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TM-News-Vol. 6

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    Last edited by St_Mark; 01-29-2022, 09:27 AM.


      Originally posted by The View Post
      Lol, jamesh kon Haji.

      Wasn't is just last year that sepahan fans had a mini riot because their game Vs PP was cancelled?

      How many times has there been violence at Tractor games?

      Are you forgetting how many time the seats at Azadi had to be replaced because fans broke them?

      Don't Iranian fan bring fucking explosives to the stadiums?

      Let's not act like Iranian fans (or most other non-english) fans are saints.
      That's cute, you standing up for the English Hooligans. You do know that they are world famous and have been banned repeatedly from various countries? Should I post what they did in various Euros to refresh your memory??? Comparing them to Iranians is pure idiocy.

      In general, why is it that you like to beat up on Iranians at every chance? May be you should Jamesh kon. You are getting tiring..

      Here you go, just to refresh your memory. No,, comparing this to Iranian fans is worse than idiocy, it's inferiority laced with hypocrisy.
      Sign this petition to show opposition to US/UK support for the Rajavi/MKO cult


        English football fans. Case closed.


          Originally posted by diz View Post
          English football fans. Case closed.


            Originally posted by nisfejahan View Post
            That's cute, you standing up for the English Hooligans. You do know that they are world famous and have been banned repeatedly from various countries? Should I post what they did in various Euros to refresh your memory??? Comparing them to Iranians is pure idiocy.
            In general, why is it that you like to beat up on Iranians at every chance? May be you should Jamesh kon. You are getting tiring..
            Here you go, just to refresh your memory. No,, comparing this to Iranian fans is worse than idiocy, it's inferiority laced with hypocrisy.
            Literally can find these clips about football fans almost every where in the world. English fans aren't any worse or better than most football fans, Iranian fans included. English fans got the most attention because Thier football as a whole gets the most attention.

            And many more.

            I understand that's it's embarrassing to see a fellow (probably mentally ill) countryman make the rounds on social media for making an ass out of himself, but no reason to try to generalize and put others down to make yourself feel better about it. Idiots exit everywhere and are no short supply in football fandoms.

            That's all I gotta say on the subject. Go TM!


              Football fans in any country can be idiots. I watched a good documentary series once called ‘Why We Hate’ and part of it looked at football/sports fans and the mentality that comes with being part of a big group. You see it across the world , Argentina, England, Holland, Italy, Egypt, France - the list goes on.


                Originally posted by Medzdidz View Post
                Football fans in any country can be idiots. I watched a good documentary series once called ‘Why We Hate’ and part of it looked at football/sports fans and the mentality that comes with being part of a big group. You see it across the world , Argentina, England, Holland, Italy, Egypt, France - the list goes on.
                True, but c'mon man, a flare in the arse is uniquely English. They should be able to take pride in having that distinction


                  Originally posted by diz View Post
                  True, but c'mon man, a flare in the arse is uniquely English. They should be able to take pride in having that distinction
                  Oh I’m not questioning that 😂


                    QATAR 2022 HERE WE COME! Iran qualifies for THIRD consecutive World Cup!



                      فوری؛ میلاد سرلک از تیم ملی خط خورد

                      هافبک ملی پوش پرسپولیس در اردوی تیم ملی دچار آسیب دیدگی از ناحیه همسترینگ شد و به همی منظور سه هفته دور از میادین خواهد بود.


                        Japan invitation to play friendly with TM

                        دعوت نامه ژاپن برای بازی دوستانه با تیم ملی

                        دراگان اسکوچیچ در آخرین مصاحبه اش از درخواست فدراسیون فوتبال ژاپن برای بازی دوستانه خبر داده است.


                          Yeah, We'll think about it. Can't make any promises though


                            Originally posted by Gol Bezan View Post
                            Well done per usual!
                            Team Meli Iran
                            Perspolis FC
                            Malavan Bandar Anzali

                            "I will never be able to say good bye to Iran. I have a feeling of belonging to this country and to the people." - Carlos Queiroz


                              Originally posted by Ghermez Agha View Post
                              Well done per usual!
                              Thanks a lot mate!


                                Santa Clara's winger Mohebbi's coronavirus test result turned out to be positive

