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TM-News-Vol. 6

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    TM arrived in Amman earlier today. PCR tests were taken in the Airport and they left for the hotel.

    Go TM!


      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
      or perhaps it was those MASSIVELY bloated suitcases they were given from Tehran to bring in here. NO player from ANY country carries that many suitcases of that large a size for a 3 day match-visit! Take a look at the pics and you'd see.

      Nice little hezbollah agents just dropped in at the hotel to collect their "salaries & funds". Since IR's route to send money to its terrorist agents in lebanon and palestine are mostly blocked or under observation.
      Doctor jan, while we can all agree IR wastes and throws countless billions in Lebanon, this is not a mickey moust operation for them to send a little bit of cash with TM.

      To me this story was nothing but a dirty play by their sectarian media to put intrusive customs and inspections on our TM. Simple as that.

      THe photos of the suitcases Iran took to Lebanon (and then on to Jordan) are pretty much what they always take.

      Lebanon is a messed up sectarian country. They don't care who is right or wrong as long as their paymaster takes care of them (whether its IR, Saudi, France...).

      Kholase, good we won and got out of that horrible country.


        Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
        I dont know about sectarian propaganda. But I know NO player carries 4-5 extra large suitcases for a 3-day game.
        Even for a month long tour nobody would carry that many that size.

        We also know (see video bellow) how IR sends money to its terrorist proxies across middleeast, usually thru official and diplomats. now that there's more sensitivity towards this issue, would it be unheard of if IR tries to use the sporting teams as its conduit?
        Doctor jan, they're simply not that stupid with their money.

        4-5 large suitcases per player? No such thing happened. A few photos were taken and those who have never seen a football team and support staff travel were shocked.
        This is one of those cases where political bias by Lebanese media (almost all Saudi owned) just wanted to stir some shit.

        I also know none of our boys would stand for it.


          Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
          Cant agree.
          it's right there in front of our own eyes.
          and no amount of distractions (blaming it on lebanese, opposition, sectarian, .... [ what, no MEK, yet?] .... etc.) can wipe this away.
          we both know this amount of luggage for one player for a 3 day game with hardly any equippment and kits is extraordinarily suspect.
          We also know IR's modus operandi.
          if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, then it's safe to say it's a carrier for IR terror-fund (albeit 98% of them, unwilling and forced)
          I also totally agree with you that none (almost, except maggots like torabi) would not stand for it. Hence their indirect swipe at the IFF and perhaps even more indirectly, at the regime for using them as carriers for their terror-funding.
          which makes me more proud of all of those who actually shared that group instagram message

          Respectfully I disagree.
          I don't want our discussion to distract from the main purpose of this thread so I will not add anything else to it.


            contrats it with these:

            just some random pics of random teams ... all of whom, I'm sure have EXTRA kits and jerseys and equippment that OUR LADS DONT HAVE btw!!!

            and here's TM's at beirut:


              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
              contrats it with these:

              just some random pics of random teams ... all of whom, I'm sure have EXTRA kits and jerseys and equippment that OUR LADS DONT HAVE btw!!!

              and here's TM's at beirut:

              Those photos mean nothing to me. THey could be carrying other player and staff luggage for all we know.

              If that's the route we want to go, then South Korea and Thailand are doing the same:

              This is my last post on the matter. I will again reiterate that the luggage they had for 2 games in 2 countries (away) is pretty normal.
              Illiterate Lebanese reporters who are chasing after their next meal wouldn't know.


                This hoopla about the number of suitcases is just another distraction TM enemies are hoisting. First of all:

                It was not a 3-day trip, but a seven day, 2 country trip.

                Then, may be, just may be, a couple of pictures are not indicative of anything. May be TM does not have extra staff to carry the equipment with them and asks players to do so. May be, there were not enough luggage carts at the airport and they piled everything on a few carts. May be the cheap IFF did not want to pay sky cabs to carry the equipment like everyone else does.

                For god's sake, IR delivered large tankers full of fuel to Lebanon. You think they need TM players to carry a few extra luggage!!!! These ant-Iranian mofos are looking for anything as distraction......

                Sign this petition to show opposition to US/UK support for the Rajavi/MKO cult



                  Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                  ... which should make us respect Skocic's guts and daring even more.

                  lets go over the facts:
                  1- the sure options, at the time, were some 2-3 vatani coaches. Not some world class coach.

                  lets assume yahya or GN or ... actually had the balls and spine to take on a job, heading towards disaster and wt that, a lifetime of hatred from iranian fans and a major damage to their career. Lets just say they dared.
                  what kind of results would they have had that would be BETTER than what skocic has got?

                  keep in mind many of these guys have already led TM and we can see how they fared.

                  2- the very fact that skocic had the audacity (or was foolish enough) to take on the job must force us to respect him.
                  let it be out of ambition. Nothing wrong wt that.
                  Let it be having balls the size of khamenei's head. all the better.
                  Let it be out of madness.
                  The thing is he has done a FANTASTIC job, by ANY standards ... even if you count many world class coaches.

                  why is he still under accusation and pressure?
                  I get what you're saying, and yes Skocic has done a good job so far, no doubt, however ... I'm thinking on a longer term horizon here. I think we'd both agree that if we get to the WC, our performances won't be spectacular to say the least, mostly because I don't think Skocic has gotten the players used to any particular style or tactics. To me it looks like he just lets them get on with playing and what they're doing. Motivation wise too, it was clear with CQ (just using him as comparison) that he was doing a great job, all players spoke well of him.

