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TM-News-Vol. 6

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    Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
    Who did cq drop on level of taremi to this current team?
    Shoja? We had montazeri jalal and PAG all of whom were excellent throughout CQ reign. He got amazing performances out of majid in WC situation.
    Who else? Rahmati who couldn’t move an inch off his line to catch a cross? His exclusion is comparable to taremi?

    Right now quieroz is being mentioned by some pretty well known people as potential solution for united disaster. There is no need to compare him to skocic really.
    LMAO at this carragher.. solskjear isnt eaven qualified to be CQs assistant, and he wants it to be the opposite way.. I say this as a United fan, id be happy with CQ at United. solskjear made the team better than the previous coaches but he isnt there tactcaly, he would be a good assistant in the team staff, for getting the crew together, and at the same time learn some proper tactics.. he is half baked as a coach, not done yet for these big tasks..

    btw, im a very big CQ fan, but yeah i would have loved to se Rahman Ahmadi start in goal at the world cup, Ghooch play and that Hosseini wasnt cut beforer wc, i realy feel bad for those 3 Rahman Ahmadi was a beast in goal before the wc and deserved to play, Ghooch we wouldnt eaven be there if it wasnt for him.. so those were strange moves, i wasnt imperssed by our goalie at the first world cup. Beira was a beast in the second.
    Supporting Team Melli


      Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
      Who did cq drop on level of taremi to this current team?

      Shoja? We had montazeri jalal and PAG all of whom were excellent throughout CQ reign. He got amazing performances out of majid in WC situation.

      Who else? Rahmati who couldn’t move an inch off his line to catch a cross? His exclusion is comparable to taremi?

      Right now quieroz is being mentioned by some pretty well known people as potential solution for united disaster. There is no need to compare him to skocic really.
      Two minutes ago, you all were saying that "Skocic does not have the backbone that CQ had. CQ kicked our undisputed number one GK in Rahmati and thought a lesson to everyone that no one is above the team but Skocic is a wimp and does not have the guts to do that..." Now, if Skocic drops one of our important players, then Iran = Ghabon. I don't know to what song of anti Skocic gang to dance to. Also, like I already said, I have no idea if Skocic dropped Taremi or not, it was just me guessing as a plausible scenario.

      But don't let that get in the way of your Skocic bashing. Use whatever interpretation of whatever fact/guess/theory you want to get to the conclusion that Skocic is sh*t. Skocic = Ghabon. etc etc...

      Advocaat should be available soon. Big coach with a big name and resume!!! He'll take us to the next level. Finals of WC and beyond...

      I have nothing against CQ just to be clear. I have always supported him. I have a lot of real estate on my forehead and I had "I CQ" on my forehead in Russia. But I think he is not coming back to Iran in this lifetime, so I have made my peace with it and have moved on. It is about being realistic, seeing what options are available and choosing the best options. Right now, I see no other options besides Skocic and I feel Skocic has done a decent enough job. No, actually has done an amazing job given the circumstances.

 lmao media having a blast out of nothing
        from 4-9 minute
        #FreeTaremi #FreeSkochie
        Supporting Team Melli


          Originally posted by Farzadfarhangni View Post
          Two minutes ago, you all were saying that "Skocic does not have the backbone that CQ had. CQ kicked our undisputed number one GK in Rahmati and thought a lesson to everyone that no one is above the team but Skocic is a wimp and does not have the guts to do that..." Now, if Skocic drops one of our important players, then Iran = Ghabon. I don't know to what song of anti Skocic gang to dance to. Also, like I already said, I have no idea if Skocic dropped Taremi or not, it was just me guessing as a plausible scenario.

          But don't let that get in the way of your Skocic bashing. Use whatever interpretation of whatever fact/guess/theory you want to get to the conclusion that Skocic is sh*t. Skocic = Ghabon. etc etc...

          Advocaat should be available soon. Big coach with a big name and resume!!! He'll take us to the next level. Finals of WC and beyond...

          I have nothing against CQ just to be clear. I have always supported him. I have a lot of real estate on my forehead and I had "I CQ" on my forehead in Russia. But I think he is not coming back to Iran in this lifetime, so I have made my peace with it and have moved on. It is about being realistic, seeing what options are available and choosing the best options. Right now, I see no other options besides Skocic and I feel Skocic has done a decent enough job. No, actually has done an amazing job given the circumstances.
          Its not about skocic being in the right or wrong to remove taremi after he made some cryptic comment on twitter. Anybody can argue either way on that. I would argue Taremi is one of the pillars of anything positive that happens on the pitch for TM, lets remove him forever, see how far that gets us.

