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TM-News-Vol. 6

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    Originally posted by Futbaldoost View Post
    ^ ^ The statement by ethics (morality) committee does not name anyone, it makes threats about dealing with violators ( This is typical IR for you. The five members are requesting a meeting of Board of Directors (or management committee) according to the statute of IFF and the Ethics Committee that is supposed to be an "independent" body issues this statement making vague threats without naming anyone. I did not expect more from a morally bankrupt system infested with fraud and embezzlement. Seraji (he is the ringleader of the "rebels" and not that he is any better and he has good intentions) is not named here and if the statement is aimed at the five members who have called for the Board of Directors meeting, it is very extreme again making them equal to enemies of the system. What a shit show. Sorry for all of us including our TM and all those who work hard to keep Iran's name high in the world. My only hope is in all who work hard to perform on the pitch.
    Go TM!
    If you mean regarding IFF lawyer Rafiei , IFF Ethic committee issued subsequent statement regarding him.
    رای کمیته اخلاق (

    به گزارش سایت رسمی فدراسیون، کمیته اخلاق اعلام کرد با توجه به مصاحبه های غلامرضا رفیعی، مشاور حقوقی رئیس فدراسیون فوتبال و اظهارنظرهای متفاوت در مورد حصول نامه فیفا، اظهار نظر در مورد برخی از ارکان قانونی کشور و مجلس محترم به عنوان رأس امور و نمایندگان محترم آن


      Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
      If you mean regarding IFF lawyer Rafiei , IFF Ethic committee issued subsequent statement regarding him.
      رای کمیته اخلاق (
      به گزارش سایت رسمی فدراسیون، کمیته اخلاق اعلام کرد با توجه به مصاحبه های غلامرضا رفیعی، مشاور حقوقی رئیس فدراسیون فوتبال و اظهارنظرهای متفاوت در مورد حصول نامه فیفا، اظهار نظر در مورد برخی از ارکان قانونی کشور و مجلس محترم به عنوان رأس امور و نمایندگان محترم آن
      No dadash, I was talking about the ruling that Seraji is banned from any football related activity for six months. That is not in the statement on IFF web site about making "decisive rulings". You are correct that the other statement about Rafiei names him. The two sides are playing games instead of spending their energy on the future of our football.

      Go TM!


        Originally posted by Futbaldoost View Post
        No dadash, I was talking about the ruling that Seraji is banned from any football related activity for six months. That is not in the statement on IFF web site about making "decisive rulings". You are correct that the other statement about Rafiei names him. The two sides are playing games instead of spending their energy on the future of our football.

        Go TM!
        I did quote that from YIC legitimate site .
        If my post was confusing, My apology.

        Not sure if its true
        باشگاه خبرنگاران جوان
        According to YJC news


        Mehr news report

        dit 2

        Saraji himself

        عضو هیات رئیسه فدراسیون در پاسخ به این سوال که با محرومیتی که امروز برای وی در نظر گرفته شده حق رای دارد یا خیر گفت:جالب است هنوز حکم به من ابلاغ نشده اما دسترسی من به کارتابل فدراسیون فوتبال بسته شده است آن هم در روزی که پنجشنبه و فدراسیون تعطیل است.با این وجود یک بدعت جدید و فرخنده در راه است و اتفاقات خوبی در فدراسیون فوتبال رخ میدهد.وی در بخشی دیگری از صحبتهای خود از افشای یک فایل صوتی ابراز تاسف کرد و گفت:واقعا باعث سرافندگی فدراسیون فوتبال است که به ارکان قضایی فدراسیون دستور داده شود که چه کاری انجام بدهند.

        It's beyond embarrassing and jokes. No word to describe this unpleasant soap opera

        My 1st comment when it started

        Issue is a lot complicated with several twists and turns just like Harlan Coben mystery novels full of secrets, lies, deceptions and above all politics
        It's beyond this scope but to answer you....
        Last edited by St_Mark; 02-10-2022, 11:47 AM.


          Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
          I did quote that from YIC legitimate site .
          If my post was confusing, My apology.
          Not sure if its true
          باشگاه خبرنگاران جوان
          According to YJC news
          Mehr news report
          dit 2
          Saraji himself

          It's beyond embarrassing and jokes. No word to describe this unpleasant soap opera
          My 1st comment when it started
          Actually Seraji himself in this latest TV interview just published on Varzesh3 says what you said that he is banned for six months and he implies that this just a reprisal. So, it is true. IFF has not issued the statement about Seraj's ban but he says it himself that the Ethics Cimmittee has done this. Apparently the ban is related to an earlier dispute between Saipa and Peykan but all of the sudden it is issued tonight that makes the whole thing questionable.

          Another interesting news is that Kamranifar who is the IFF General Secretary says here in this clip that he will hold the Board of Directors meeting with the requested agenda per the request of five BoD members abiding by the statute of IFF.

          The saga continues

          Go TM!


            Yes and in my post i was questioning the Timing

            What a timing

            I don't trust ethics committee.