                  So to answer both of your points:
                  1. I don't think vatani coaches were a sure option, but okay, let's say they were. If Golmohammadi would've taken the job and failed, he would've gotten some experience that he otherwise does not have and won't get at Perspolis. Those failures would've turned into learnings that he can give to other coaches and future teams and players that he'd be coaching. Same goes for literally any other Iranian coach.

                  Not to mention, Golmohammadi's resume is far brighter than Skocic's. He's taken an Iranian team to the very top against a bunch of foreign clubs, many of whom have far better funding. So I think if we were doing a fair comparison between him and Skocic, he should've gotten the nod.

                  2. Let's say that we'll get to the WC and we'll bow out at the group stage. Where is Skocic going to go to? Where is all the experience that he got during this time going towards? It's going to some other foreign club most likely, and we won't get a return on our investment.

                  Not to mention, Iranian coaches have much more incentive to do better. Can you imagine an Iranian coach at the World Cup in this day and age? Can you imagine how far they can go with some ambition?

                  So all in all, yes, Skocic is delivering results. Whether those results are by luck, or player performances, or his tactics, I'd have to say it's more on the players side cause from the games that I've seen we don't really have any tactics from what I can tell.
                  Ma Bishomarim

                  "!خدایا ایستاده مردن را نصبیم کن که از نشسته زیستن در زلت خسته ام"
                  محمد مختاری -

                  "Lord, let me die standing, as I am tired of living in indignity and on my knees"
                  - Mohammad Mokhtari


                    Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                    Those photos mean nothing to me. THey could be carrying other player and staff luggage for all we know.
                    If that's the route we want to go, then South Korea and Thailand are doing the same:

                    This is my last post on the matter. I will again reiterate that the luggage they had for 2 games in 2 countries (away) is pretty normal.
                    Illiterate Lebanese reporters who are chasing after their next meal wouldn't know.
                    On Lebanese twitter they were saying TM was bringing in military equipment and drones, because the bags were so many and so big!

                    DUBAI: Iran’s national football team have faced ridicule over the large amount of luggage they were carrying shortly after arriving in Beirut for their Qatar 2022 World Cup qualifier match against Lebanon. The team landed at Beirut International Airport on Monday for the match on Thursday. Soon after touching down, images quickly spread on social media of Iranian players, administrators and coaching pushing airport trollies stacks with three or four large travel bags each. The photos were accompanied by a barrage of comments ridiculing the players.


                      Apologies if this has been posted before (and I know some on here will disagree, which is cool). Maybe we can translate Taremi’s comments in a different way now with the statements that the player made after the match.

                      Skocic was asked about his comments, we have already discussed these so no point going into detail. Taremi comes out and counters the issues that Skocic says faces Iranian league players - Taremi then says the problems lie elsewhere.
                      Was Taremi annoyed that Skocic missed a chance to talk about the problems that Iranian players face and the national team players in particularly and so came out with his comment. I think that it would have been for Skocic, a resignation letter, if he said anything and he is a nice, low cost manager who isn’t causing problems for the federation.
                      Hence why the players then thought they had to come out after the game to say something after Taremi (who is well thought of in the squad) was dropped and because they knew that no one senior was going to say anything.

                      Just my view, we will never know true story.




                          Originally posted by Gol Bezan View Post
                          Will give this a listen. Really enjoyed the last episode too.


                            Originally posted by Gol Bezan View Post
                            - Why do we waste so many chances? We score hard goals but miss the easy ones
                            - Why are our players so hot and cold with TM (Gholi, Ghodoos, Moharrami...)
                            - No comment, but I would like to hear some love for Vahid Amiri. The man deserves some praise.

                            Keep up the good work.


                              Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
                              Issue of Taremi won't be resolved by just an invitation or answering phone calls.
                              IFF wants this dispute be between Skocic and Taremi, & Skocic prefer to turn it between Hashemian/Bagheri and Taremi.
                              Bagheri's public statement was unproductive to ease pressure from Skocic in expense of Taremi and that was main reason for Ali Daei intervention in support of Taremi.

                              So far actions and statements of Taremi has been wise, calculated and measured , hopefully he will continue this trend.

                              Skocic interview was untimely, exclusion of Taremi was a mistake and blaming him for disrespecting values was uncalled for.
                              It should have not come to this.

                              I hope Skocic find a way to do damage control and find a solution even temporarily ( there are ways) because Iranian alternatives coaches are no better than him and much more expensive and IFF officials have bad track record of hiring Good foreign coach.
                              If it became between Skocic and Taremi , Taremi will wait him out
                              excellent post ... thank you ..!!
                              pretty much my thoughts on the matter..!!


                                TM recovery held in jordan

