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    Originally posted by Hosseini View Post
    Give him a break. Mistakes happen and yeah it sucks, but i'm sure Golmohammadi remembers the mistakes he made as a CB and understands. We should all be more patient with our boys, it's not easy.
    Exactly. It was a stupid mistake but I can't believe some of the stuff I'm reading. As if these kind of handballs are happening on a weekly basis in our league...

    P.s. Pogba and I think Thiago Silva/Marquinhos(?) made the same mistake in the Premier League and Champions League with the VAR in place. As far as I know these are worldclass players and they have been playing with VAR for some time now

    Anyways, the team did a great job and overall I'm proud of the players and especially the coaching staff, Golmohammadi in particular. We were the better team yesterday and I wish the referee was consistent with his VAR checks because he didn't even spend a second to double check the faul on Nourollahi.


      Just keep these IPL players away from Team Melli. We have important things to do. Like qualifying for a World Cup.


        Guys these mistakes happen. Just super super unlucky for Persepolis. Also, I know people will disagree, but I don't think the referee's were horrible either. VAR's job is to change the call ONLY if there is strong visible evidence that is enough to overturn the original call on the pitch.

        It's clear Nourollahi fouled the Korean player in the box, just as it was an obvious hand-ball from Shiri. However, the VAR call that Persepolis did not get in their favor was a 50-50 call and since there wasn't clear evidence it wasn't called a penalty.

        Just my unbiased observations. I know this loss hurts, especially because Persepolis was head and shoulders above this mediocre Ulsan side. But these things happen. I don't think there is any conspiracy over Shiri's handball, over the refs calls, etc. It's just the impact of errors that happen in games here and there.

        I'm more impressed by Yahya's tremendous efforts. This guy is the real deal. Tactically astute! Guys, remember, this guy was missing Shoja Khalilzadeh due to a transfer, Vahid Amiri, Ehsan Pahlevan, and Alekasir, and still made Persepolis a dominant side!

        So long story short, these things happen. We just gotta become more confident and play with less fear in these situations. Sports psychologists would definitely help. Other than that I seriously think this is a game Persepolis wins 7 times out of 10. Just unlucky.. Really really unlucky...



          Referee not even glancing at the VAR for a second looked really bad for optics. Makes me think they told him just to do it for show, but he couldn't even do that in a way people could believe. Should've been a pen. Ours boys got robbed there

          I would say save your indignation for the ref, though it looks like our fans did that. The refs IG account was flooded and he had to turn off his comments. Makes me worried about future games he does with Iranian teams

          Originally posted by ShirFarhad View Post
          Exactly. It was a stupid mistake but I can't believe some of the stuff I'm reading. As if these kind of handballs are happening on a weekly basis in our league...

          P.s. Pogba and I think Thiago Silva/Marquinhos(?) made the same mistake in the Premier League and Champions League with the VAR in place. As far as I know these are worldclass players and they have been playing with VAR for some time now

          Anyways, the team did a great job and overall I'm proud of the players and especially the coaching staff, Golmohammadi in particular. We were the better team yesterday and I wish the referee was consistent with his VAR checks because he didn't even spend a second to double check the faul on Nourollahi.


            Yeah, Persepolis gor robbed for a penalty. But nonetheless, a great achievement to make it that far and they can hold their heads up high.


              Good read:

              رفتار و گفتار غیر ایرانی یحیی گل*محمدی!

              ین تیم نامش پرسپولیس است اما عملاً شباهت زیادی به تیم شش ماه قبل ندارد و دست به پوست*اندازی زده است. اتفاقی که هر مربی را قبل از ورود به تورنمنتی این همه حساس می*ترساند. فراموش نکنیم که این نام*ها اولین بازی*شان را تنها مدت کوتاهی بعد از پیوستن به پرسپولیس در مرحله گروهی و حذفی لیگ قهرمانان آسیا برگزار کردند! شجاعت یحیی و البته بهانه نیاوردنش را باید تحسین کرد. او حالا باید رفتن بشار رسن را تحمل کند که قلب تپنده تیم بود.

