Originally posted by PSGman#19
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For example, if you feel your boss is underperforming, not preparing your company for success and that you as an employee are bailing him out time and again, and then you look at his resume to see if he has experience needed to guide team, build a long term vision, etc and you realize the guy has only a fraction of your own top level experience, you begin to question him (Taremi, Ghoddos, Sardar). Thats just natural and has nothing do with insubordination.
Skocic lack of experience will always in the elephant in the room, especially when you consider his jobs in PGPL were very average. You wouldnt hire any iranian coach off the back of average performances with SNA, Foolad, Khoone be Khoone.
The players who experienced higher level management clearly realize for however much of a good guy he is (willing to really work and be dedicated, honest, etc) he simply doesnt have requisite knowledge or capabilities for them to fully support him. It shows in that after 12 games nobody can name any tactical prinicples the team is being directed to use, just a series of random crosses and hoping for azmoun, taremi link play or occasional vahid run from midfield. We dont have same level of control and structure in our game at all.
Issue is we cannot have this kind of doubt in players minds at WC, or lack of full unity, belief in coach. When we do lose a game which the way its going is when not if, then the team could really crash and burn. Skocic is not giving us big technical/tactical or gheyrati benefits. He did a solid job as a caretaker to get the team through sticky patch of games on short notice and if not for IFF incompetence that would have been that.
And people keep bringing up wilmots as example of somebody with resume who did bad to somehow say we shouldnt try another option if possible. Thats BS...Wilmots was a total fraud who was actively trying to sabotage the team to secure a payout. There are many coaches more qualified on paper than skocic to lead NT that wont try active robbery, sabotage where players basically have to wait until we lose enough games for inevitable firing to happen.