Keano View Post
                      Only those of us who are old enough to remember the last 30 years of Iranian football suffering syndrome “horrible defense” know how painful it used to be for us to get defeated and knocked out of prestigious competitions/world cups mainly due to our feeble defense. Historically we often benefited from a lethal offensive line with amazing strikers. However one department that over and over for decades failed us was our defense.

                      So for me personally it was a fresh breath of air to finally have witnessed an amazing defense after all in my life. Many thanks to CQ for that. I enjoyed 8 year of organized and disciplined football for the first time in my entire years of following Iranian football.

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                      Couldn't thank you enough for this post!

                      100% TRUE and exactly my thoughts.

                      Our defending as a team has always sucked, and having CQ was simply a perfect fit. Can't stress enough how much of a shame it is that we lost this guy. The prefect coach for TM at this time.


                        Wilmots can use feedback to improve the team; I hope someone here would point out the content of this thread to him. I realized his Twitter account is not particularly active. Last Summer I provided USWNT with research involving their opponents and tactics to use, and those helped them win the eventual title. (In particular I pointed out the Dutch goalkeeper could only be defeated via a ground shot, and sure enough the 2nd goal was scored that way.) It is disappointing that I cannot reach Iran's national team managers or scouts on social media.



                          yes, it is very disappointing
                          “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


                            I dont know if many of you saw the report on social media that Herve Reinard had agreed on a deal with IFF which Taj reneged on but seeing it just depresses me more with the situation...


                              Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
                              Wilmots can use feedback to improve the team; I hope someone here would point out the content of this thread to him. I realized his Twitter account is not particularly active. Last Summer I provided USWNT with research involving their opponents and tactics to use, and those helped them win the eventual title. (In particular I pointed out the Dutch goalkeeper could only be defeated via a ground shot, and sure enough the 2nd goal was scored that way.) It is disappointing that I cannot reach Iran's national team managers or scouts on social media.
                              You really think a comment you made on social media reached the technical staff of the USWNT? Not forgetting the fact they have paid staff members that their job is to analyze opponents and come up with a game plan?


                                Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
                                Wilmots can use feedback to improve the team; I hope someone here would point out the content of this thread to him. I realized his Twitter account is not particularly active. Last Summer I provided USWNT with research involving their opponents and tactics to use, and those helped them win the eventual title. (In particular I pointed out the Dutch goalkeeper could only be defeated via a ground shot, and sure enough the 2nd goal was scored that way.) It is disappointing that I cannot reach Iran's national team managers or scouts on social media.


