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TM-News-Vol. 6

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    Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
    Not at all. Issue then was our players weren't united. They're very united now. We don't have mini cliques in TM anymore (such as the Daei vs Karimi camps in 2006).
    We don't have mini-cliques, yes, but we also have no tactics whatsoever, just like then.

    To all of you making fun of Iranian coaches and calling them names for supposedly not taking on the TM job:
    With all the issues that the players have raised today, what makes you think that Golmohammadi etc. should've taken the job and were [insert insult here] to not take it on? Clearly the smart thing to do was to pass, and I'm assuming that the salary the federation was willing to pay them was lower than what they offered to Skocic, and the federation would've thrown the coach under the bus in situations like this, where as they won't with Skocic.
    Ma Bishomarim

    "!خدایا ایستاده مردن را نصبیم کن که از نشسته زیستن در زلت خسته ام"
    محمد مختاری -

    "Lord, let me die standing, as I am tired of living in indignity and on my knees"
    - Mohammad Mokhtari


      Not sure if it's been mentioned elsewhere, but Wilmots just got his first job since leaving Iran. He will manage Raja Casablanca in Morocco.

      God help them...


        Originally posted by mahestan View Post
        hahaha Ok bud you clearly don't understand the point I am trying to get across. You are the one who pointed out the kits. As long as the country is sanctioned, we are not going to be able to get a big name coach. You want world class coach and world class kits? Get the sanctions removed.
        Iran has over 1700 sanctions placed on it!!! 2nd place I believe is North Korea with 200 !!!! See the difference??!! We are in a disaster situation, if Mullahs dont sign the JCPOA TM will end up wearing their own " Lebas Shaksee" !!


          Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
          What ticks me off about IFF is we have the same damn issues every time.
          This is why I say get a domestic supplier.
          A domestic supplier will give you the stuff directly and produce in Iran. Whereas Uhlsport is perfectly happy to go through dirty middle ..........y. period.
          Not a bad idea actually.

          Yes, the quality wont be as good. But they cant be horrible either.
          On the other hand you can get steady supplies and at far lower rates than what we pay those moft-khor germans.

          Problem is those very "middle-men" are the officials who take decisions and most probably wont allow this to happen, as they stand to lose their Dalali fees!
          welcome to the hell called Islamic Republic!


            Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
            Also some TM players had money stolen from their room, allegedly by hotel staff. Happened while they were eating lunch.

            or perhaps it was those MASSIVELY bloated suitcases they were given from Tehran to bring in here. NO player from ANY country carries that many suitcases of that large a size for a 3 day match-visit! Take a look at the pics and you'd see.

            Nice little hezbollah agents just dropped in at the hotel to collect their "salaries & funds". Since IR's route to send money to its terrorist agents in lebanon and palestine are mostly blocked or under observation.


              Originally posted by XXXXXXXXX View Post
              The same goes for coaches. Iran national team is not a trial/error place for Dragan Skocic to develop and get experience.

              I see this (or similar comments) from so many anti-skocic members here. So I deleted the username. fill in anyone who says this.

              why do you guys say somethign without knowing the whole truth?

              leicester, StMark and nokhodi and some others have brought up the events that took place before hiring skocic.
              You guys talk as if klopp and Pep were fighting each other to get TM's job and somehow we said no thank you and we picked skocic!!!

              You guys talk as if we could afford the type of coach you ppl keep touting!

              You guys talk as if even if we could afford such a famous world class coach's fees, he would still be ready to come to Iran and work here!!

              why do you guys talk without ANY knowledge, and end up embarrasing yourselves?


                Originally posted by Dreamer View Post
                We don't have mini-cliques, yes, but we also have no tactics whatsoever, just like then.

                To all of you making fun of Iranian coaches and calling them names for supposedly not taking on the TM job:
                With all the issues that the players have raised today, what makes you think that Golmohammadi etc. should've taken the job and were [insert insult here] to not take it on? Clearly the smart thing to do was to pass, and I'm assuming that the salary the federation was willing to pay them was lower than what they offered to Skocic, and the federation would've thrown the coach under the bus in situations like this, where as they won't with Skocic.

                ... which should make us respect Skocic's guts and daring even more.

                lets go over the facts:
                1- the sure options, at the time, were some 2-3 vatani coaches. Not some world class coach.

                lets assume yahya or GN or ... actually had the balls and spine to take on a job, heading towards disaster and wt that, a lifetime of hatred from iranian fans and a major damage to their career. Lets just say they dared.
                what kind of results would they have had that would be BETTER than what skocic has got?

                keep in mind many of these guys have already led TM and we can see how they fared.

                2- the very fact that skocic had the audacity (or was foolish enough) to take on the job must force us to respect him.
                let it be out of ambition. Nothing wrong wt that.
                Let it be having balls the size of khamenei's head. all the better.
                Let it be out of madness.
                The thing is he has done a FANTASTIC job, by ANY standards ... even if you count many world class coaches.

                why is he still under accusation and pressure?


                  Issue of Taremi won't be resolved by just an invitation or answering phone calls.
                  IFF wants this dispute be between Skocic and Taremi, & Skocic prefer to turn it between Hashemian/Bagheri and Taremi.
                  Bagheri's public statement was unproductive to ease pressure from Skocic in expense of Taremi and that was main reason for Ali Daei intervention in support of Taremi.

                  So far actions and statements of Taremi has been wise, calculated and measured , hopefully he will continue this trend.