              به گزارش ایسنا، روزنامه ایران ورزشی نوشت: «شش شهریور ۹۹ فرهاد مجیدی در پوست خودش نمی*گنجید. مشت*هایش را گره بود و صعود به فینال جام* حذفی را جشن می*گرفت؛ آن هم بعد از شکست دادن پرسپولیس قهرمان لیگ. پرسپولیس بازی باخته را با دو گل بشار رسن و علی* علیپور برده بود ولی نتوانست از سرمایه*اش برای چند دقیقه دفاع کند، بازی به تساوی کشیده شد و در پنالتی*ها اوساگونا و احمد نوراللهی بد عمل کردند و تیم باخت. یحیی در نشست مطبوعاتی حرف*های غیر منتظره*ای زد: «احساس کردیم تیم حریف مصونیت دارد و کارت نمی*گیرد»، «به کسانی که دوست داشتند استقلال برنده شود تبریک می*گویم. یکی از آنها هم دوستی است که اینجا ایستاده. (در محل نشست خبری) برای تمام افرادی که تصمیم گرفتند چنین کاری کنند متأسفم. برای کسانی که تلاش کردند این تیم به قهرمانی جام حذفی برسد تبریک می*گویم. نمی*دانم شب چطور راحت می*خوابند؟»

              بعد در اینستاگرام پستی گذاشت که خلاصه*اش این بود: «نمی*خواستند ما قهرمان شویم»، «داور علیه ما سوت زد»، «یک خبرنگار تمرکز ما را به هم زد» و ... دقایقی بعد البته آن را حذف کرد. این حرف*ها حتی به کام هواداران پرسپولیس هم تلخ آمد و بسیاری از آنها گفتند و نوشتند که این ادبیات بازتولید همان ادبیات رقیبان بود که قهرمانی*های سریالی پرسپولیس در لیگ را به حمایت وزیر و داوران و دست*های پنهان ربط می*دادند و حالا فرق ما با آنها چیست که به جای نقد عملکرد خود، همان بهانه*ها را ردیف کنیم؟

              آن شکست پل صعود پرسپولیس به فینال لیگ قهرمانان شد. یک شوک دردناک که آنها را از تصور همیشه برنده بودن خارج کرد. جام* حذفی را از دست دادند اما تا فینال لیگ قهرمانان جانانه پیش رفتند و یحیی گل*محمدی نه*تنها از بعد فنی بلکه از لحاظ شخصیتی یک بار اعتبارش را به رخ همه کشید. او بعد از شکست در فینال لیگ* قهرمانان در حالی که می*توانست به عادت ایرانی که به VAR لعنت بفرستد، یقه داور را بچسبد، AFC را متهم به توطئه کند و از کیفیت توپ و وزش باد ایراد بگیرد، آرام و فروتنانه از هواداران عذرخواهی کرد و گفت: تیمش دوباره با قدرت برمی*گردد.

              یک رفتار موقرانه و مدرن مشابه مربیان طراز اول دنیا. بدون بهانه*جویی، بدون متهم کردن سایه*ها، بدون این که بخواهد بازیکنانی که با دو خطای ناشیانه تیم را به مهلکه بردند سرزنش کند. این همان چیزی بود که از او انتظار داشتیم. زمانی که فوتبال بازی می*کرد هم محجوب، باهوش، فروتن و فداکار بود. وقتی مربی شد هم او را خلاق، کم*حرف اما پر از ایده، نوگرا و سخت*کوش دیدیم و حالا با تجربه و پخته.

