bigger squads will only benefit the bigger teams!
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TM-News-Vol. 6
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Originally posted by Iranianarsenal11 View PostSee you'd think it would cause Hajsafi to get dropped with a 20 man squad, but in reality guys like Allahyar and Hosseinzadeh/Salmani would just get axed instead
Originally posted by St_Mark View PostAlternative to silver bullet point
Be part of solution not part of pollution.
They cannot coexist with anyone else, and we don't want to coexist with these vermin."This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh
Originally posted by taremiscores View PostWe don't want these clowns in our country anymore - tell them to go back to Najaf or Karbala or whatever hole they came from.
They cannot coexist with anyone else, and we don't want to coexist with these vermin.
beyond silver bullet.
It's unlike solution to linear equation
I think they hear that enough,
Solution is not bullet but awareness.
Originally posted by Nokhodi View PostSomethings never change.
24 years ago the media was vilifying our team, and it continues.
Just watch this and enjoy. TM had such a beautiful camp location. The last great World Cup in my opinion
F the media. F the haters. Long live TM and Iran.
there are some common threads though.
aside from western hypocrisy and unfounded "superiority" of looking down on easterners, there's another common thread that has run all these years: The anti-human, anti-peace, backward regime in Iran that is constantly busy creating enemies for Iran!
yek soozan be baghiyeh, yek ju'aldooz be khod
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