                  Skocic interview was untimely, exclusion of Taremi was a mistake and blaming him for disrespecting values was uncalled for.
                  It should have not come to this.

                  I hope Skocic find a way to do damage control and find a solution even temporarily ( there are ways) because Iranian alternatives coaches are no better than him and much more expensive and IFF officials have bad track record of hiring Good foreign coach.
                  If it became between Skocic and Taremi , Taremi will wait him out


                    I think public protest of players was coordinated and planed in advance not after the game. Most likely it was product of discussion in training camp in Lebanon and unanimous decision to go public after the game regardless of result of game or political risks.

                    I also think this protest was not totally unrelated to treatment of Taremi and his exclusion .
                    We will find out soon


                      Alireza jahanbakhsh is suspended for next match against syria. got a yellow card against iraq and lebanon!

                      Would be interesting to see if Skocic start allahyar or not . And most probably ghaedi will be one of the subs.


                        Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                        ... which should make us respect Skocic's guts and daring even more.

                        lets go over the facts:
                        1- the sure options, at the time, were some 2-3 vatani coaches. Not some world class coach.

                        lets assume yahya or GN or ... actually had the balls and spine to take on a job, heading towards disaster and wt that, a lifetime of hatred from iranian fans and a major damage to their career. Lets just say they dared.
                        what kind of results would they have had that would be BETTER than what skocic has got?

                        keep in mind many of these guys have already led TM and we can see how they fared.

                        2- the very fact that skocic had the audacity (or was foolish enough) to take on the job must force us to respect him.
                        let it be out of ambition. Nothing wrong wt that.
                        Let it be having balls the size of khamenei's head. all the better.
                        Let it be out of madness.
                        The thing is he has done a FANTASTIC job, by ANY standards ... even if you count many world class coaches.

                        why is he still under accusation and pressure?
                        Exactly. Lot of people are just super ungrateful and aren't showing any perspective with the dumpster fire we had before Skokic arrived. The results he got in Bahrain were like pulling a rabbit out of a hat and he's undefeated with one draw. Is it our culture, frustration, looking for a scapegoat? If you are going to blame anyone, blame the IFF and government mismanagement, sanctions, etc.


                          Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
                          Issue of Taremi won't be resolved by just an invitation or answering phone calls.
                          IFF wants this dispute be between Skocic and Taremi, & Skocic prefer to turn it between Hashemian/Bagheri and Taremi.
                          Bagheri's public statement was unproductive to ease pressure from Skocic in expense of Taremi and that was main reason for Ali Daei intervention in support of Taremi.

                          So far actions and statements of Taremi has been wise, calculated and measured , hopefully he will continue this trend.

                          Skocic interview was untimely, exclusion of Taremi was a mistake and blaming him for disrespecting values was uncalled for.
                          It should have not come to this.

                          I hope Skocic find a way to do damage control and find a solution even temporarily ( there are ways) because Iranian alternatives coaches are no better than him and much more expensive and IFF officials have bad track record of hiring Good foreign coach.
                          If it became between Skocic and Taremi , Taremi will wait him out
                          I think it needed to be done, but yes, you're right, it needs to be resolved immediately and cannot fester at all. Time for some ashti and booses to clean this up and put it all behind us asap. Egos now need to be put behind and prioritize the team's success but hopefully Taremi learned from this


                            The moral of the story is that no matter how the flow of a game is, the superior teams often find a way to execute the job and steal the 3 points no matter what. It is the reality of all sports.

                            Clear examples of our own TM escaping the predicaments: Barely losing to Yugoslavia in 1998 WC, Beating Oman in 2004 AC, Beating Qatar in 2004, losing to Portugal in 2006 WC, beating Uzbekistan and China in 2007 AC, barely losing to Argentina in 2014 WC, Losing to Spain in 2018 WC, pulling ourselves out of the quagmire Wilmots got us into, and finally today's match against Lebanon.

                            What I am trying to say is that not all superior teams beat the underdogs at ease any longer. It's not like it used to be. The gap between footballing nations is getting tighter and tighter. I don't even think we'd ever see victories like our 17-0 win against our Asian counterparts anymore. Less football-crazed nations are catching up with those of stronger footballing stature.

                            Everyone needs to lower their high expectations and get more realistic. Don't expect us to walk all over any of our Asian opponents. Even Tajikistan and Afghanistan are no longer walk in the park for any other Asian side. A win is a win and MUST be cherished at all times, no matter who the opponent may be!




                                Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
                                Issue of Taremi won't be resolved by just an invitation or answering phone calls.
                                IFF wants this dispute be between Skocic and Taremi, & Skocic prefer to turn it between Hashemian/Bagheri and Taremi.
                                Bagheri's public statement was unproductive to ease pressure from Skocic in expense of Taremi and that was main reason for Ali Daei intervention in support of Taremi.

                                So far actions and statements of Taremi has been wise, calculated and measured , hopefully he will continue this trend.

                                Skocic interview was untimely, exclusion of Taremi was a mistake and blaming him for disrespecting values was uncalled for.
                                It should have not come to this.

                                I hope Skocic find a way to do damage control and find a solution even temporarily ( there are ways) because Iranian alternatives coaches are no better than him and much more expensive and IFF officials have bad track record of hiring Good foreign coach.
                                If it became between Skocic and Taremi , Taremi will wait him out
                                hear hear!
                                Iran deserves better, TM deserves better.
                                O.G from '97 & still here

