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TM-News-Vol. 6

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    Supporting Team Melli


      Our best CB partnership with all fit and on form is PAG and Kanani with Majid and Shoja as able deputies.

      Kanani was basically the only guaranteed guy bc of age, speed, physique, solid passing combo and peak form. He shot himself and the team in the foot for sure. How can you rely on somebody who night before game vs iraq is thinking this shit??

      Like Khodadad said, omidvaram naboodesh nakonan, but he surely deserves some strict punishment for what is a serious breach of all covid protocols and basic decency/respect for his teammates and national team.


        Fucking hilarious dude Beiro doesn't seem like the smartest guy, but he is very ba jambe.

        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


          Apparently the logo released wasn’t an official federation logo, it was a proposal logo made by an Instagram page/agency that got leaked as the official.

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            Originally posted by Karimi 8 View Post
            Fucking hilarious dude Beiro doesn't seem like the smartest guy, but he is very ba jambe.
            realy awsome dude..

            Supporting Team Melli


              Originally posted by Keshwardoost View Post
              It kind off comes down to how hot she was in a scale of 1-10

              If she was ugly 1-3 yeah permanent ban
              If she was fugly 4-6 ban 6 months and 3 shallaghs
              If she was ok 7-8 then 6 month ban and no shallaghs
              If she was hot 9-10 he should get an apologie from IFF, a prize for creative thinking and No ban..
              This is one of the best comments of the year in PFDC

              * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


                Originally posted by Hosseini View Post
                Lmfaooooo is this real?
                Imagine if Kanaani choose Iran autobus slogan for wc22..


                  very mature comments by legend khodadad aziz im impressed with his maturity recently. he was a hothead as a player lol

                  but its clear its a setup and we should worry about those who want to release damaging clips like this to hurt team melli. too many vultures and snakes in our football.


                    Azizi and Karimi are two of the most classless, bisavad snakes in our football, these guys don’t care about anyone but their own personal gain. Hashemian and Daei are on a whole different level compared to these two clowns. Just last month these two were trying to creat hashiyeh to get Skocic sacked by siding with Taremi.


                      Originally posted by 026121 View Post
                      Azizi and Karimi are two of the most classless, bisavad snakes in our football, these guys don’t care about anyone but their own personal gain. Hashemian and Daei are on a whole different level compared to these two clowns. Just last month these two were trying to creat hashiyeh to get Skocic sacked by siding with Taremi.

                      They defended Taremi who got smeared by IR goonies
                      Iran deserves better, TM deserves better.
                      O.G from '97 & still here



                          ^ The actual dates are Wednesday January 26 and Monday January 31. AFC website has had this problem for years that sometimes it has the days off by one day. I sent an email to their webmaster long time ago and never received a response. The confirmation though is good news and shows that at least for now AFC does not have any plans to cause issues with TM hosting the two home matches. Also, 19:30 is Tehran local time which means 11:00 EST (NY), 10:00 CST (Chicago), 8:00 PST (LA), 16:00 London and 17:00 European Central Time.

                          FIFA has not confirmed the locations and times for those two dates yet.

                          Go TM!


                            Originally posted by pajamNL View Post
                            They defended Taremi who got smeared by IR goonies
                            Got nothing against Taremi or Kannani, but nobody should be taking advice from Azizi and Karimi. Even during their playing days these guys were never known for their discipline and the have a history of creating problems in TM. Now they both hold a grudge against the federation, and their new show is giving them power to creat hashiyeh.


                              Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
                              Imagine if Kanaani choose Iran autobus slogan for wc22..
                              If it is Rockin….Don’t come on knockin….
                              Sign this petition to show opposition to US/UK support for the Rajavi/MKO cult



                                spot on by azizi.
                                also, azizi and karimi was supporting skocic to stay as tm choach in the yazdah show episode 2. they said, they think he should stay, but iff may not let him stay since its iff.. so they critisized iff. not skoochie
                                Supporting Team Melli

