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TM-News-Vol. 6

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    ^Seems AFC is in a pickle. They want a specific system, but US sanctions don't allow Iran to purchase/acquire it. Could possibly use it as an excuse to move the home matches, but Iran can argue that it's out of their control. The only problem is that any arbitration/CAS decision could be extended past the qualifiers schedule. In short, we are under Damocle's sword (as usual).


      Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
      acc to the federation the capacity is there for both, but AFC for some reason hasnt bothered to assign the VAR room refs (obviously we cant use our own lol). The spokesperson (forgot name) hinted that AFC are not happy we got VAR from a certain vendor, and wanted us to get it from another vendor, or at least that was impression i got. The vendor we got it from is still obviously on the 15 company FIFA approved list.

      Offline VAR basically means the Center ref or assistants can decide to go to pitchside var screen and review a play, but they wont be getting instruction in their ears to review x or y play, or that a certain play was offsides or onsides. They will have to determine when to review a play themselves.

      with online var the VAR refs are in communication with reffing team all game through headset.

      TLDR: The VAR is all set up, AFC hasnt assigned VAR refs for the game, or at least that is what federation is saying.
      Thanks for clarifying!

      This really sucks though! Too bad we don't have var refs assigned and I really hope there aren't any big controversial calls.

      On the bright side, it's still better than nothing and at least the ref can go look. Better than zero var system in place.


        Originally posted by kami_kakashi View Post
        Link here
        Summary translation:
        - AFC seems to only work/accept VAR system provided by Hawkeye but Iran can't use them due to sanctions
        - Iran has purchased their system and installed in Azadi from Belgium (the company is approved by Fifa)
        - AFC hasn't assigned video referees to Iran vs Korea game and hasn't asked for VAR yet
        - As it stands no VAR for the game but if things change at least the infrastructure is there!
        + In the article it says that the decision is on AFC's hand to allow us to host in our future games!

        Thanks I've read the article and its utter BS and lies by the federation. Exactly the same way they lied about the CAS case . Its simple they left it too late for AFC to hold a test session! After you install the var AFC will appoint 3 referees before the game to hold a test session and test the system. The stadium (azadi)must also have its own goal line technology generator for this system to work properly source. They left it too late again! Simple as that !

        According to Azizi Khadem they imported the VAR system on Tuesday/Wednesday (5th-6th of october). It takes 2-3 days to install the equipments. Then AFC has to test the system BEFORE the game! Aghay azizikhadem ridi digeh hamesh nazan koka! If afc didn't want us to host the games they would've not allowed it in first place! Do you think they give a toss???
        Source: link

        Looks like we gonna be Messed up ! I hope they don't take away the hosting rights after this nonsense!

        I've got few questions:
        A.) how come they didn't bring VAR for our previous home game against syria. why leave it so late.
        B.) Which VAR company they used. How come he didn't mention it if it was legit?
        C.) why left it so late! why left it soooo late!


          This is not good sign. I wish we had more home games now than later . Our fu$$% home games is the last 3 or 4 games


            I'm tired of this man! As much as we love to blame everything on AFC but the truth is that IFF messed up again. They brought the VAR too late. It needs to be installed and tested before the match (by AFC referees). They brought the facilities on 6th of october (according to Azizikhadem) . It takes 3-7 days minimum to install by the company its self . "This final assessment and approval should take place at least 14 days before the first use of VAR technology in any live competitive match.". Also we must have some of the technology for VAR to work properly . e.g. goal line technology which we don't have (as far as I know)!

            Source: Link

            And now they have messed up the presence of our fans in the stadium! They gonna blame this one on AFC too? Hiwa yousefi exposing IFF for their incompetence.

            IFF didn't knew that they have to notify Fifa 14 days before the match!

            Originally posted by diz View Post
            ^Seems AFC is in a pickle. They want a specific system, but US sanctions don't allow Iran to purchase/acquire it. Could possibly use it as an excuse to move the home matches, but Iran can argue that it's out of their control. The only problem is that any arbitration/CAS decision could be extended past the qualifiers schedule. In short, we are under Damocle's sword (as usual).


              The team chemistry is 100.


                Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post

                behind the scenes of flight back.

                Lol at beiro : "Dam e var garm ke ye rag e lori dasht"
                what did i just watch...what a missed opportunity these clips are. certified garbage, zero quality content, just some intrusive IFF idiot on their phone awkwardly filming and making the players uncomfortable. wtf


                  Originally posted by ramingeles2000 View Post
                  what did i just watch...what a missed opportunity these clips are. certified garbage, zero quality content, just some intrusive IFF idiot on their phone awkwardly filming and making the players uncomfortable. wtf
                  admittedly the quality of the footage seems to have declined a lot since the bahrain trip.

                  Also the editing is kind of bizarre.

                  Still its better than days all we would get is 10 photos


                    Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
                    admittedly the quality of the footage seems to have declined a lot since the bahrain trip.

                    Also the editing is kind of bizarre.

                    Still its better than days all we would get is 10 photos
                    Dont know why we need to have more than 10 photos or videos of what happens in the plane or during a bday party


                      Preview: Iran vs. South Korea

                      *Apologies if the audio can only be heard from the left ear, it was an editing error.




                            Why our boys playing volleyball! and who made my boy sad! Give his ball back NOW!

                            ARJ should not go to ghazvin at any cost ! That bunda is shaped better than 80% of the girls in uk


                              Originally posted by ramingeles2000 View Post
                              what did i just watch...what a missed opportunity these clips are. certified garbage, zero quality content, just some intrusive IFF idiot on their phone awkwardly filming and making the players uncomfortable. wtf
                              The interview with Azmoun and Beiro was so funny tho Azmoun is such a troll

                              * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


                                Originally posted by diz View Post
                                The team chemistry is 100.

                                . Has been, since CQ as well their fighting spirit and dedication. Skocic has been a great coach only because he took advantage of the progress CQ made and he’s only improving it from where he left off, Something that Hippo Walmots didn’t even comprehend !

