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TM-News-Vol. 6

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    Ideal situation would be if IFF arranges at least 8 good friendlies before the games. one a month. One from the ones that made it and one that were unlucky to make it from each continent. I think this would be ideal but whether it happens is another thing.
    هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
    نگاه میکنید.
    I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.


      Iran has one of the oldest teams by age:

      S - E - C - U - L - A - R - I - S - M


        Now that the groups have been decided, don’t forget tickets everyone!

        Didn’t get any in the first phase, second phase 5th April.

        I need to get to Qatar 100000%- my word the stadium will be so pro Iran with our group wow

        Doodoodoodoodoodooo Iran 🇮🇷

        Go TM! Go TM! Iran all the way
        Support Iran until the end


          Originally posted by Wahid Dejagah View Post
          Now that the groups have been decided, don’t forget tickets everyone!

          Didn’t get any in the first phase, second phase 5th April.

          I need to get to Qatar 100000%- my word the stadium will be so pro Iran with our group wow

          Doodoodoodoodoodooo Iran 🇮🇷

          Go TM! Go TM! Iran all the way
          Where can i find april 5th sale


            Originally posted by taremiscores View Post
            Useless meeting, considering the group we got 😂
            Esteghlal 💙💙


              We need friendlies against Canada/Mexico/Panama to prepare USA

              Ireland/ looser of Ukraine and Scotland vs Wales/Belgium/Australia/ to prepare England and for possible Wales/Scotland

              Croatia/Belarus/Russia/Rumania to prepare for the possibility that Ukraine joins the group.

              Friendlies against Italy or Netherlands would be great so that the boys get used to face a Top Team.

              We should end off our preparation with some easier friendlies were we can win an built our confidence.


                Originally posted by Philosophy_King View Post
                We need friendlies against Canada/Mexico/Panama to prepare USA

                Ireland/ looser of Ukraine and Scotland vs Wales/Belgium/Australia/ to prepare England and for possible Wales/Scotland

                Croatia/Belarus/Russia/Rumania to prepare for the possibility that Ukraine joins the group.

                Friendlies against Italy or Netherlands would be great so that the boys get used to face a Top Team.

                We should end off our preparation with some easier friendlies were we can win an built our confidence.
                Lol this is iri -we will play Montenegro’s c team, Cuba, azadegan teams and Kazakhstan’s u21


                  Skocic on the draw

                  Skocic: Maybe for the first time we can climb / We have nothing to do with political issues with the United States

                  ▫️ I think our lot could have been worse. This is the World Cup and all the participating teams are good. In our group, the English national team is one of the contenders for the cup, but our team is good enough to be able to compete with others. We will try to climb. I always said we have a very good team and maybe we can climb for the first time.

                  I do not pay attention to political issues with the United States, we have shown this before in games such as the Iraq meeting, and we do not pay attention to these issues. There are things between the two countries but we only think about football. I have said before that we have nothing to do with foreign things and as a coach I only have to think about football.

                  I did not analyze carefully, but I think Scotland and Wales have football similar to England and America in our group. We have to wait and see what happens. England is the toughest team in my opinion.

                  Asked if Tarmi's position against Portugal was wasted, Skucic said; Now is not the time to talk about the past, and we must prepare ourselves to the best of our ability. The only thing I pray for is that all our players are safe and sound during the World Cup.

                  The lottery could have been worse. For example, a group with Spain and Germany. But our work will still be difficult and we can not expect a simple group in the World Cup. Every match in the World Cup will be special.
                  ⚪️اسکوچیچ: شاید بتوانیم برای اولین بار صعود کنیم/ کاری به مسائل سیاسی با آمريکا نداریم

                  ▫️من فکر می*کنم قرعه ما می*توانست بدتر از این هم باشد. این جام جهانی است و همه تیمهای شرکت*کننده خوب هستند. در گروه ما تیم ملی انگلیس یکی از مدعیان کسب جام است ولی تیم ما هم به اندازه کافی خوب هست که با دیگران قادر به رقابت باشد. ما تلاشمان را برای صعود خواهیم کرد. من همیشه گفتم تیم خیلی خوبی داریم و شاید بتوانیم برای اولین بار صعود کنیم.

                  ▫️من به مسائل سیاسی با آمريکا توجه نمی*کنم، ما این مسئله را قبلا در بازی*ای مثل دیدار باعراق نشان دادیم و توجهی به این مسائل نداریم. چیزهایی در بین دو کشور هست اما ما فقط به فوتبال فکر می*کنیم. من قبلا هم گفتم که ما به چیزهای خارجی کاری نداریم و به عنوان سرمربی فقط باید به فوتبال فکر کنم.

                  ▫️من دقیق آنالیز نکردم اما به نظرم می*آید اسکاتلند و ولز هم فوتبالی شبیه به انگلیس و آمریکا داشته باشند در گروه ما. باید منتظر بمانیم و ببینیم چه پیش خواهد آمد. انگلیس از دید من سخت*ترین تیم است.

                  ▫️اسکوچیچ در واکنش به سوالی مبنی بر هدر رفتن موقعیت طارمی مقابل پرتغال گفت؛ الان وقت صحبت درباره گذشته نیست و ما باید خودمان را به بهترین شکل آماده این مسابقات کنیم. تنها چیزی که من برایش دعا می*کنم این است که در زمان برگزاری جام جهانی، تمام بازیکنانمان سلامت و صحیح و سالم باشند.

