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Dragan Skočić Appreciation Thread!

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    I have criticized Skocic on his performance in the Korea game. But I have to give credit where credit is due.

    Respect to him for benching Beiravand as it sends a clear message that his atrocious decision making nearly cost us 3 precious points as well as demoralize the team.

    Hopefully he has woken up and learned his lesson.


      Originally posted by Damavand View Post
      I have to give credit where credit is due.

      Respect to Skocic for benching Beiravand as it sends a clear message that his atrocious decision making nearly cost us 3 precious points as well as demoralize the team. Hopefully he has woken up and learned his lesson.
      beiro is finished. We can't rely on him any more.


        we cant bring "LUCK" when we criticize skocic, but conveniently leave the very same "luck" out when we hit the posts twice against an asian top top tier team, SKorea.

        That comes off as hypocritical


          Originally posted by kateb View Post
          i can see the day when
          skovic lose his first match
          chi fooooshaiee badbakht
          bekhooreh he will be compare
          to changiz khan,omar ib khatab,akbar misaghiyan
          yazid,shemr,saddam,ali mansouriyan,kaddafi
          fidel. some will call for his arrest
          and execustion via injection.
          there is 10 wcq matches
          we have pretty much qualified
          our motivation is notas high as
          other teams still fighting for playoff
          spot so losing 1 match in the next
          4 matches can happen.
          The loss WILL come. It's mathematically impossible to go undefeated.
          Especially when so many of his critics ALSO want him to experiment and play totally new set of players and new tactics and new formations.
          I guarantee a loss is around the corner.

          And I'm afraid you're right. When he gets thrashed wt a 13-1-0 record, imagine how they'll tear into him & burn him alive if we actually lose a game!!! There wont be a little bone to pick from his ashes.


            If you think we're ever losing a game under Daneshmand I suggest you go back and cry under your CQ branded bedsheets.


              Further entries from the Journal of Statistical Confusion...

              If you look closely, most goals scored by Iran happened when the moon was not full yet, and Seinfeld re-runs were just starting. When we go to WC, there will be a full moon, and re-runs of the Big Bang Theory will be on. Then it will be proven once and for all that Skocic sucks and cannot coach under a full moon, because the quantum effects from the Big Bang will be just too strong.
              Sign this petition to show opposition to US/UK support for the Rajavi/MKO cult



                s.k has not beaten iran
                correct if i am wrong
                in 90 minutes of play
                since friendly in 2005 with bronko
                and in a real match THAT
                CHOKE GAME when daie
                did a CHILANO in our own
                6 GHADAM and missed the ball
                and s.k scored in 2000 ac.
                losing to them is no shame
                on their home ground.


                  Well this attitude we see from some critics of coach is the same you see at all levels in iranian mentality when it comes to rationally criticise something they don't like or is against their ideology.

                  For example, ask a person who is in favor of the actual government to pinpoint all the positive achievements made by the previous regime of the Shah and you'll see how difficult it is for them. They will only talk about the negative and be blind about the rest.

                  Likewise, ask opponents of this actual government to pinpoint all positive achievements made after the revolution. It's just impossible to even talk about these things, they would tell you that EVERYTHING is bad, horrible and nothing was achieved etc ...

                  This attitude is what explains what you see against our coach. It's like these people criticising him are "ideologically" against him and they don't care about objective facts that they will distort in order for their ideology to prevail.

                  When Iranians will be able to objectively analyse, accept that there are positive and negative in almost everything and to put this cursed ideological binary mindset aside, many genuine achievements will be possible for our country, in every field.

                  To look for "big names" for the sake of big names is a colonised mentality too often present with some Iranians. The future doesn't belong to teams or countries with unlimited money, hiring "big names". The future belongs to those teams and countries building solid groups, dedicated coaches, players without big egos and working together in harmony. Our coach understands that better than anyone.

                  He achieved amazing and unprecedent record and despite this objective fact, some are still criticising for the sake of criticising, without really looking at facts. It's honestly difficult to work in such conditions and if i would be in his place, i am not sure i would be so polite nor diplomatic with critics.


                    START gofundme page
                    for sure fans outside of iran
                    will cover your ejection

                    yek bakht
                    ta jam me jahani
                    MOSALAM E


                      Originally posted by maly3648 View Post
                      Well this attitude we see from some critics of coach is the same you see at all levels in iranian mentality when it comes to rationally criticise something they don't like or is against their ideology.