          The real issue is the fact that SUDDENLY we have this situation with our BEST PLAYER ! You ask yourself, if everything was being managed as it should, if man management of skocic was up to par, would a situation like this have spiralled out of control like it has? Is this beneficial for TM? How will Taremi integrate back into the squad if skocic invites him back. Taremi is one of the leaders in the dressing room, we see that in the pre match huddle videos that are posted. Is he going to be as invested? How will the other guys react knowing the coach just dropped the national teams best player. Dont you think that will create a problematic environment?

          There is a difference between removing Hadi Aghili or Mehdi Rahmati from TM and removing Taremi from TM. The other two gave very very minor technical capabilities to TM (even to say this is a stretch, lets say they might have been able to help in some scenarios). The other is literally TMs only real offensive with Azmoun. And if he isnt there then azmoun will look terrible too.


            Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
            Who did cq drop on level of taremi to this current team?

            Shoja? We had montazeri jalal and PAG all of whom were excellent throughout CQ reign. He got amazing performances out of majid in WC situation.

            Who else? Rahmati who couldn’t move an inch off his line to catch a cross? His exclusion is comparable to taremi?

            Right now quieroz is being mentioned by some pretty well known people as potential solution for united disaster. There is no need to compare him to skocic really.
            You’ve got to be kidding me re: Rahmati…..not only was he by far our best GK at the time but he was also one of the most consistent players we had in TM. Dropping him took huge balls from CQ especially in that very crucial stage he got dropped. That dropping was very much on par with Skocic dropping Taremi.

            I respected CQ for that decision and it Skocic drops Taremi, as he should, then I will get a huge amount of respect for him for having the balls to do the right thing. TM has no place for cry baby drama queens who look for nonsense/trouble the way Taremi very clearly has in the last 6 months.

            TM and it’s well being is above any player, no questions asked!!!
            Team Meli Iran
            Perspolis FC
            Malavan Bandar Anzali

            "I will never be able to say good bye to Iran. I have a feeling of belonging to this country and to the people." - Carlos Queiroz


              Nothing like Free chelokabob to get fatty to rethink his possible idiotic decision..! Lol 😂


                Yeah key word is tm well being...starting ansarifard up top in 2021 is not looking out for TM well being


                  I'm torn by this. Then again who isn't..

                  I completely disagree about the Rahmati comparisons btw.. Rahmati was an amazing shot stopper and a great goalkeeper, but his resume was not even close to Mehdi's..

                  Mehdi Taremi has scored more goals against Chelsea and Liverpool than 99% of PREMIER LEAGUE PLAYERS. He is arguably already one of the best strikers in Porto history behind Falcao and will probably surpass Jackson Martinez's legacy too.

                  That being said, if Taremi truly meant the comments about Skocic, which are quite odd considering Skocic is 10-1 with no losses, it's a really BONEHEADED move by Taremi... Causing distress between the team is the last thing we need before important qualifying matches.

                  Also have to agree with Nokhodi and Bachelot on the fact that Skocic has done a decent job considering covid has caused lack of preparation all around. 2-3 day camps before playing isn't ideal, especially with ZERO friendly matches in WCQ...

                  Overall, it takes a lot of balls for Skocic to pull off this decision, but man it's gonna cost team melli. The dagger has already been placed in the heart...

                  Taremi is just too good to drop. Our footballing quality will drop. Disagree all you want, tell me I have an "inferiority complex", whatever... Taremi is, I repeat, TOO GOOD TO DROP. Keep in mind this is a player in Taremi who would probably be starting for sides like Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay, Netherlands, Portugal, and maybe even teams like Spain or Italy.


                    Originally posted by Ab-Gosht View Post
                    honestly think skocic will be fired if he does drop taremi from TM. He is working for free and they will end up changing him for yahya/neko or mehdi. I cant see skocic calling up everyone except for Taremi and media/fans and even IFF accept that.
                    Disagree. Skocic had something to lose prior to the qualifiers and even accepted payment in Iranian rials because of how broke Wilmots fiasco left IFF, but now Skocic has offers from other countries with $$$ (as recently it has been reported in Iranian media) due to his undefeated and good run of form with Team Melli. The onus is on IFF to keep Skocic because they are broke and his CV is superior to that of any Iranian manager, especially given the fact he won a Croatian Cup, Slovenian Cup, and Slovenian Supercup.