              یحیی گل*محمدی بعد از آن شکست در جام حذفی بدترین تلاطم*ها را تجربه کرد. حرف*های سخیف سرپرست وقت باشگاه را شنید اما سکوت کرد، جدایی آزاردهنده علی علیپور، شجاع خلیل*زاده و مهدی ترابی را تحمل کرد، با محرومیت گزنده عیسی آل* کثیر ساخت، وقتی احسان پهلوان و وحید امیری هم محروم شدند باز سعی نکرد داد و هوار راه بیندازد. سرش را پایین انداخت، بازیکنان جدید را جایگزین کرد، نقدهای بی*رحمانه را تحمل کرد و تیم را تا فینال لیگ قهرمانان برد. از بازیکنانی که در فینال آسیا بازی کردند حامد لک، سعید آقایی، میلاد سرلک، آرمان رمضانی و علی شجاعی تعداد بازی*هایشان با پرسپولیس به زحمت دو رقمی می*شود.

              این تیم نامش پرسپولیس است اما عملاً شباهت زیادی به تیم شش ماه قبل ندارد و دست به پوست*اندازی زده است. اتفاقی که هر مربی را قبل از ورود به تورنمنتی این همه حساس می*ترساند. فراموش نکنیم که این نام*ها اولین بازی*شان را تنها مدت کوتاهی بعد از پیوستن به پرسپولیس در مرحله گروهی و حذفی لیگ قهرمانان آسیا برگزار کردند! شجاعت یحیی و البته بهانه نیاوردنش را باید تحسین کرد. او حالا باید رفتن بشار رسن را تحمل کند که قلب تپنده تیم بود.

              رفتار پرسپولیسی*ها بعد از فینال و پذیرش شکست بدون بهانه*جویی آموزنده است. آنها در طول سه ماه گذشته اتفاقات تلخ زیادی را تجربه کردند اما بازیکنان و کادر فنی بر خلاف سرپرست سابق این تیم در رسانه*ها حاشیه*ای نساختند. بخشی از این اتفاق محصول رفتار درست و حرفه*ای «علیرضا اشرف» مدیر رسانه*ای تیم است. یک روزنامه*نگار متین که از زمان پیوستن به تیم بسیاری از حواشی غیر ضروری را از تیم حذف کرد یا به مدیریت آن پرداخت. اهل کُری*خواندن سخیف نیست و گاهی اگر واکنشی نشان می*دهد به نظر زیر فشار و هجمه هواداران دو آتشه است که مدیر رسانه*ای و مدیر روابط عمومی رفتار و گفتاری همپای بوقچی طلب دارند. این آرامش پرسپولیس بعد از پیروزی و شکست قابل تحسین است. حفظ آن البته که کار دشواری است؛ به*ویژه وقتی رقیبان در شبکه*های اجتماعی تند و تلخ می*تازند اما آرامش کادر فنی و بازیکنان و تمرکز آنها روی زمین و توپ قطعاً دستاوردهای با ارزش*تری از حاشیه ساختن و پاسخ دندان*شکن ولی بی*حاصل دارد.»


                Lol are you sure you've been watching iranian football league? i think you've been watching another league for 20 years mate. you haven't all the obvious silly stupid handballs in IPL that ref didn't magically see? okay buddy .

                Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                I’ve been watching Iranian football for over 20 years now and no one has ever gotten away with such a stupid handball.


                  Originally posted by milad_b View Post
                  Lol are you sure you've been watching iranian football league? i think you've been watching another league for 20 years mate. you haven't all the obvious silly stupid handballs in IPL that ref didn't magically see? okay buddy .
                  Yeah buddy.


                    Originally posted by mehdi13 View Post
                    Just keep these IPL players away from Team Melli. We have important things to do. Like qualifying for a World Cup.
                    Keep these IPL players away from TM? Kanaani, Nourollahi, Amiri, Ghaedi and many other IPL players are very important for TM. I don't know on which planet you are living, but IPL or PGPL is the highest league in Iran and is like the main provider for TM, starting from the youth all the way to the seniors, like every other country in the world. So you better show some respect to our players.


