Originally posted by Golefarsi
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i also think we are making too much drama of his interview too..!
the asshole interviewer kept setting trap for him with leading questions and Mehdi would nicely walk right into them..!! lol

i think what Mehdi conveyed overall was more of a fair warning, heads up to all fans, that things are not as rosey as they seem at the TM camp and there are still some players (not just him alone) who dont rate Eskoocher and there simply is not the Same Hamdeli / Team mentality in camp as it last was during the CQ Era..!! ??
even during the last round of games, i also head murmurs of above insinuations from a guy here who was more in the know that there were some disharmony at their camp a few players in the camp who werent too gong ho about playing under dragan or perhaps they were not happy with their role in his TM ? and/or possibly not too happy with some of his call-ups ???..!
personally, dig that Cool, Quiet and rather Calm CONFIDENT Aura that Eskoochie man has about him in interviews and even on the sidelines a Lot...! and he has stepped in a very difficult situation and has delivered in spades....!! and lets face it, He was always the Best of All the Realistic options @ our hand in the current effed up shape that our Federation finances must be currently ...!!
naturally doesnt have the CV that would inspire immediate, complete respect from all our players .... (especially the big stars ) Dragan still needs bit more time and imo still has to work on earning the full respect of All TM players and so do all our players need to get over themselves and dreams of a very unlikely CQ return and all get on the same page with each other before the upcoming next round of games..!
and my advice to IFF is to better to already start looking into coaching contingency options if our performances and scoreline in early next round games become unconvincing or this silly drama becomes worse with Dragan acting tough and try to retaliate by not calling up mehdi or whatnot and exasperate the situation ..!!