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Iran vs Syria

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    Originally posted by diz View Post
    LOL. Only on PFDC do we call for the sacking of the coach after 1 friendly and call it a worse TM performance in a decade after winning 3-0.
    I don't think Skocic should be sacked. The situation is dire enough as it is. We do not need any more chaos. Also, the scoreline means nothing. If Taremi alone had not been as wasteful as he was today, TM could have added as many goals as they scored. But I repeat, the scoreline means jack. It's more the style of play, or rather the lack thereof, that is very worrying.


      PFDC and dramatic over-reaction!

      like fish to the water!!!



          Midfield needs work. By June we need to be a chance creating machine if we still struggle to make chances by then we will struggle to get out of the group


            Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
            PFDC and dramatic over-reaction!

            like fish to the water!!!
            True, but if you watched the game, you'd be concerned.


              Unfortunately, I don’t think a few more training sessions are going to fix what we saw out there on the field. Especially when a player like Dr. Hajsafi is a constant in the lineup.


                Wow one friendly and Skocic is supposed to iron out the little final issues and win next 4 matches? The only thing that came out of this friendly was Beiro just increased his chances of starting for Antwerp and Ansarifar showed he is in good form. What else? First half they just fucking walked around and stopped and watched what the player with the ball was about to do!! And when they wanted to attack they couldn't put 2 passes together properly. We are screwed.
                هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
                نگاه میکنید.
                I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.


                  This one is for all iranians who are advocated of Shah monarchy and freedom of speech, so here is mine:

                  I say if Reza Shah was in power we would have won 6-0 no doubt, if his father was the dictator, 7-0
                  If King Dariush was in power (although i doubt soccer existed at the time) - i would've predicted 9-0

                  It is simply better for our soccer to be run under shah monarchy, because at least we voted every 4 years for shah himself, now its about so-called hard liners and soft liners, who threaten to destroy the USA - my gooshness.


                    Originally posted by aligholi View Post
                    This one is for all iranians who are advocated of Shah monarchy and freedom of speech, so here is mine:

                    I say if Reza Shah was in power we would have won 6-0 no doubt, if his father was the dictator, 7-0
                    If King Dariush was in power (although i doubt soccer existed at the time) - i would've predicted 9-0

                    It is simply better for our soccer to be run under shah monarchy, because at least we voted every 4 years for shah himself, now its about so-called hard liners and soft liners, who threaten to destroy the USA - my gooshness.


                      Lol calm down bro ! Its only a friendly game and we are playing with a new system and new players. Only amatuer members in PFDC call for the coach to be sacked after 1 or 2 friendly game . Remember When CQ lost against lebanon and drew against Qatar we all lost hope. But I guess he taught everyone not to judge to quick.

                      Lets give him some chance , I still beleive in vahid hashemian and i think him and skocic can pull this one out.

                      However saying that , Im not impressed with the perfomance of our DF line and MD. Ali karimi was not given the chance to play but Norollahi played good full 90 minutes without doing any good! We DEFINITELY need more friendly games possibly against omand and kuwait. Sardar and Mehdi were under average in this game.

                      Good points to pick out is that both Jalali and my koka salmani looked promising. Gholizadeh played well as expected.

                      Edit: Apparently Ali karimi was injured during training by vahid amiri so thats why he didn't play.
                      Originally posted by PEJ View Post
                      No way we are making the WC with Scocic at the helm. If we somehow miraculously make it to the next round, we will need a new coach. But that probably won’t happen, as all the dalals would point to scocic’s results in the previous round.


                        Originally posted by KC McElroy View Post
                        We are superior. We always were.
                        it's the superior genes

                        Originally posted by aligholi View Post
                        This one is for all iranians who are advocated of Shah monarchy and freedom of speech, so here is mine:

                        I say if Reza Shah was in power we would have won 6-0 no doubt, if his father was the dictator, 7-0
                        If King Dariush was in power (although i doubt soccer existed at the time) - i would've predicted 9-0

                        It is simply better for our soccer to be run under shah monarchy, because at least we voted every 4 years for shah himself, now its about so-called hard liners and soft liners, who threaten to destroy the USA - my gooshness.
                        1 warning for instigation and looking for pick a fight and argument for no reason, keep your political comments to yourself and for sure keep them out of the football forum and during a match

                        You won't have a second chance


                          Originally posted by Lorestani View Post
                          True, but if you watched the game, you'd be concerned.
                          I actually did.
                          I'm not saying the performance was good.
                          But given all the conditions (mentioned in the other thread), I say we dont have to lose our sh*t and ask for sacking or give up.

                          Its a decent first step that needs to be built on


                            Originally posted by Lorestani View Post
                            I don't think Skocic should be sacked. The situation is dire enough as it is. We do not need any more chaos. Also, the scoreline means nothing. If Taremi alone had not been as wasteful as he was today, TM could have added as many goals as they scored. But I repeat, the scoreline means jack. It's more the style of play, or rather the lack thereof, that is very worrying.
                            EXACTLY! *EVEN* with Taremi not on his game today, we managed to win 3-0. We had a defender score. We have Beiro as GOALIE essentially assist a goal. So even with such a "terrible" performance, we still dominate 3-0. We can only go up from here.

                            Spain required a last-gasp strike to see off Georgia 2-1. Germany barely beat Romania. I wonder if their fans are reacting the way we are today.


                              Originally posted by diz View Post
                              EXACTLY! *EVEN* with Taremi not on his game today, we managed to win 3-0. We had a defender score. We have Beiro as GOALIE essentially assist a goal. So even with such a "terrible" performance, we still dominate 3-0. We can only go up from here.
                              Spain required a last-gasp strike to see off Georgia 2-1. Germany barely beat Romania. I wonder if their fans are reacting the way we are today.
                              you know I am not one to be unnecessarily negative, but i dont care what germany or georgia did. What I saw today, even if azmoun and taremi scored all their chances and we won 7-0, will not be sustainable if you want to win in front of japan, south korea, iraq, etc. And were not even TALKING about if you want to go to next round of WC.

                              We can hope its "rust" or whatever but we should not be afraid to just say it looked like a team with little plan, motivation, or ideas.


                                I'm just glad our wcq games were postponed...this team needs some work.

                                no plan in offense
                                couldn't hold the ball for very long
                                hugge gap between strikers and mid
                                players were shaky af
                                and ffs never start hajsafi seems not inviting him isn't a possibility smh

