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TM-News-Vol. 6

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    Originally posted by Farzadfarhangni View Post
    I think I am going to get a lot of flak for what I am about to say but here it goes anyways... Torabi looks goofy, his running looks goofy, and he looks like an outsider in the TM camps... And, of course, I don't agree with his political views. However, every time I see him play, I notice his speed and explosiveness, his physicality, his dribbling ability and he has good vision and can produce defense busting passes. I think he is good enough to be called up for TM.

    I am trying to not let my political views affect my soccer views. We don't like it when politicians involve politics into soccer matters, we should try to not let Torabi's weirdness or political views affect our assessment of his soccer...
    Thats fine. Take the politics out, he has 30+ caps with 6 goals for TM. 5 of them in useless friendlies and 1 versus Guam. You can rock IPL as much as you want but if its proven you cant do anything in Team Melli you shouldnt keep getting chances.

    Adama Traore is explosive too, but you cant rely on the guy in clutch moments.


      Originally posted by Leicester City View Post

      Are you forgetting that it was Torabi who was integrating politics into football on live television?
      I am not forgetting about this. Actually, this picture is the only thing I know about Torabi's political views. But just like I don't want players like Voria Ghafouri, who have made some of their anti government sentiments known on TV and instagram, to be not invited because of their political views, I think we should consider Torabi in spite of his political views. These kids are young and make mistake of mixing politics and soccer. If it is a repetitive thing and is causing locker room issues, that is one thing, but given that Skocic keeps inviting him, I don't think that is an on going issue.

      But as Footballdoost mentioned, I have not seen his current form besides a few highlights... I was referring to his last summer form and hearing that he has been gaining his form again since joining PP again, but perhaps he has not.


        Last edited by St_Mark; 03-19-2022, 04:50 PM.


          I am not sure what this discussion on the threat is about, Torabi is in the squad, up to Skocic to play him or not. but for this important game, I am not sure he should be.


            Originally posted by Medzdidz View Post
            I wonder with Saman being out that we see Taremi take up the role that he has done for Porto at times this season. Play him behind Sardar with ARJ and Gholizadeh either side.
            bro did you seriously think saman will play when there is sarlak and ahmad noor in the team? Saman being out has not changed skocic's line up . We still gonna see both ahmad and sarlak playing in MD. To be honest I would do the same because South korea was pretty physical in azadi and saeed really did a good job taking care of them however this time we don't have saeed so i would choose ahmad to take up his role . Another player which can take up his role would be omid ebrahimi. I really really hope he gets the nod to join team melli. He trully deserves it.


              Skocic Lineup: Abedzadeh, Esmaeilifar, Khalilzadeh, Kanaani, Noorafkan, Sarlak, Nourollahi, Amiri, Jahanbakhsh, Taremi, Azmoun.
              Esteghlal 💙💙


                Originally posted by peiman92 View Post
                Skocic Lineup: Abedzadeh, Esmaeilifar, Khalilzadeh, Kanaani, Noorafkan, Sarlak, Nourollahi, Amiri, Jahanbakhsh, Taremi, Azmoun.
                Very possible lineup!

                My thoughts

                I hope for
                Subs, Hajisafi, Allahyar, Ansarifard,

                A bit more defensive hustle and closing down the midfield in first 55 minute, hoping to push korea to play on the flanks and in more safe areas more than infront of our cb an penaltybox.
                If they want to win the group, they have to attack. Jb position is more of a defensive role and for counter passes. Amiri is a engine.. so is Sarlak and Nourollahi (milder versions) packing midfield.

                Then last 25-30 minutes we go for the win!
                With classic version

                4-4-2 / 4-1-2-1-2

                Jahanbakhs- (COM)-Nourollahi-Amiri

                Possible sub also instead of Hajisafi is Noorafkhan
                Ghoddos in Amiris position and move JB to right and Amiri to left wing, im unsure about Gholis form so thats why i put this lineup.
                for more offensive play if needed,
                Maybe putting in Ansarifard and pulling Jahanbakhsh and if Sardar is tired at the end, Allahyar for him.
                And one sub over for dm/defenders/yellowcards..

                EDIT: just realized that Ghoddos is out due to Covid, so I guess its either Amiri in that position and time to se what Torabi can do in TM as lw or Taremi moving down and Karim on top with Amiri on the lw.
                Supporting Team Melli


                  Supporting Team Melli


                    MIYAANEYEH zamin ba Kore kelidi khahaad bood.

                    Agar amalkarde zaifi dar vasate zemin daashte baashim mitone yek baazie besyaar sakhti baramoon beshe.

                    Omidvaram har kesi ke dar miyaaneh zamin jay begire vaghean kam-eshtebaah bashe.
                    DROOD BAR AHMAD KASRAVI.


                      Btw this might be tve funniest vid ever, Beira loool

                      From old camp, its uhlsport kits, but recently posted on youtube

                      Eaven Sko chipped in
                      Supporting Team Melli



                          V3 & ILNA

                          اتفاق بی سابقه و شوک به تیم ملی

                          فوری؛ تست کرونای طارمی و جهانبخش مثبت شد

                          Last edited by St_Mark; 03-20-2022, 02:56 PM.


                            JB too?

                            At this rate can we just cancel the game and call it even?


                              Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                              JB too?

                              At this rate can we just cancel the game and call it even?
                              We used to cancel friendlies, wouldn't like to start with official games.
                              Hopefully skocic will call Zahedi and not the little mall tourist


                                im just saying.. after covid on JB, Ghoddos and Taremi. Ezza suspended and everything else..
                                Im extra happy kanaani isnt suspended aswell..
                                a great player, and well be needed for sure vs korea!
                                Supporting Team Melli