                      For example, ask a person who is in favor of the actual government to pinpoint all the positive achievements made by the previous regime of the Shah and you'll see how difficult it is for them. They will only talk about the negative and be blind about the rest.

                      Likewise, ask opponents of this actual government to pinpoint all positive achievements made after the revolution. It's just impossible to even talk about these things, they would tell you that EVERYTHING is bad, horrible and nothing was achieved etc ...

                      This attitude is what explains what you see against our coach. It's like these people criticising him are "ideologically" against him and they don't care about objective facts that they will distort in order for their ideology to prevail.

                      When Iranians will be able to objectively analyse, accept that there are positive and negative in almost everything and to put this cursed ideological binary mindset aside, many genuine achievements will be possible for our country, in every field.

                      To look for "big names" for the sake of big names is a colonised mentality too often present with some Iranians. The future doesn't belong to teams or countries with unlimited money, hiring "big names". The future belongs to those teams and countries building solid groups, dedicated coaches, players without big egos and working together in harmony. Our coach understands that better than anyone.

                      He achieved amazing and unprecedent record and despite this objective fact, some are still criticising for the sake of criticising, without really looking at facts. It's honestly difficult to work in such conditions and if i would be in his place, i am not sure i would be so polite nor diplomatic with critics.
                      Very nice piece ostad.

                      There was a research paper published in the 60's by CIA of all places, that basically said that people are quite good and rational about analyzing data until they make up their mind. Once their mind is made up, they only look for confirming data and dismiss all data that counters their belief. This goes double for us Iranians. We see everything as black and white while in reality, nothing is black or white and everything is a different shade of gray.

                      CIA was doing this research about decisions made in war like whether they should attack in the morning or at dark or from north or south, etc. Of course, for some here, Skocic's rein is war and they have certainly made up their mind.


                        For how long will new coaches benefit from the s9 called CQ foundation, even when the whole defense line is different?

                        Also will these foundation only be found when a coach is doing a good job, while it will disappear for coaches who are doing worse?

                        A curious thing this CQ foundation! Even Sir Alex Ferguson's foundation didn't last this long at CLUB level.


                          Lets say Skocic has a 4 out 5 star rating as a coach
                          Lets further suppose that CQ has a 5 our 5 star rating as a coach
                          These are just assumptions that can be debated

                          Here is Iranian mentality in a nutshell:

                          Regardning CQ: "BAH BAH BAH DAMESH GARM. AGHAI KARD"
                          Regarding Skocic: "Tof och khak to saresh. KRAVATIE bisavad!"

                          Is this what you do when you for example go to excellent restaurants and get served quality dishes and cuisine? Because once you got to eat at a michellin restaurant?

                          This namak nashnasi is killing our country and it makes us look like vicious fools. Yes we should have high standards. As I understand the issue its not a issue about good standards. It's the iranian i want it all or else im going to cry like a baby mentality.

                          Also dont forget: Only fools think that counterfactual arguments are 100 percent valid. "If only he had done this and that" ... baba what are you guys? Fortune tellers? Mistaking counterfactual arguments for 100 percent valid arguments is what is driving these endless discussions where people think they know it all. Take a note and be humble.


                            Be glad we have a coach that

                            1. Is pragmatic and not afraid of dirt
                            2. Is getting results playing open football
                            3. Has a nearly perfect record
                            4. Saved our asses
                            5. Instills discipline, even if it is impopular
                            6. Has more often than not made excellent adjustments in the games

                            He digs and works in the environment he is put in and don't talk about utopia fantasy la la land in which Iran ought to be developed democratic OECD country over a night.


                              An under appreciated fact is that what counts is that back to back world cup berths is what makes teams good.
                              A team that is constantly qualifying is getting continuity, experience and make cumulative progress that have a slight exponential effect.
                              This is so whereas teams that dont go gets into restructuring and disarray and have to build from scratch.

                              This is true for CQ and it is true for Skocic. Dameshon garm that have made qualifiers such a pleasure to watch! This is sort of a foundation building.

                              Also true havadars stand behind every competent coach that is fighting for us. True havadari means standing behind all coaches that do their job. True havadars pay hommage to good coaches and shit on turds like Wiltits.


                                The way I look at it, TM is in the unique position to perhaps the first time ever, to genuinely have a entire coaching team of Tot, Hashemian, Bagheri under leadership of Skocic.

                                In the past we've had some Iranian assistants under foreign coaches, but they were never more than token appointments!

                                This time is different and it's actually working out great so far!

                                Let's hope they will keep building and growing further and further.

