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TM-News-Vol. 6

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    Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
    I really hope they don't coward out and make it a empty stadium.
    COVID situation is getting better. According to , Iran had 235K cases in the first week of Feb and that dropped to 98K in the last week of last month. Unfortunately deaths were still on the rise (1591 in the last week of Feb) but they usually lag behind the case numbers trajectory by several weeks, this could mean that in three weeks the situation will be a lot better and hopefully the health ministry will allow partial crowds with social distancing, masks and proof of vaccinations as they did for the Iraq match in Tehran back in January. Crossing my fingers.

    Go TM!


      Originally posted by Futbaldoost View Post
      COVID situation is getting better. According to , Iran had 235K cases in the first week of Feb and that dropped to 98K in the last week of last month. Unfortunately deaths were still on the rise (1591 in the last week of Feb) but they usually lag behind the case numbers trajectory by several weeks, this could mean that in three weeks the situation will be a lot better and hopefully the health ministry will allow partial crowds with social distancing, masks and proof of vaccinations as they did for the Iraq match in Tehran back in January. Crossing my fingers.

      Go TM!
      Issue is that this game is being held in Mashhad which has authorities who don't want female fans in the stands.
      Any other city we might be ok, but Alamolhoda basically is one of the most powerful men in the country and he is backwards as heck. He probably wouldn't even allow women in, even if they were hardcore supporters of the regime!

      IFF doesn't want to get banned for not having fans, so they will probably say "either let all fans in, or none at all". Some higher authority will then decide.

      I hope we're pleasantly surprised.


        ^ If Alamolhoda gets to call the shots here and Health Ministry is ok with fans with restrictions, then I think IFF will move it back to Azadi and will say the heck with it for now. That's why Kamranifar has been very careful and even said in his interview earlier this week that after AFC and FIFA approve IFF has to make sure everything will work out.

        Go TM!


          Alhamdolilah allaho Akbar aalalalalaalalall lalalalaalla boom




              It's official. IFF has announced it. The match will be held at Imam Reza Stadium on Tuesday March 29.

              Go TM!


                Originally posted by mahestan View Post
                Are they going to use the proper name of Persian Gulf in all their media and publications during the World Cup?
                Sadly They will not!! The Wrong and Illogical term " Arabian Gulf" is an Arab League Mandate that every Arab nation member state needs to follow. The most they will do is use the Term 'THE GULF" ....


                  Originally posted by taremiscores View Post
                  Really nice stadiums, just hate how far fans are from the pitch.
                  In Iran they never build a football stadium. All of our stadiums are Olympic style with the Polyurethane surface around the pitch for track and field, creating a big disconnect between the fans and the pitch. Fans never get that feeling of being close to the game!

                  And ... may be they do that on purpose to put the Sepahi or Guards to police the fans ... we are not there yet to be civilized and self-regulate.


                    Originally posted by eerooni View Post
                    Sadly They will not!! The Wrong and Illogical term " Arabian Gulf" is an Arab League Mandate that every Arab nation member state needs to follow. The most they will do is use the Term 'THE GULF" ....

                    Sadly, that Akhound regime will not care, or does not have the knowledge or know-how, how to tackle this issue. We as fans need to be alert and protest where we see the historical name has been altered. We have to start now not later!

                    BTW -- F.... the Arab League with all their made-up countries.


                      Originally posted by Kavian View Post
                      In Iran they never build a football stadium. All of our stadiums are Olympic style with the Polyurethane surface around the pitch for track and field, creating a big disconnect between the fans and the pitch. Fans never get that feeling of being close to the game!

                      And ... may be they do that on purpose to put the Sepahi or Guards to police the fans ... we are not there yet to be civilized and self-regulate.
                      Foolad arena is the exception


                        Originally posted by Kavian View Post
                        In Iran they never build a football stadium. All of our stadiums are Olympic style with the Polyurethane surface around the pitch for track and field, creating a big disconnect between the fans and the pitch. Fans never get that feeling of being close to the game!

                        And ... may be they do that on purpose to put the Sepahi or Guards to police the fans ... we are not there yet to be civilized and self-regulate.
                        It's either that or you put up fences like south America. Unfortunately fans throwing taraghe and other objects has been a problem in recent memory.

                        Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
                        Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


                          Guys . What is most important is for TM melli to win and make us proud. Think about that and forget now about the naming terms


                            another cool pic. Stadium was designed by iranian architect but lot of the engineering/construction work was done by foreign firms. Roof was engineered by german firm + produced by french firm (also did the roofs for some Brazil 2014 stadiums), seats designed by spanish company who worked on Bernabeu, and critically the pitch was done by a german firm who are responsible for multiple Bundesliga pitches.

                            It is also one of the rare stadiums in Iran that is actually within the city center near public transport. This is a huge plus for attendance and overall accessibility.

                            here is how the stadium looks and sounds at full capacity. There should be no issue generating a good atmosphere there if people are allowed in.

                            Hope we see more of this. Azadi has been used and abused for too long. It needs a major, major overhaul and frankly tehran requires at least one, totally modern, 40k -60k capacity stadium to go with Azadi anyways.

                            Naghshe Jahan is also a great option for future TM games, as is foolad arena if they return the pitch to original quality



                                Originally posted by Kavian View Post
                                In Iran they never build a football stadium. All of our stadiums are Olympic style with the Polyurethane surface around the pitch for track and field, creating a big disconnect between the fans and the pitch. Fans never get that feeling of being close to the game!

                                And ... may be they do that on purpose to put the Sepahi or Guards to police the fans ... we are not there yet to be civilized and self-regulate.

