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TM-News-Vol. 6

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    Originally posted by taremiscores View Post
    For once, IR does something beneficial for Iran and we have IFF screw it up! These would have been great friendlies.
    if that is true,
    Mayve they should syncronise and talk before they start contacting countrys.. but yeah good friendlies, 1 of them would be enough though..

    Anyway from the new iff teams own display in media, anyone think Aziz Khadem switch was a good idea now?
    Not to promote the dude but this new iff makes the old one look so much better..
    Supporting Team Melli


      Former IFF head, Mohammad Dadkan talking about taking bribes. The corruption is so deep that it’s becoming more and more open.

      "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


        Supporting Team Melli


          Full show, from 58.20 intervue about TM with kamranifar dude
          Supporting Team Melli


            Originally posted by Abtin View Post
            I sense your sarcasm
            lol - these guys are professional liars, especially those IR officials in the government. But, I think here IFF may want to save themselves from blushes from a potentially unsettling and one-sided score. They may want to face weak teams so they can get good results and not be under the magnifying glass and pressure.
            "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


              Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.

              Unbelievable the corruption.

              تسنیم -یکی از دلایل مطرح*شده برای عزل عزیزی خادم از سوی هیئت رئیسه، عدم شفافیت مالی رئیس فدراسیونی بود که در شروع فعالیت*های انتخاباتی*اش وعده درآمد 10 میلیون دلاری داده بود، اما در زمان مدیریت یک*ساله خود، جز استفاده از کمک*های دولتی، نتوانست عایدی خاصی برای فوتبال داشته باشد، به*نوعی کاشت عزیزی خادم در دوره ریاستش در فدراسیون فوتبال صفر بود، اما نکته مهم ماجرا برداشت او از فدراسیونی است که دوره سختی را به*لحاظ اقتصادی پشت*سر می*گذارد.

              طبق سندی که در اختیار تسنیم قرار دارد شهاب*الدین عزیزی خادم در دوره کوتاه ریاستش بر فدراسیون فوتبال از اسفند 1399 تا اسفند 1400 مبلغ 3 میلیارد و 60 میلیون ریال (306 میلیون تومان) به*عنوان پاداش صعود به جام جهانی دریافت کرده است، سؤال مهم این است؛ رئیس فدراسیون فوتبال در شرایطی که فدراسیون تحت مدیریتش با مشکلات اقتصادی دست و پنجه نرم می*کند، چرا باید 306 میلیون پاداش صعود به جام جهانی دریافت کند؟

              مبلغ حقوق و مزایای عزیزی خادم در دوره ریاستش در فدراسیون فوتبال، ماهیانه 26 میلیون و 549 هزار تومان بوده و در یک سال 303 میلیون و 753 هزار تومان دریافت کرده است. کنار دریافت این حقوق، رئیس معزول فدراسیون فوتبال مبلغ 57 میلیون و 296 هزار تومان به*عنوان کارانه و سایر مزایا در یک سال از فدراسیون فوتبال دریافت کرده است.

              جمع مبالغ دریافتی عزیزی خادم از فدراسیون فوتبال به*عنوان حقوق، مزایا، کارانه و همچنین پاداش صعود به جام جهانی 667 میلیون و 49 هزار تومان است که دریافت چنین مبلغی در یک سال، در نوع خود جالب توجه است.

              با توجه به ارقامی که در بالا به آنها اشاره شد، به*طور میانگین، دریافتی ماهیانه عزیزی خادم از فدراسیون فوتبال مبلغ 55 میلیون و 587 هزار تومان بوده است.

              نکته جالب توجه در این سند بخش توضیحات آن است، در این بخش آمده است که «پرداخت هزینه*های ارزی سفرهای خارج از کشور به*دلیل اینکه اسناد هزینه*های آن نزد دیوان محاسبات می*باشد در این جدول ارائه نشده است.»، باید دید دریافتی*های ارزی شهاب*الدین عزیزی خادم چه*میزان بوده است.

              عزیزی خادم در دوران ریاستش بر فدراسیون فوتبال، سفرهای متعددی به کشورهای مختلف انجام داد که یکی از سفرهای پرسروصدای او، به لیتوانی بود، کنار این سفر وی به آلمان و بلژیک هم سفر کرد که حواشی مختلفی به*همراه داشت. او همراه تیم ملی هم به سفرهای مختلفی رفت و موضوع هزینه*های ارزی وی همچنان باز و در حال پیگیری است.

