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Alireza Jahanbakhsh @ Brighton & Hove Albion 2020/21

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    I am off to watch Chelsea and Leicester draw hopefully.

    Gutted for Alireza that he had a tough game tonight , his last two games he started he was the best Brighton player on the pitch. We have to remember though he was just playing against the Premier League champions and potentially next Champs League winner.


      ARJ is the perennial scapegoat for BHA. Potter is at risk of losing against a 10-man EPL team, so he subs of ARJ at half time to lay blame on him and this formation.


        What was done to this poor boy's confidence in 3 years is shocking. He's treated like the kid from the Whiplash movie.


          Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
          What was done to this poor boy's confidence in 3 years is shocking. He's treated like the kid from the Whiplash movie.
          You have to wonder, he knows if he messes up he gets subbed. May of just contributed to everything, as he knows he has 0 margin of error in potters eyes.

          He just needs to leave.
          Original Ehsan of IK ISP and PFDC from 1999/2000!


            Originally posted by ehsan_REAL1 View Post
            You have to wonder, he knows if he messes up he gets subbed. May of just contributed to everything, as he knows he has 0 margin of error in potters eyes.

            He just needs to leave.
            He's in a place which isn't healthy for him.
            He's given a very tight leash and zero margin of error.
            You are never going to do well in an environment like that unless you're a German national team member from the 80s.


              Originally posted by Medzdidz View Post
              I am off to watch Chelsea and Leicester draw hopefully.

              Gutted for Alireza that he had a tough game tonight , his last two games he started he was the best Brighton player on the pitch. We have to remember though he was just playing against the Premier League champions and potentially next Champs League winner.
              Perfectly said.


                It’s exactly this: Potter constantly has his finger on the substitution trigger for ARJ. He wasn’t the worst offensive player on the pitch.

                He never fully commits to him in a game—even if he’s playing well. So of course 3 bad passes and he’s out. When you make a player your most expensive signing with a 5 year contract, coming from a lower league, you have to commit and let him grow in his role technically and psychologically on the pitch.

                Potter never gave him that. I hope this was his last game wearing a Brighton shirt.


                  He needs to leave regardless. Knowing he will get subbed for the smallest mistakes wont inspire a player to play with confidence.

                  If he has any respect for himself he would leave, but alas, seems like hes a wimp who doesn't stand up for himself.

                  Happy to collect the check and get treated like a 14 year old girl on a high school team
                  AKP Parti, Turkiye - Haj Bernie Sandersoglu


                    Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                    Poor performance by Jahanbakhsh. Those two crosses before halftime were really bad, I didn’t know what he was thinking?
                    Agreed. But should he be punished for some bad moments? He made some really good passes early on. I have seen Ronaldo and Messi having horrible moments at times. Are they benched. He has been phenomenal in the last games when he was given 'some' time to play.


                      Originally posted by Prowess View Post
                      It’s exactly this: Potter constantly has his finger on the substitution trigger for ARJ. He wasn’t the worst offensive player on the pitch.

                      He never fully commits to him in a game—even if he’s playing well. So of course 3 bad passes and he’s out. When you make a player your most expensive signing with a 5 year contract, coming from a lower league, you have to commit and let him grow in his role technically and psychologically on the pitch.

                      Potter never gave him that. I hope this was his last game wearing a Brighton shirt.
                      yea well potter didnt sign him and made sure evryone knows


                        Originally posted by KeonKish View Post
                        He needs to leave regardless. Knowing he will get subbed for the smallest mistakes wont inspire a player to play with confidence.

                        If he has any respect for himself he would leave, but alas, seems like hes a wimp who doesn't stand up for himself.

                        Happy to collect the check and get treated like a 14 year old girl on a high school team
                        It is not for mistakes. Alzate gets standing ovation for what? He made so many mistakes tonight. He gets standing ovation for running his arse off every minute he is on the pitch.
                        هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
                        نگاه میکنید.
                        I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.


                          Brighton up 3-2 now lol


                            Brighton winning


                              It can't be worse than this, 3 goals after he is subbed, hopefully that will not brings him down psychologically, this could have been a turning point for him if he would have performed well


                                Goodness. Its not meant to be for him at all in this team.

