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TM-News-Vol. 6

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    These donkeys should have put this in Qatar.


      ^ Yes, you said it right, their stadiums are at EPL level, Ha Ha Ha!

      Go TM!


        Originally posted by Futbaldoost View Post
        ^ I should add the only silver lining about staying in the same hotel with Bahrainis is that their fans could not show up with drums and bull horns the night before the matches like they did in 2001 since they probably are smart enough not to sabotage their own national team.

        Go TM!
        4 teams are in that hotel according to a TM staff member on the official team melli IG page. Iran, HK, Cambodia and Iraq. Bahrain is not in that hotel


          Speaking of football being insane and corrupt - Argentina and Colombia decided against co-hosting Copa America.
          It has now been moved to Brazil which is not doing well with COVID at all.


            According to IFF below Saman arrived in Bahrain earlier today with a direct flight from London. He arrived at 7:00 PM Manama time and immediately joined TM camp in hotel. He is in quarantine with the rest of the team until tomorrow after taking his PCR test. With Saman's addition, TM list is now complete. Varzesh3 had earlier reported that Saman will arrive tomorrow and that was obviously incorrect.

            Go TM!


              Wow Bahrain thinking of more ways to try and screw their opponents over , they are the Dick Dastardley of this group and Saudi Arabia are the Mutley (or vice versa).

              By the way the vaccination they had is that one where you have to have two different injections a certain amount of time apart to be vaccinated ?


                Photos of TM hotel in Bhrain (Diplomat Raddison Blue):

                Go TM!


                  Order loads of room service and charge it to the delegation of the other three countries . Either that or go full Macauley Culkin in Home Alone 2 on the other teams.


                    Originally posted by Armin98 View Post
                    4 teams are in that hotel according to a TM staff member on the official team melli IG page. Iran, HK, Cambodia and Iraq. Bahrain is not in that hotel
                    You are correct. I stand corrected. Varzesh3 has proven to be an unreliable source. Kharrati (head of IFF national teams department) confirmed this in the interview below. Varzesh3 also incorrectly reported that Saman will arrive tomorrow yet he arrived earlier today and joined TM in the hotel.

                    Go TM!


                      Originally posted by Medzdidz View Post
                      Wow Bahrain thinking of more ways to try and screw their opponents over , they are the Dick Dastardley of this group and Saudi Arabia are the Mutley (or vice versa).
                      By the way the vaccination they had is that one where you have to have two different injections a certain amount of time apart to be vaccinated ?
                      The only good thing being, if they wanted to create all kind of noise outside the hotel to ruin TM sleep, they would now have to do it for all the 4 teams resident. It’s been known to have happened before in this part of the world!
                      Long Live 3 Rang'e Iran


                        I trolled AFC and Windmill Jack on their YouTube page so much that they had no other option than to give Team Melli the best hotel in Bahrain

                        Don't let this fool you guys, the dirty business will happen on the pitch during our match-day vs the "hosts" lol.


                          I believe in this team, I have an overwhelming sense of optimism and I'm not even trying to be positive. I just feel it.


                            Ageh betoonim Hong Kong ro 3-4 ta beheshoon bezanim, bachehaa rouhieh khoubi migiran vaaseh baazi baa Bahrain. If we beat Bahrain then, the rest is gonna be history. Once TM gets that kind of momentum its over especially with our boys being in form and ready to Rock and roll! Go Team Melli! Side note, Scochich got a fat ass belly and he sucks as a coach. lol.....
                            sigpicVIVA K8RIMI


                              Originally posted by teammelli91 View Post
                              I trolled AFC and Windmill Jack on their YouTube page so much that they had no other option than to give Team Melli the best hotel in Bahrain

                              Don't let this fool you guys, the dirty business will happen on the pitch during our match-day vs the "hosts" lol.
                              They can do whatever they want. It is up to us to keep cool and act professional. Unfortunately we have always failed in that category and have fallen into the hands of those who created off/on the pitch psychological wars. This is the best test for our TM against two arch rivals who master that skill. We lost a world cup to Bahrain because we didn't know how to keep cool. We cannot afford to let that happen again.


                                One thing for sure is that Bahrain will try and score double digits against Cambodia and if they struggle the ref will send off one of two Cambodia players to make sure that happens. Against HK they might try to score loads with the help of the ref. Therefore in our encounter with Cambodia and HK we should score as many goals as possible. This is to ensure we at least end up second in the group.
                                هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
                                نگاه میکنید.
                                I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.