                      Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
                      Its not about skocic being in the right or wrong to remove taremi after he made some cryptic comment on twitter. Anybody can argue either way on that.
                      Cryptic comment??????????????
                      Let me refresh your memory. First on live TV, he is asked to give his opinion on the fact that a lot of people say Iran's good results are ONLY due to the great player. To which he answers "yes, you could say that". Then a magazine in Croatia is interviewing Skocic and he is asked to compare Iran's LEAGUE to Croatia's LEAGUE (nothing to do with National team) to which he says Iran players are strong physically and have good technic and their tactical discipline can improve but situation IS BEING HELPED BY ALL OF IRAN'S LEGIONNARES PLAYING IN EUROPE. To which Taremi replies: "Iranian players and not just physically and technically strong, they understand tactics very well. The problem is elsewhere!!!!" In a street fight, when the guy tells me "Your Mama", I understand what he means. I am not gonna say "well, such a vague cryptic comment. He could mean a lot of different things by that..."
                      I am not sure how Taremi's comments could be interpreted either way. But assuming that Taremi did not mean Skocic, then once this whole controversy started, why did he not pick up the phone and tell Skocic that he was not the target of his comment? But anti-Skocic crowd are going to keep their head in the sand and say its not clear.
                      I would argue Taremi is one of the pillars of anything positive that happens on the pitch for TM, lets remove him forever, see how far that gets us.
                      I am not advocating that he should be removed forever, but if nothing is done and allowing pillars to run their mouth, then we are asking for 2006 WC situation. Perhaps inviting him but benching him for a game or not invite him for a couple of games until he apologizes... something to show that there are consequences to running your mouth.
                      The real issue is the fact that SUDDENLY we have this situation with our BEST PLAYER ! You ask yourself, if everything was being managed as it should, if man management of skocic was up to par, would a situation like this have spiralled out of control like it has?
                      But when Skocic tries to manage the situation, you are saying that he shouldn't.
                      I'd also like to bring up another point. Between the second round of qualifiers and the third round, remember how IFF was vague about whether Skocic is going to coach us in the third round or not. Whether they could end his contract or not. My point is that IFF has not wholeheartedly endorsed and supported Skocic and Skocic feels like he is always walking on thin ice. Hard to manage all situations and nip everything right away, when IFF, your boss, is not even endorsing you.
                      Is this beneficial for TM? How will Taremi integrate back into the squad if skocic invites him back. Taremi is one of the leaders in the dressing room, we see that in the pre match huddle videos that are posted. Is he going to be as invested? How will the other guys react knowing the coach just dropped the national teams best player. Dont you think that will create a problematic environment?
                      Absolutely a problem. A problem that was completely created by Taremi talking publicly against his coach.
                      There is a difference between removing Hadi Aghili or Mehdi Rahmati from TM and removing Taremi from TM. The other two gave very very minor technical capabilities to TM (even to say this is a stretch, lets say they might have been able to help in some scenarios). The other is literally TMs only real offensive with Azmoun. And if he isnt there then azmoun will look terrible too.

                      No doubt about Taremi's abilities and importance to TM. But allowing Taremi to dislodge the coach and creating disunity within the team will hurt our soccer for decades to come. Every TM will have a coach and two TM players, who are the pillars of the team and have veto power!!!!! Do you know of any national team that works like that?


                        Originally posted by Iranianarsenal11 View Post
                        Taremi is just too good to drop. Our footballing quality will drop. Disagree all you want, tell me I have an "inferiority complex", whatever... Taremi is, I repeat, TOO GOOD TO DROP. Keep in mind this is a player in Taremi who would probably be starting for sides like Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay, Netherlands, Portugal, and maybe even teams like Spain or Italy.
                        Think about the consequences of this. Going forward, any player that is too good to drop will have the power to dislodge the coach or at the very least run his mouth and cause disunity!!! Why I feel it is so important to find a middle of the road solution to this and not let it be Skocic or Taremi. I believe Taremi started this, so he should either apologize or ban for a couple of games, or mayby IFF's solution... send them to dinner and let everything be ok post dinner. ie, not a public apology.