            Rafiei was only banned for 20 days [

            After so much lies, insults he should have been banned from IFF activities and refer to Court.


            کمیته اخلاق بعد از تهدید رسانه ها و محرومیت ۶ ماهه برای مهرداد سراجی عضو مستقل هیات رئیسه فدراسیون فوتبال برای غلامرضا رفیعی مشاور جنجالی شهاب عزیزی خادم که در تلویزیون قسم جلاله دروغ خورد و سرخود به نمایندگان مجلس توهین کرد و انواع و اقسام تخلف ها را مرتکب شد، فقط ۲۰ روز محرومیت در نظر گرفت.


            We all witness how they dealt with case of Kanani, delaying his verdict for after two TM games.
            Last edited by St_Mark; 02-10-2022, 12:05 PM.


              can someone please summarize in a few sentences WTF is going on?!


                Originally posted by ramingeles2000 View Post
                can someone please summarize in a few sentences WTF is going on?!

                Majority IFF board of directors initiated a procedure to remove Azizi Khadem for incompetency and violations


                  Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
                  Majority IFF board of directors initiated a procedure to remove Azizi Khadem for incompetency and violations
                  Haven’t followed the recent drama, but that’s a real good sign that he is doing great & should be kept in charge, to me ..!!?


                    Exactly St. Mark jaan, the timing of Ethics Committee's ruling on Seraji is clearly suspicious. In my view, Ethics Committee has now violated its independence and is taking sides. Its ban of Rafiei (IFF/Khadem's legal advisor) is an attempt to pretend that it is independent. It is all calculated. I don't trust either side yet Khadem is now playing games and using a supposedly independent committee as one of his pawns. At least the other side is going by the IFF statute.

                    Go TM!


                      Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
                      Haven’t followed the recent drama, but that’s a real good sign that he is doing great & should be kept in charge, to me ..!!?
                      Bachelot jaan, I was thinking along the same lines that Khadem has done OK overall and I was concerned about lack of transparency yet it seems that the problems are deeper than I thought and he has not revealed financial reports to IFF Board of Directors after multiple requests during BOD meetings (in writing and in the minutes of the meetings). The five members who are asking for the BoD meeting to remove him need to be heard according to the statute of the IFF. I am sorry to say that he is hiding behind the success and if these issues are not dealt with it could become problematic in the future affecting TM. He is also playing games by using the Etchics Committee that is supposed to be independent.

                      Go TM!


                        Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
                        Haven’t followed the recent drama, but that’s a real good sign that he is doing great & should be kept in charge, to me ..!!?
                        Well I have seen nothing but "haromzadegi" from this guy. And he has done F all since his been in charge.

                        This sounds to me that :
                        A- IFF is getting some serious money . Either from fifa or government
                        B- Azizikhadem is doing something messed up that will get us in trouble in future (IFF and its members).

                        I personally think its option "A". IFF is getting some serious money either from fifa or government and they want this guy out so they can get a peice.


                          Originally posted by Futbaldoost View Post
                          Exactly St. Mark jaan, the timing of Ethics Committee's ruling on Seraji is clearly suspicious. In my view, Ethics Committee has now violated its independence and is taking sides. Its ban of Rafiei (IFF/Khadem's legal advisor) is an attempt to pretend that it is independent. It is all calculated. I don't trust either side yet Khadem is now playing games and using a supposedly independent committee as one of his pawns. At least the other side is going by the IFF statute.
                          Go TM!

                          Next in agenda for DOB ,
                          The order for the next meeting of BOD of the football federation after the dismissal (if) of AKH will be the dissolution of the ethics committee, and the board of directors wants to remove the ethics committee from the appointed position and elect it.


                            Mojtaba Khorshidi today said there is a chance the Iran-Lebanon game is played in Ahvaz, Isfahan, Mashhad or Tabriz.

                            Would be a nice treat for our non-Tehran based fans.

                            Last TM games played outside of Tehran in Iran were held in Tabriz around 2001 or 2002.


                              Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                              Mojtaba Khorshidi today said there is a chance the Iran-Lebanon game is played in Ahvaz, Isfahan, Mashhad or Tabriz.

                              Would be a nice treat for our non-Tehran based fans.

                              Last TM games played outside of Tehran in Iran were held in Tabriz around 2001 or 2002.
                              That would be awesome, very unfair we haven’t utilized other cities especially with the advanced stadiums we have in Mashhad esfahan and khuzestan. Other provinces deserve it and it’s very long overdue
                              Team Meli Iran
                              Perspolis FC
                              Malavan Bandar Anzali

                              "I will never be able to say good bye to Iran. I have a feeling of belonging to this country and to the people." - Carlos Queiroz


                                Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                                Mojtaba Khorshidi today said there is a chance the Iran-Lebanon game is played in Ahvaz, Isfahan, Mashhad or Tabriz.

                                Would be a nice treat for our non-Tehran based fans.

                                Last TM games played outside of Tehran in Iran were held in Tabriz around 2001 or 2002.
                                Hopefully, with fans in the stadium... Otherwise, what is the difference?