                  ▫️قرعه می*توانست بدتر هم باشد. مثلا هم گروهی با اسپانیا و آلمان. اما همچنان کار ما دشوار خواهد بود و نمی*شود در جام جهانی انتظار گروه ساده داشت. هر مسابقه در جام جهانی، ویژه خواهد بود.
                  "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


                    ^He sounds like he's shaking in his boots.


                      I hate April's fools jokes, really lame and stupid ... people are going to believe this.

                      همزمان با اعلام نتایج قرعه‌کشی مرحله گروهی جام‌جهانی، سخنگوی فدراسیون فوتبال ایران کسب تفاهم اولیه با کارلوس کی‌‌روش را تأییدکرد

                      همزمان با اعلام نتایج قرعه*کشی مرحله گروهی جام*جهانی، سخنگوی فدراسیون فوتبال ایران کسب تفاهم اولیه با کارلوس کی**روش را تأییدکرد.

                      سخنگوی فدراسیون فوتبال ضمن تأیید خبر بازگشت کی*روش به تیم ملی فوتبال ایران گفت: «از مدت*ها قبل کارلوس کی*روش با توجه به آشنایی با بازیکنان و شرایط تیم ملی ایران، به عنوان یکی از گزینه*های هدایت تیم ملی ایران در مسابقات جام*جهانی قطر بررسی شده بود، ولی به دلیل وجود قرارداد با فدراسیون فوتبال کشور مصر، این گزینه امکان*پذیر نبود.»

                      او افزود: «پس از جدایی کارلوس کی*روش از تیم ملی مصر، کارگروه ویژه*ای در فدراسیون فوتبال تشکیل شد. هدف از تشکیل این کارگروه ایجاد پل ارتباطی و بررسی امکان حضور فوری کی*روش در ایران برای برنامه*ریزی و شروع تمرینات تیم ملی، و همچنین هماهنگی*ها لازم برای برگزاری مسابقات دوستانه پیش از شروع مسابقات جام*جهانی قطر بود. خوشبختانه کی*روش از این پیشنهاد فدراسیون با گرمی استقبال*کرد و پیش از برگزاری مراسم قرعه*کشی، پیش*نویس اولیه قرارداد به تأیید وکلای طرفین رسید. قرارداد نهایی بین کارلوس کی*روش و فدراسیون فوتبال ایران هفته*ی آینده طی مراسم ویژه*ای در تهران ثبت خواهدشد.»

                      در قرعه*کشی مرحله گروهی جام*جهانی، تیم ملی ایران در سید سوم قرار داشت و پس از قرعه*کشی، تیم*های ملی انگلستان و آمریکا به عنوان رقبای قطعی تیم ملی ایران در مرحله گروهی این دوره از مسابقات جام*جهانی معرفی شدند. چهارمین رقیب ایران در مرحله گروهی، پس از برگزاری بازی*های پلی*آف مشخص خواهد شد و یکی از تیم*های اسکاتلند، ولز و یا اوکراین خواهد بود.

                      در اولین واکنش به اعلام قرعه تیم ملی ایران، کارلوس کی*روش در فضای مجازی اعلام*کرد: «از قرعه*ی ایران راضی*ام، و با ستاره*هایی که در اختیار داریم به صعودمان از مرحله گروهی بسیار خوش*بین هستم.»

                      این خبر حدود ۱ ساعت پیش فرستاده شده است.
                      "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


                        Originally posted by diz View Post
                        ^He sounds like he's shaking in his boots.
                        He's thinking: how the hell did I end up in this position?
                        "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


                          Originally posted by PersianLion80 View Post
                          Lol this is iri -we will play Montenegro’s c team, Cuba, azadegan teams and Kazakhstan’s u21
                          Canadas coach said they will look to play an Asian side.

                          Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
                          Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


                            Friendly opponents:

                            - Canada/Mexico/Costa Rica would be the best ones as far as WC teams.. Other teams such as Panama/Honduras not bad either.
                            - Scotland/Ireland/N. Ireland/Iceland would be great options.
                            - If Ukraine: Romania/Bulgaria/Turkey/Poland/Czech Republic would be solid options.

                            But I'm being realistic and knowing IFF, don't be surprised if we play golabi teams like Albania, Montenegro C team, Madagascar, etc.


                              Originally posted by O-ZoNe View Post
                              Canadas coach said they will look to play an Asian side.

                              Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
                              he probably meant qatar or korea
                              WE ARE THE UNDER DOGS


                                Originally posted by naderb94 View Post
                                Friendly opponents:
                                - Canada/Mexico/Costa Rica would be the best ones as far as WC teams.. Other teams such as Panama/Honduras not bad either.
                                - Scotland/Ireland/N. Ireland/Iceland would be great options.
                                - If Ukraine: Romania/Bulgaria/Turkey/Poland/Czech Republic would be solid options.
                                But I'm being realistic and knowing IFF, don't be surprised if we play golabi teams like Albania, Montenegro C team, Madagascar, etc.
                                We'll play Syria and Uzbekistan. Outside this, have no hope.

                                Skocic is so bi-orzeh, he won't demand anything. He is just happy to be there.
                                "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh

