Fifa and afc want as much of arab nations in the 2022 wc since its being held in an arab nation.
S.korea,japan,australia are the ussual qualified nations from asia Saudi arabia is a Must to be in this world cup and they might even sneak uae in there as well.
باید از ٧ خان رستم رد شیم
Right nowbin this stage is the best time for fifa and afc to pull the plug on iran ,since we are in a horrible situation in the table as well it makes them look less crouped then a bad offside calls, red cards, pks against us in the 3rd round.
فقط و فقط با غیرت بچها
Pit our heads down and play hard and gove other teams beat down and qualify to wc in that passion.
Leads are easily reversed by bad calls.
Bahrain as host
Games being play in the mid aftermoon with weathers being 110 on the field it be like 125 130
On the grass, ITS JUST A BEGINNING of discrimination against us.
Its us vs the world mentaloty that might pull us through.
S.korea,japan,australia are the ussual qualified nations from asia Saudi arabia is a Must to be in this world cup and they might even sneak uae in there as well.
باید از ٧ خان رستم رد شیم
Right nowbin this stage is the best time for fifa and afc to pull the plug on iran ,since we are in a horrible situation in the table as well it makes them look less crouped then a bad offside calls, red cards, pks against us in the 3rd round.
فقط و فقط با غیرت بچها
Pit our heads down and play hard and gove other teams beat down and qualify to wc in that passion.
Leads are easily reversed by bad calls.
Bahrain as host
Games being play in the mid aftermoon with weathers being 110 on the field it be like 125 130
On the grass, ITS JUST A BEGINNING of discrimination against us.
Its us vs the world mentaloty that might pull us through.