              #عزیزی_خادم #فدراسیون_فوتبال

              Tasnim - One of the reasons given for the dismissal of Azizi Khadem by the board was the lack of financial transparency of the president of the federation, who promised $ 10 million at the beginning of his election campaign, but during his one-year administration, except for government aid, could not earn much. For football, Azizi Khadem's planting was kind of zero during his presidency of the Football Federation, but the important point is his perception of a federation that is going through a difficult period economically.

              According to the document in the possession of Tasnim, Shahabuddin Azizi Khadem received 3 billion and 60 million Rials (306 million Tomans) as a reward for advancing to the World Cup during his short term as President of the Football Federation from March 2017 to March 2010. This is an important question. ; Why should the president of the football federation receive 306 million World Cup bonuses when the federation under his management is struggling with economic problems?

              The amount of salary and benefits of Azizi Khadem during his presidency in the Football Federation was 26 million and 549 thousand Tomans per month and he received 303 million and 753 thousand Tomans in one year. In addition to receiving these salaries, the deposed president of the Football Federation has received 57 million and 296 thousand Tomans as work and other benefits in one year from the Football Federation.

              The total amount of money received by Azizi Khadem from the Football Federation as salaries, benefits, work and also as a reward for reaching the World Cup is 667 million and 49 thousand Tomans, which is interesting in its kind to receive such a sum in one year.

              According to the figures mentioned above, on average, Azizi Khadem's monthly income from the Football Federation was 55 million and 587 thousand Tomans.

              The interesting point in this document is its explanation section. In this section, it is stated that "the payment of foreign exchange expenses for trips abroad is not presented in this table because the documents of its expenses are with the Court of Accounts." Shahabuddin Azizi Khadem How much has it been?

              During his presidency of the Football Federation, Azizi Khadem made several trips to different countries, one of which was to Lithuania, in addition to his trip to Germany and Belgium, which had different margins. He also traveled with the national team on various trips, and the issue of his foreign exchange expenses is still open and being pursued.
              "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


                Originally posted by Keshwardoost View Post
                Full show, from 58.20 intervue about TM with kamranifar dude
                I'd never seen the intro before, but it is well done. Sort of copied Ted Lasso a bit, but good.


                  Originally posted by taremiscores View Post

                  Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.

                  Unbelievable the corruption.

                  تسنیم -یکی از دلایل مطرح*شده برای عزل عزیزی خادم از سوی هیئت رئیسه، عدم شفافیت مالی رئیس فدراسیونی بود که در شروع فعالیت*های انتخاباتی*اش وعده درآمد 10 میلیون دلاری داده بود، اما در زمان مدیریت یک*ساله خود، جز استفاده از کمک*های دولتی، نتوانست عایدی خاصی برای فوتبال داشته باشد، به*نوعی کاشت عزیزی خادم در دوره ریاستش در فدراسیون فوتبال صفر بود، اما نکته مهم ماجرا برداشت او از فدراسیونی است که دوره سختی را به*لحاظ اقتصادی پشت*سر می*گذارد.

                  طبق سندی که در اختیار تسنیم قرار دارد شهاب*الدین عزیزی خادم در دوره کوتاه ریاستش بر فدراسیون فوتبال از اسفند 1399 تا اسفند 1400 مبلغ 3 میلیارد و 60 میلیون ریال (306 میلیون تومان) به*عنوان پاداش صعود به جام جهانی دریافت کرده است، سؤال مهم این است؛ رئیس فدراسیون فوتبال در شرایطی که فدراسیون تحت مدیریتش با مشکلات اقتصادی دست و پنجه نرم می*کند، چرا باید 306 میلیون پاداش صعود به جام جهانی دریافت کند؟

                  مبلغ حقوق و مزایای عزیزی خادم در دوره ریاستش در فدراسیون فوتبال، ماهیانه 26 میلیون و 549 هزار تومان بوده و در یک سال 303 میلیون و 753 هزار تومان دریافت کرده است. کنار دریافت این حقوق، رئیس معزول فدراسیون فوتبال مبلغ 57 میلیون و 296 هزار تومان به*عنوان کارانه و سایر مزایا در یک سال از فدراسیون فوتبال دریافت کرده است.

