Golizadeh came in the 73rd minute and I believe he gave the assist for their 3rd goal. Pass was made way before the guy scored but it still counts as an assist.
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Ali Gholizadeh @ Royal Charleroi SC | 2021-22
Gholi dirooz yek dasti dar gole mosaaviye Charleroi daasht: dar omgh toop raa daryaft kard va toop raa
havaayi ferestad be sooye 18-ghadam ke pas yek barkhord miyoone darvazeban va mohaajem gol shod.
Amma hesse man ine ke shiveye bazi kardane in morrabbie jadid yek joorhaayi Ali raa dar tarkibe team gom mikone,
manzoram ine ke na gooshe ast, na markaze zamin, va toop kheili bishtar behesh berese.
Bebinim in ravand edaameh mide ya na.DROOD BAR AHMAD KASRAVI.
I’d love to see Gholizadeh play with a quality front line around him, he has the skill and is clever enough to make great opportunities (lost count of how many he has set up that have been messed up at Charleroi). I also think that he is the player that would benefit the most for our National team from playing at a higher level and improving as a player to bring those skills consistently for us.
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