Sorry but these statistical models are a mainly bit of entertainment industry more than anything else. In general, Football performance of any one individual CANNOT be accurately modeled and any such statistical data is at best a historical average and at worst a bit better than astrology.
The reason is fairly simple: Performance of any individual, is part of what is called "complex correlated system". Google it if you are interested, there is a ton of scientific literature.
Long story short, you can say that so and so is a good forward because he scores lots of goals. You can also say that there is a strong correlation between how much a forward runs and the number of goals he scores. BUT YOU CANNOT SAY that if the average Joe just keeps running like a headless chicken, he is going to score goals, because a lot of other shit (Complex) has to happen at the same time (Correlated) before the forward can score a goal.
I have used this example before (its my favorite!!). There is a strong correlation between number of ice creams sold at the beach and the number of people drowning at the beach. a) It does not mean that ice creams cause drowning and b) If you ban ice cream sales, it will have no effect of the number of drowning victims.
These XG and similar models should be taken with a huge bag of salt since they are an attempt at modelling a "Complex Correlated System". If they had enough validity, BHA would not be languishing at 17th place. (Hear the mic drop...BOOM)
NEXT UP.....I will explain the difference between Theory and Practice.
The reason is fairly simple: Performance of any individual, is part of what is called "complex correlated system". Google it if you are interested, there is a ton of scientific literature.
Long story short, you can say that so and so is a good forward because he scores lots of goals. You can also say that there is a strong correlation between how much a forward runs and the number of goals he scores. BUT YOU CANNOT SAY that if the average Joe just keeps running like a headless chicken, he is going to score goals, because a lot of other shit (Complex) has to happen at the same time (Correlated) before the forward can score a goal.
I have used this example before (its my favorite!!). There is a strong correlation between number of ice creams sold at the beach and the number of people drowning at the beach. a) It does not mean that ice creams cause drowning and b) If you ban ice cream sales, it will have no effect of the number of drowning victims.
These XG and similar models should be taken with a huge bag of salt since they are an attempt at modelling a "Complex Correlated System". If they had enough validity, BHA would not be languishing at 17th place. (Hear the mic drop...BOOM)

NEXT UP.....I will explain the difference between Theory and Practice.