                  جمع مبالغ دریافتی عزیزی خادم از فدراسیون فوتبال به*عنوان حقوق، مزایا، کارانه و همچنین پاداش صعود به جام جهانی 667 میلیون و 49 هزار تومان است که دریافت چنین مبلغی در یک سال، در نوع خود جالب توجه است.

                  با توجه به ارقامی که در بالا به آنها اشاره شد، به*طور میانگین، دریافتی ماهیانه عزیزی خادم از فدراسیون فوتبال مبلغ 55 میلیون و 587 هزار تومان بوده است.

                  نکته جالب توجه در این سند بخش توضیحات آن است، در این بخش آمده است که «پرداخت هزینه*های ارزی سفرهای خارج از کشور به*دلیل اینکه اسناد هزینه*های آن نزد دیوان محاسبات می*باشد در این جدول ارائه نشده است.»، باید دید دریافتی*های ارزی شهاب*الدین عزیزی خادم چه*میزان بوده است.

                  عزیزی خادم در دوران ریاستش بر فدراسیون فوتبال، سفرهای متعددی به کشورهای مختلف انجام داد که یکی از سفرهای پرسروصدای او، به لیتوانی بود، کنار این سفر وی به آلمان و بلژیک هم سفر کرد که حواشی مختلفی به*همراه داشت. او همراه تیم ملی هم به سفرهای مختلفی رفت و موضوع هزینه*های ارزی وی همچنان باز و در حال پیگیری است.

                  #عزیزی_خادم #فدراسیون_فوتبال

                  Tasnim - One of the reasons given for the dismissal of Azizi Khadem by the board was the lack of financial transparency of the president of the federation, who promised $ 10 million at the beginning of his election campaign, but during his one-year administration, except for government aid, could not earn much. For football, Azizi Khadem's planting was kind of zero during his presidency of the Football Federation, but the important point is his perception of a federation that is going through a difficult period economically.

                  According to the document in the possession of Tasnim, Shahabuddin Azizi Khadem received 3 billion and 60 million Rials (306 million Tomans) as a reward for advancing to the World Cup during his short term as President of the Football Federation from March 2017 to March 2010. This is an important question. ; Why should the president of the football federation receive 306 million World Cup bonuses when the federation under his management is struggling with economic problems?

                  The amount of salary and benefits of Azizi Khadem during his presidency in the Football Federation was 26 million and 549 thousand Tomans per month and he received 303 million and 753 thousand Tomans in one year. In addition to receiving these salaries, the deposed president of the Football Federation has received 57 million and 296 thousand Tomans as work and other benefits in one year from the Football Federation.

                  The total amount of money received by Azizi Khadem from the Football Federation as salaries, benefits, work and also as a reward for reaching the World Cup is 667 million and 49 thousand Tomans, which is interesting in its kind to receive such a sum in one year.

                  According to the figures mentioned above, on average, Azizi Khadem's monthly income from the Football Federation was 55 million and 587 thousand Tomans.

                  The interesting point in this document is its explanation section. In this section, it is stated that "the payment of foreign exchange expenses for trips abroad is not presented in this table because the documents of its expenses are with the Court of Accounts." Shahabuddin Azizi Khadem How much has it been?

                  During his presidency of the Football Federation, Azizi Khadem made several trips to different countries, one of which was to Lithuania, in addition to his trip to Germany and Belgium, which had different margins. He also traveled with the national team on various trips, and the issue of his foreign exchange expenses is still open and being pursued.
                  He was an incompetent blabbermouth, but are these amounts out of the ordinary? I have no idea, I am asking sincerely.


                    Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                    but are these amounts out of the ordinary? I have no idea, I am asking sincerely.
                    honestly the money that is mentioned in the article is nowhere close to the 6m euro contract that was used and wasted for wilmots for a few weeks of bad work, his contract was atleast 3,5-4m over his marketvalue!


                      Originally posted by taremiscores View Post
                      Of course, we should follow the Spanish model and no one from the Middle East. I am comparing them to see how far we have fallen behind.

