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TM-News-Vol. 6

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    Originally posted by taremiscores View Post
    Asked today why Sardar Azmoun did not practice with the team, Hamed Estili said that he was "tired" - lol, yeah right. A man who plays for Bayer Leverkusen is too "tired" for Dragan's training.

    Hamed Estili's comments:

    Let’s not start pretending that Azmoun is the peak of fitness even among TM players. I saw photos yesterday with Azmoun and Skocic at dinner. They were sitting across from each other and very happy.


      Originally posted by Medzdidz View Post
      I know that there are internationals being played in June (friendlies). I know the answer to this already I think but I’ll ask anyway , do we have friendlies set up yet?
      To the best of my knowledge, no friendlies have been set up. There is not even a plan for plan for WC preparation. A plan for plan basically has dates of when different parts of the plan will be completed while plan itself focuses on execution. If any friendlies had been set up, we would be hearing it from IFF for sure. Estili has said that they will plan for friendlies after April 1st. Right now, we know that Turkey, Italy and Austria are all out, we also knew of other decent European teams who were eliminated a couple of months ago. We could have at least plan and play them. This guy is sitting in Mashhad watching the training and visiting Imam Reza stadium while the burning priority should be planning for WC. Does he even have a list of potential friendlies on potential dates? I am sure he doesn't. We had Nabi in 2014 and Saaket in 2018 and both of them were much better than Estili and of course we had CQ who ran the IFF.

      Incompetence, is not nccessarily the result of people having bad intentions. This is not about intentions. This is about the ability to plan and execute and if you don't have those abilities hire people who could help you or at least ask. Tomorrow will be the two month anniversary of TM WC qualification. NOTHING has been done in these two months, NOTHING. I have been saying this over and over again that time is of the essence and we are loosing precious time. We have already lost 20% of the time between our date of qualification and start of WC. Failing to plan is plan to fail. Neither Skocic, nor Etilit will change their operating principles in the remaining 8 months.

      We are back to the IR way: Tavakol beh khoda va gheyrat-eh bacheh-ha. At this point, only a miracle will result in us going beyond the group stage.

      Go TM!


        Originally posted by taremiscores View Post
        Asked today why Sardar Azmoun did not practice with the team, Hamed Estili said that he was "tired" - lol, yeah right. A man who plays for Bayer Leverkusen is too "tired" for Dragan's training.

        Hamed Estili's comments:

        Nostalgia trip to the year 2006

        Losing 2-0 against Korea few months before the WC back then (It was a friendly match but still...)
        Azmoun acting like Karimi and fighting against the coach even though he can't even perform well.
        And Dragan being clueless like Branko.

        At this point, I just hope that we don't get humiliated like Saudi.


          Originally posted by Omid177 View Post
          Nostalgia trip to the year 2006

          Losing 2-0 against Korea few months before the WC back then (It was a friendly match but still...)
          Azmoun acting like Karimi and fighting against the coach even though he can't even perform well.
          And Dragan being clueless like Branko.

          At this point, I just hope that we don't get humiliated like Saudi.
          Someone on this forum made this reference that this team reminds them of the 2006 team we had. It has some similarities.
          "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


            Originally posted by taremiscores View Post
            Raisi and Alamolhoda are hoarders who hoard & steal Iran’s wealth and want to ensure Iranians never can enjoy anything.
            In the purest sense they’re haters and mentally ill.


              Originally posted by Futbaldoost View Post
              To the best of my knowledge, no friendlies have been set up. There is not even a plan for plan for WC preparation. A plan for plan basically has dates of when different parts of the plan will be completed while plan itself focuses on execution. If any friendlies had been set up, we would be hearing it from IFF for sure. Estili has said that they will plan for friendlies after April 1st. Right now, we know that Turkey, Italy and Austria are all out, we also knew of other decent European teams who were eliminated a couple of months ago. We could have at least plan and play them. This guy is sitting in Mashhad watching the training and visiting Imam Reza stadium while the burning priority should be planning for WC. Does he even have a list of potential friendlies on potential dates? I am sure he doesn't. We had Nabi in 2014 and Saaket in 2018 and both of them were much better than Estili and of course we had CQ who ran the IFF.

              Incompetence, is not nccessarily the result of people having bad intentions. This is not about intentions. This is about the ability to plan and execute and if you don't have those abilities hire people who could help you or at least ask. Tomorrow will be the two month anniversary of TM WC qualification. NOTHING has been done in these two months, NOTHING. I have been saying this over and over again that time is of the essence and we are loosing precious time. We have already lost 20% of the time between our date of qualification and start of WC. Failing to plan is plan to fail. Neither Skocic, nor Etilit will change their operating principles in the remaining 8 months.

              We are back to the IR way: Tavakol beh khoda va gheyrat-eh bacheh-ha. At this point, only a miracle will result in us going beyond the group stage.

              Go TM!
              this really is the biggest issue were facing in our football right now ... and very likely to becoming the biggest source of our downfall..!!


                Originally posted by Medzdidz View Post
                The international dates are down as May 30th - June 14th (potential for 4 matches) and 19th - 27th September (potential for 2 friendlies).

                First game of the World Cup is 21st November but limited if we can play friendly game before then and the end of some of the leagues. Premier League for example goes on break on the 14th November and that is when clubs have been told to release their players by.
                Hope we end up in group G or H, that way or first match wont be before the 24th/25th. Would definately be possible to have 2 friendlies on lets say Nov. 15th & 19th. That plus 2 friendlies in September and hopefully at least 3 in June could be a good preperation.

                Hoping for good opponents of course, however personally i think it woudnt be bad to play a weak team that we gonna trash as our last preperation game shortly before our 1st WC match. Thats always a good confidence booster.

                Maybe a weak Uefa team like San Marino, Malta, Liechtenstein for a change instead of the usual AFC teams.

                Germany is one of those teams always doing that. They played Saudi before the 2018 WC, Armenia before the 2014 WC, Kuwait before the 2010 WC and Luxemborug before the 2006 WC.


                  Honestly this World Cup location is one we should be using to our advantage. Kish has a stadium - we could get a game there , wouldn’t even mind if it was behind closed doors.



                      Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
                      My post was about 2 different styles .

                      Just as an Example :

                      In case of friendlies or securing a training camp abroad, CQ style was to micromanage, personally get involved, travelling even to check hotels and facilities. He demanded specific opponents for friendly games (bad or good). He did not trust IFF managers.

                      In case of Sko. he believe this is IFF job to find opponents, training facilities or hotels .
                      Carlos' system was right - as he didn't trust IRIFF - because he knew that they got their positions because of party-bazi and sepah-bazi. Dragan, who lived in Iran much longer, still hasn't caught on.
                      "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


                        Originally posted by Leicester City View Post

                        Sounds like fake news 100%


                          Originally posted by Leicester City View Post

                          Random poster retweet of an esteghlali fanboy.

                          100% real news. Srs.


                            Originally posted by perspolis#1 View Post
                            Random poster retweet of an esteghlali fanboy.

                            100% real news. Srs.
                            He listed the sources. If you knew how to read you can see that he mentioned Khabar Varzeshi in the 1st tweet.

                            For the 2nd tweet he mentions in the replies that his source is Fars News.

                            Don't call it fake news just because Esteghlal is 1st in the league.


                              Originally posted by Leicester City View Post
                              He listed the sources. If you knew how to read you can see that he mentioned Khabar Varzeshi in the 1st tweet.
                              For the 2nd tweet he mentions in the replies that his source is Fars News.
                              Don't call it fake news just because Esteghlal is 1st in the league.
                              Yes as we know the validity of Khabar Varzeshi and Fars News are on the same level as DiMarzio and Fabrizio Romano


                                If the Azmoun-Skocic rumors are true (I wouldn’t be surprised), then that’s TWO TM strikers who’ve had differences with Dragan. We could blame one incident on hot-headedness/diva-ness/whatever, but two??? Both of which have had zero issues at multiple clubs and with CQ. Again, not jumping the gun here till the rumors are proven/disproved, but I think the luck has run out and the curtains may be lifting. Whatever Dragan has done to this point, kudos. But what he does from here on out is what matters most.