                          Originally posted by Ab-Gosht View Post
                          honestly think skocic will be fired if he does drop taremi from TM. He is working for free and they will end up changing him for yahya/neko or mehdi. I cant see skocic calling up everyone except for Taremi and media/fans and even IFF accept that.
                          yeup..!! probably not fired rightaway ... but he will certainly put himself on a very thin ice on that front if he were stupid enough to drop him from his TM ...! that would be a double whammy of a fk-up choice .... not only will it affect his team's performances negatively to a great degree, but more importantly gives the fan's and the many enemies he has plenty of reasons to ask for his head and make his job untenable..!!
                          I really dont think he is that stupid to make such a foolish decision, Why should he anyways..? Mehdi's tweet response was way too vague to be considered directed at his managerial abilities/shortcomings and to warrant such a foolish, extreme over-reaction to it..!!

                          this is completely a different scenario to that of CQ vs Rahmati ordeal..!! First off, Rahmati's crime was far more ridiculous in nature and egregious (pouting and complaining because Carlos had invited another keeper to TM to compete with him for minutes... in form of Davari ) 2nd; and more importantly Eskoocher is a joojeh in field of international football coaching and Vastly Lack the high profile coaching experience and rather impressive track record of CQ and the Given AUTHORITY and Respect that comes with it..! 3rd of all as per tokhmy terms of his TM Contract He is extremely expendable and can ea$ily be brushed aside by IFF without much, if any blowback financially..!! CQ had a Negotiated a very detailed terms in his contract already thus giving ma$$ive contract release clause..!

                          i believe he has already sent his invite of Mehdi and this dinner get-together was just a pre-emptive, precautionary effort by IFF president to get the 2 of them together to sort through their possible misunderstandings so as to kill this hashieh before it gets more legs and blown outa proportion by the mafia who's looking badly for a somewhat legit excuse to replace Eskoocher with their own man..!!


                            Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
                            i believe he has already sent his invite of Mehdi and this dinner get-together was just a pre-emptive, precautionary effort by IFF president to get the 2 of them together to sort through their possible misunderstandings so as to kill this hashieh before it gets more legs and blown outa proportion by the mafia who's looking badly for a somewhat legit excuse to replace Eskoocher with their own man..!!
                            Any excuse for a Chelo Kebab!

                            Dragan should either watch that waist or get a bigger Team Meli Shirt 🤦
                            Long Live 3 Rang'e Iran


                              i posted this in the u23 thread, but i believe its most relevant for our senior team.
                              senior team should play the same way as the other tm:s so the transition between the teams gets less problematic for the young players. it would also give our football an identity, and stop future wiltits aproaches and effect the search of new choaches. or all this good inputs will just be temporarily. its like having an education without a red thread, just learn this in this tm, next tm we play different and next season the coach wants tikitaka and next one is guus hiddink philosophy and then we have farhad majidi filosophy and we are awayz taking one step forward and one back again..

                              when seing mahdavikia talking about the pressure play, maan i would love to se that i big bois TM aswell as in the other younger TMs..
                              when i say the same way, i mean the foundations, then the team can take diffeernt aproaches and developments of it, and play differrent styles, but the basic rules has to be the same, so they share a basic common knowlage and base in diffeernt situations and so on.. they dont have to play EXACTLY the same so to say, that would be to easy to scout for other teams.. they have to understand lets say the pressure play, the way the team has to work behind and in different areas, then a coach can deside, now we fokus on maximizing the pressure and develope that for one tournament, but the basics are the same when another coach plays with the same but milder pressure and mixes it with possession play.. idk if im cleaer in how I mean but hope yall underrstand the levels of it

                              Originally posted by Keshwardoost View Post
                              vid of the team before the game, in the bus and mahdavika talking to the team in the lockerroom
                              mahdavikia tactics at 7.40 before game starts AND NICE peptalkl before game at 11.00 ish
                              talkling about the press, now get this in to TM aswell plz!!
                              Supporting Team Melli


                                Originally posted by Keshwardoost View Post
                                i posted this in the u23 thread, but i believe its most relevant for our senior team.
                                senior team should play the same way as the other tm:s so the transition between the teams gets less problematic for the young players. it would also give our football an identity, and stop future wiltits aproaches and effect the search of new choaches. or all this good inputs will just be temporarily. its like having an education without a red thread, just learn this in this tm, next tm we play different and next season the coach wants tikitaka and next one is guus hiddink philosophy and then we have farhad majidi filosophy and we are awayz taking one step forward and one back again..
                                when seing mahdavikia talking about the pressure play, maan i would love to se that i big bois TM aswell as in the other younger TMs..

                                when i say the same way, i mean the foundations, then the team can take diffeernt aproaches and developments of it, and play differrent styles, but the basic rules has to be the same, so they sharer a basic common knowlage and base.
                                Lot of u17, u23 players don't make it to senior TM

