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Alireza Jahanbakhsh @ Brighton & Hove Albion 2020/21

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    Since the new TM IG content my impression of ARJ has changed from being a quiet model professional to basically the class clown Don't understand how he got the captain's armband against HK ahead of the likes of Taremi.


      ^ He wore the armband vs. Spain when he came on for Karim at the World Cup. It’s because of his time/experience in Team Melli. He might also be more of a team leader than Taremi on the field.


        Amiri is the sorta character i'd be most apt to appoint Captain..!!
        his immense confidence on the pitch vs Anyone, his never say die attitude and constant fighting to the end in every match he has suited for TM, his rather balanced and generally under control demeanor is also admirable and not mention that he is well educated off the pitch to boot..!

        but yea, baraa ma iroonia when it comes to picking a leader, hardly anything beats experience and age..!!


          Originally posted by teammelli91 View Post
          ^ He wore the armband vs. Spain when he came on for Karim at the World Cup. It’s because of his time/experience in Team Melli. He might also be more of a team leader than Taremi on the field.
          I was watching how everybody was reacting after the Bahrain win. The one man who had the killer mentality, the "Job's not done" Kobe mentality, was Taremi. He was deadpan serious the entire time while the rest of the squad was celebrating like they won the world cup. Kanani the clown was even dancing. Taremi was the one who told everyone to keep their focus for Iraq. Captain material if you ask me.


            Originally posted by TM4LIFE View Post
            I was watching how everybody was reacting after the Bahrain win. The one man who had the killer mentality, the "Job's not done" Kobe mentality, was Taremi. He was deadpan serious the entire time while the rest of the squad was celebrating like they won the world cup. Kanani the clown was even dancing. Taremi was the one who told everyone to keep their focus for Iraq. Captain material if you ask me.
            I didn’t say he’s not captain material. I was just responding to Taz that maybe Jahanbakhsh because of his many years of experience in TM/possibly leadership qualities on the field.

            I think Mehdi is a class act and a professional outside the field. He’s a great player on the field, I’m not sure about his leadership traits on the pitch. Whatever Skocic chooses.


              Originally posted by diz View Post
              Love seeing this. ARJ in such a good mood and getting along with his teammates so well.
              Glad to see him out of his shell, seemed very shy when he first moved to Holland. Now fluent in both Dutch and English, and expressing himself and his personality. Happy to see his confidence grow, really hoping he moves to a new team and gets some playing time. He has performed well for team melli recently and still has a lot of time to learn and grow

              * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


                i think he will stay to be honest, i have a good feeling for next season


                  ^ He might eaven be upgraded to be Capitan, of the Brighton Hove Albion bench!

                  Cmon Brentford, get Alireza signed! Saman boro ba reis ye harfi bezan dige!
                  Supporting Team Melli


                    Originally posted by kian_khosh View Post
                    i think he will stay to be honest, i have a good feeling for next season
                    doubt it ... i certainly hope not..!!
                    unless he's forced to ....due to a very likely in$ufficient interest for his services elsewhere in EU top leagues..!!


                      Dear friends, if you’re frustrated with Ali’s club situation and want to know what he thinks/feels/wants regarding everything, go to minute 16:20-ish and watch from there:

                      Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.


                        “Too in yek o do saal enghadr ke rajebe in masale sohbat shode, ye hesse fogholade khoobie (referring to Iranian fans support/getting annoyed about his situation) chon belakhare in hemayata az tarafe mardom fogholade khoobe, belakhare har footballisti doost dare ke in sharayet tajrobe bokone. In hemayataye ziyad belakhare in donbal kardana.. (sighs to think) Vali khob az tarafiam bayad hameye sharayet o dar nazar begire, chon man gharrardad daram ba bashgah e Brighton. Har tasmimi tasmime man nistesh (chuckles). Belakhare tasmimie ke bashgah ham bayad begire, in yeki do saal vaghean injoori boode.. Man be moghash rajebe in masaleam sohbat mikonam. Aval bezarid in bazie Team Melli ro begzaroonim, inshallah man tasmimamo begiram baraye fasle pisheroo ke inshallah etefaghe khoobi bashe va yek ghadam e roo be jelo bashe.”

                        - Alireza Jahanbakhsh


                          Loved that vid - so funny there was a time when some ppl here used to speculate his team mates didn’t want to pass the ball to him bc they were jealous and didn’t like him

                          One of the things I think that doesn’t get talked about that could very well be a reason why he hasn’t left BHA is his strong relationships with his teammates (not that I think it’s a good or valid reason but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a factor).
                          Team Meli Iran
                          Perspolis FC
                          Malavan Bandar Anzali

                          "I will never be able to say good bye to Iran. I have a feeling of belonging to this country and to the people." - Carlos Queiroz


                            As GayJ's biggest supporter who has seen almost every single minute, he has played for BHA. I think we have been duped. He is not that good (he's had flashes of brilliance). He has been super disappointing for team melli and has no excuses. He started 6 games in a row so he had the playing time.

                            I think Pottard was right. My biggest issue is when he played so poorly in the EPL it emotionally affected me the entire day, which it shouldn't.

                            I'm happy he scored the bicycle kick, but that was above his standard deviation of performances. I'll be ok with him leaving.
                            Original Ehsan of IK ISP and PFDC from 1999/2000!


                              Now I know why he doesn't get much playing time in his team. He has some sparks here and there but not a solid player (anymore).

                              We have better players in Iran.
                              Last edited by webmaster; 06-15-2021, 04:40 PM.
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                              We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented

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                                he has played better in brighton than in TM, compared to the players in brighton, he has not been worse than they have been. i still say its been shady. and i still say i hope for more of him in TM that what he has showed these games.

                                Brighton and TM doesnt neccesarily be a good paralell since its 2 different teams, styles and opponnents. He deserves more in brighton, but has to prove more in TM to be a starter. (according to me)
                                Supporting Team Melli