                      Anyway, I agree with your sentiments.
                      Iraq is way behind us. Just look at this site dedicated to corruption and scandal in Iraq FA.

                      Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
                      Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


                        Originally posted by O-ZoNe View Post
                        Iraq is way behind us. Just look at this site dedicated to corruption and scandal in Iraq FA.

                        Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
                        So it's a race to the bottom now? IRIFF is one of the worst, everyday new scandals emerge. Every day, incompetence emerges. The amount of money owed/lawsuits to foreign players alone puts us near the bottom. IFF was damn near suspended from FIFA recently. BTW, Iraq at least allow women into stadiums.

                        Again, don't want to be like Iraq's FA, but our situation is dire. Thank God for the likes of Mehdi Taremi, Sardar Azmoun, Allahyar Sayyadmanesh, Amir Abedzadeh etc. that have kept Iran's football from going into the dark ages.

                        Maybe you somehow think that this is reflective of why Skocic - a guy with a resume that does not match his current position - got the job. He is the manager now so we must support him. Skocic is the least of our concerns when it comes to the IRIFF.
                        "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


                          Originally posted by taremiscores View Post
                          So it's a race to the bottom now? IRIFF is one of the worst, everyday new scandals emerge. Every day, incompetence emerges. The amount of money owed/lawsuits to foreign players alone puts us near the bottom. IFF was damn near suspended from FIFA recently. BTW, Iraq at least allow women into stadiums.

                          Again, don't want to be like Iraq's FA, but our situation is dire. Thank God for the likes of Mehdi Taremi, Sardar Azmoun, Allahyar Sayyadmanesh, Amir Abedzadeh etc. that have kept Iran's football from going into the dark ages.

                          Maybe you somehow think that this is reflective of why Skocic - a guy with a resume that does not match his current position - got the job. He is the manager now so we must support him. Skocic is the least of our concerns when it comes to the IRIFF.
                          You quoted Iraq as being or will be ahead of us. Just responding to the misinformation. No one is denying IFF needs tons of improvements.

                          Also isn't it telling they have been trying to get CQ for like 6 years and he has gone all over but Iraq? Sometimes it seems you confuse politics (e.g., women in stadiums which is out of IFF hands) and football...

                          Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
                          Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


                            Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                            He was an incompetent blabbermouth, but are these amounts out of the ordinary? I have no idea, I am asking sincerely.
                            It looks like less than $30,000 a year which is less than what assistant coaches for TM make!!! Does not sound like a crazy amount of money to me but if his salary was $20,000 and he stole $10,000, then that would be a problem. I have no idea if that is the case or not...


                              Originally posted by O-ZoNe View Post
                              You quoted Iraq as being or will be ahead of us. Just responding to the misinformation. No one is denying IFF needs tons of improvements.

                              Also isn't it telling they have been trying to get CQ for like 6 years and he has gone all over but Iraq? Sometimes it seems you confuse politics (e.g., women in stadiums which is out of IFF hands) and football...

                              Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
                              Iraq doesn't have the players/talent, that's why. CQ knows this. He's gone to teams that have talent that could make an impact at the continental level. Last three teams - Iran, Columbia and Egypt have had some of the best continental talents, that's why he chose them. Iraq does not. Simple.

                              Iraq are looking to sign a coach for $3 million a year manager. Their building incredible stadiums. That's more than IR Iran on both fronts.

                              I agree, I think IFF would like women in the stadiums. But still part of the reality on the ground in IR Iran.
                              "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


                                Originally posted by Farzadfarhangni View Post
                                It looks like less than $30,000 a year which is less than what assistant coaches for TM make!!! Does not sound like a crazy amount of money to me but if his salary was $20,000 and he stole $10,000, then that would be a problem. I have no idea if that is the case or not...
                                The hoopla that is going on in IR Iran media over this, seems that there was some shadiness to the amount he was being paid or is not in line with what he was suppose to get. Yet, some millionaire thief like Mehdi Taj and his son (Wilmots deal) - because of his IRGC links - nothing is said about him!

                                Who knows. Doesn't seem like much, I agree. I think they are making Azizi Khadem into the scapegoat here.
                                "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh

