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Who will replace TAJ.

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    Who will replace TAJ.

    There will be temporary Replacement until next Election (Scheduled for April-May 2020)
    If none of his Vices are available( eligible) then one of Board member will be selected and more likely is A Mahmoud , Shiei or Islamian .

    With Taj and Kafashian gone, Esfahan Group who control IFF will be weakened but Saket and Islamian are stilt here on key places.


    ماده ٣٨ اساسنامه فدراسیون

    تمام ابهامات درباره آینده مدیریتی فوتبال ایران را برطرف میکند و به خوبی نشان میدهد چه اتفاقاتی رخ خواهد داد. در بند ١١-٢ این ماده آمده است:

    «اگر رئیس فدراسیون غایب باشد، *فوت نماید یا بهطور دایم یا موقت از انجام وظایف خود سر باز زند، نایبرئیس اول عهدهدار وظایف وی تا زمان رفع غیبت یا مجمع بعدی خواهد بود. در صورت غیبت یا خودداری نایبرئیس اول، وظایف به نواب رئیس بعدی یا سایر اعضای هیأت رئیسه محول میشود.»
    Who will replace him temporarily?

    It's a mess

    The First Vice Predident: (
    He resigned long ago but was not replaced.)

    After Kafashian, the first vice president of the federation, resigned, the federation has not yet replaced Kafashian. Taj has not even named the first vice president for a long time.

    The 2nd Vice Predident ( Retired)
    Heidar Baharvand is the second vice president of IFF. But he left to heads the Football League is retired. According to Age limitation law, because of his retirement, he is not able to handle the future activities of the Football Federation.

    The Third Vice Predident (Refused said in the past)

    The third vice-president, or vice-president of the Ladies Federation, is Leila Sufizadeh. A person who is said to have refused to be replaced by Mehdi Taj

    Last Choice:

    One member of board of director
    According to the Articles of Football Federation, shall serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the Federation in the event that none of the Vice-Presidents can or will not succeed him.

    Next Election of IFF is on April -May 2020, but they can schedule it earlier in case of Emergency.
    Last edited by St_Mark; 12-29-2019, 06:57 AM.

    طالقانی اعلام کرد: مخالفت هیئت رئیسه فدراسیون فوتبال با کناره گیری تاج

    عبدالکاظم طالقانی، عضو هیئت رئیسه فدراسیون فوتبال اعلام کرد، هیئت رئیسه این فدراسیون مخالف استعفای تاج است.

    According to Board member Taleghani ( Idiot from Ahwaz), , IFF board members are opposed to Taj resignation!.

    Taj said It was because of heath reason at advice of his doctor but board member want to veto Doctor's medical opinion.


    Baharvand who is next in Line for the job is not qualified base on Age limitation law but anything is possible inn IFF.
    Baharvand was suspended for 5 years from Football related assignment few months ago because of Hazfi cup disaster in Ahwaz but he was forgiven.
    Last edited by St_Mark; 12-29-2019, 07:42 AM.


      Is there any chance for ebi shakouri? I think of all realistic options he might be the best
      Team Meli Iran
      Perspolis FC
      Malavan Bandar Anzali

      "I will never be able to say good bye to Iran. I have a feeling of belonging to this country and to the people." - Carlos Queiroz


        Originally posted by Ghermez Agha View Post
        Is there any chance for ebi shakouri? I think of all realistic options he might be the best
        He lacks requirement of Experience

        *١.شرايط ثبت نام در پست رياست فدراسيون طبق ماده ٣٩ اساسنامه فدراسيون شامل :

        *١-1) تابعيت ايراني و سکونت در کشور .

        *٢-1) عدم سوء پيشينه کيفري و محروميت اجتماعي براساس حکم قضايي و تائيد مراجع ذيصلاح .

        *٣-1) دارا بودن حداقل ٣٥ سال تمام و حداکثر ٦٥ سال تمام سن در زمان ثبت نام براي انتخابات .

        *٤-1) دارا بودن حداقل مدرک کارشناسي يا معادل آن .

        *٥-1) دارا بودن حداقل ١٠ سال سابقه مديريت .


          Nasirzadeh opinion regarding Eligibility of Heidar Baharvand who is not qualified to be IFF chief because of Age:

          سرپرست نه رئیس

          He said since the job is a temporary( Care taker) till election age limitation does not apply there( to the Care taker).

          Explaining the ambiguity as to whether Baharvand, given his retirement, could carry out IFF's duties as successor to Taj , Nasirzadeh added:

          It may be understood that Mr. Baharvand's retirement contradicts the position of President of the Federation, Care taker does not have this limitations That is why it is safe to say that their leadership of the federation for a limited period is certainly not in conflict with the law on retirement, and given the good experience of being president of the league and being familiar with the various units of the federation, it is capable of running the organization. Until the

          Last edited by St_Mark; 12-29-2019, 08:38 AM.


            General Haig " I am in charge"

            منتظر تصمیم گیری هیئت رئیسه و مراجع ذی صلاح هستیم؛

            شکوری: امور اجرایی فدراسیون بر عهده من است

            سرپرست دبیر کلی فدراسیون فوتبال می گوید عهده دار امور اجرایی فدراسیون است تا زمانی که تصمیم نهایی توسط مراجع ذی صلاح گرفته شود.

            به گزارش "ورزش سه"، ابراهیم شکوری سرپرست دبیر کلی فدراسیون فوتبال در گفت و گویی تلویزیونی درباره موضوع استعفای مهدی تاج گفت:

            با توجه به فشارهای مختلف و حجم گسترده کارها آقای تاج از نظر قلبی دچار مشکل شد. اینکه چه اتفاقی خواهد افتاد، در روزهای آینده در رابطه با آن تصمیم گیری شود توسط خود رئیس فدراسیون و مراجعی که باید درباره آن نظر بدهند. ولی طبق وظیفه به عنوان سرپرست دبیر کلی، تمام امور اجرایی فدراسیون فوتبال توسط بنده انجام خواهد شد و تمرکز پرسنل فدراسیون فوتبال این است که وظایف خود را به نحو احسن انجام دهند تا مراجع ذی صلاح و خود آقای تاج و هیئت رئیسه محترم تصمیم بگیرند.

            او درباره تعیین تکلیف فدراسیون و اینکه نواب رئیس جایگزین تاج می شوند یا خیر، گفت:

            اگر اجازه بدهید روزهای آینده درباره این مسائل صحبت کنیم چون خود آقای تاج باید به صورت کامل شفاف صحبت کنند و ما در روزهای آینده راحت تر می توانیم درباره این موضوع حرف بزنیم.

            البته فدراسیون در این مورد اساسنامه مشخصی دارد ولی چیزی که معلوم است، امور فدراسیون تا زمانی که هیئت رئیسه و آقای تاج بگویند، بر عهده بنده است. سعی می کنم امور اجرایی را به بهترین نحو انجام دهم تا زمانی که تصمیم نهایی توسط مراجع ذی صلاح و هیئت رئیسه فدراسیون اتخاذ شود.
            Last edited by St_Mark; 12-29-2019, 09:25 AM.


              Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
              He lacks requirement of Experience

              *١.شرايط ثبت نام در پست رياست فدراسيون طبق ماده ٣٩ اساسنامه فدراسيون شامل :

              *١-1) تابعيت ايراني و سکونت در کشور .

              *٢-1) عدم سوء پيشينه کيفري و محروميت اجتماعي براساس حکم قضايي و تائيد مراجع ذيصلاح .

              *٣-1) دارا بودن حداقل ٣٥ سال تمام و حداکثر ٦٥ سال تمام سن در زمان ثبت نام براي انتخابات .

              *٤-1) دارا بودن حداقل مدرک کارشناسي يا معادل آن .

              *٥-1) دارا بودن حداقل ١٠ سال سابقه مديريت .
              حالا چیه اون مملکت سر جاشه که اون بند آخری نباشه.
              اگه این ملاکه که هیچ کدوم از بازیکنان قدیمی نمیتونن کاندید بشن(دایی، کیا،..).

              Sent from my MAR-LX3A using Tapatalk



                With Taj gone , now Our chances of winning the next 4 games and qualifying to the next round of WCQ games just went down %25


                  With resignation from IFF and health issue more likely he has to resigned as AFC vice President for Central Zone.
                  He was to served for 4 years,


                    My wish is Ali Daei as head of IFF. He should stay away from coaching, that doesn’t suit him but do top managerial stuff instead. He is well educated and is “footbally” and would be best choice.
                    CHECK OUT OUR FORUM RULES HERE:

                    Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


                      I hope even as temporary option, Mahmoud Eslamian takes over.


                        Does it even matter? Its gonna go from one Haji Bazaari to another.
                        "History is a set of lies that people have agreed upon,"


                          Originally posted by Adesor Vafaseya View Post
                          My wish is Ali Daei as head of IFF. He should stay away from coaching, that doesn’t suit him but do top managerial stuff instead. He is well educated and is “footbally” and would be best choice.
                          I definitely support this idea full-heartedly since Ali Daei is not part of the football mafia / sepah, he speaks fluent English, he is well known and respected at AFC/FIFA/international levels, he knows how to run multiple businesses/organizations, he is well off financially that means he does not have the motivation of being an embezzler, and finally he has stood up to government officials and their policies in the past (Kermanshah earthquake aftermath). Unfortunately, the latter reduces his chances significantly.

                          Taj did the right thing to resign and I wish him good health. He should have resigned earlier after the Wilmots fiasco.


                            what about Torabian..?
                            that dude looks a capable manager/organizer .... i suppose he aint too big of a suck-up or a loud-mouth whiner..? so there goes his chances !!?

                            i'd be happy with Daei too.. i suppose..!? trust a known article over bunch of others mentioned so far who i dont recognize but come across clueless in this business not so sure they'd know how they even achieved their current positions in our football ..probably party bazi??


                              Ali daei has been asked this question millions of times but he simply refuses. He says he doesn't to be near politics .

                              If you watched dadkan's latest interview he talks about Taj and the fact that he wanted to keep CQ but he was forced to let him go by ministry of sport . Guess who runs our sport ministory .....

                              Originally posted by Adesor Vafaseya View Post
                              My wish is Ali Daei as head of IFF. He should stay away from coaching, that doesn’t suit him but do top managerial stuff instead. He is well educated and is “footbally” and would be best choice.