                      Originally posted by milad_b View Post
                      Lol are you sure you've been watching iranian football league? i think you've been watching another league for 20 years mate. you haven't all the obvious silly stupid handballs in IPL that ref didn't magically see? okay buddy .
                      Can you show us some examples?


                        mate there are too many of them. I honestly can not be bothered searching it online and posting it here. It has happend for SS , PP , Sepahan etc...

                        This one i just remember from kirosh cuz its recent

                        Originally posted by Sepehr9 View Post
                        Can you show us some examples?


                          Originally posted by milad_b View Post
                          mate there are too many of them. I honestly can not be bothered searching it online and posting it here. It has happend for SS , PP , Sepahan etc...
                          This one i just remember from kirosh cuz its recent
                          Nice picture mate! But the reason why i asked if you could show some examples of players making handball fouls and getting away with it (basically playing handball in their own penalty area) as you claim, is that it would add some weight to your argument. Two or three examples would've been enough, instead you just post a vague picture of a Brazilian player of Sepahan making the foul. I also follow the Iranian football league but haven't seen players of PP, SS or Sepahan systematically getting away with playing handball on the football field.

                          Maybe it has more to do with a false sense of superiority due to living abroad and believing that while everything in your host countries is run professionally and fair, the opposite is true in Iran so you create fake images and notions in your minds?


                            Lol mate you just don't wanna get it! do you? You are obviously missing the point here . Its simple search and you'll find numerous obvious fouls/handballs that Refs "blindly" don't see! Just search it mate. They need to bring VAR in PGL. Most lower teams that have less power allways get beheaded against SS and PP , Sepahan . It just depends which team they want to lose points. Its just pure corruption. I think one reason that adel was crossed out was cuz of that reason. If you remember Adel used to bring out all the corruptions on His show but how many PGL curroptions have we heard since he was sacked??? Non

                            btw Something interesting happened in sepahans game few days ago which shows how much VAR could help even if ref doesn't wanna see the fouls/handballs. Sepahan conceded a goal but it was a handball, the ref didn't see, the 2nd and 3rd ref also magically didn't see however the 4th refree which was outside of the feild saw it and informed the main ref. The goal was rightly disallowed.

                            Just search man! here is another one

                            Another hand
                            Originally posted by Sepehr9 View Post
                            Nice picture mate! But the reason why i asked if you could show some examples of players making handball fouls and getting away with it (basically playing handball in their own penalty area) as you claim, is that it would add some weight to your argument. Two or three examples would've been enough, instead you just post a vague picture of a Brazilian player of Sepahan making the foul. I also follow the Iranian football league but haven't seen players of PP, SS or Sepahan systematically getting away with playing handball on the football field.

                            Maybe it has more to do with a false sense of superiority due to living abroad and believing that while everything in your host countries is run professionally and fair, the opposite is true in Iran so you create fake images and notions in your minds?


                              Originally posted by Sepehr9 View Post
                              Nice picture mate! But the reason why i asked if you could show some examples of players making handball fouls and getting away with it (basically playing handball in their own penalty area) as you claim, is that it would add some weight to your argument. Two or three examples would've been enough, instead you just post a vague picture of a Brazilian player of Sepahan making the foul. I also follow the Iranian football league but haven't seen players of PP, SS or Sepahan systematically getting away with playing handball on the football field.

                              Maybe it has more to do with a false sense of superiority due to living abroad and believing that while everything in your host countries is run professionally and fair, the opposite is true in Iran so you create fake images and notions in your minds?
                              This is unacceptable. Don't mingle these issues here. This is not about Iran, this is about the Iranian league. You are essentially conceding you have nothing to contribute to the actual debate, when you try to turn this into something it is not.


                                Lol another stupid handball in todays game by PP that ref didn't magically see . Now if this was in ACL it would've been totally a different case. Matter fact you won't even hear about it and no one would even talk about it! VAR is deffo needed.

