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Breaking News: TM List for Lebanon and Syria announced (11/2022) *TAREMI DROPPED*

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    Originally posted by somebuffguy View Post
    Taremi is tokhs and emotional. Anyone remember his red card against Juventus? His yellow card against Chelsea in CL after he scored that amazing bicycle kick? Professionalism matters. Regardless, we may be better off without him for this game, who knows? I say let’s wait for the results before saying anything
    this entire team has been built only around Taremi. put jafar salmani on right back and entire team falls apart, now imagine taking away taremi?!


      Originally posted by rdwrrr View Post
      What I really lune to see us fir Yasin Salmani to get sone minutes
      Maybe 15-20 minutes against Lebanon

      Lets get a goal against them and put the youngsters
      Allahyar, Ghaedi and Salmani in the game
      Skocic has not introduced 1 young player to regular TM mins in competitive matches.

      Yasin Salmani will be asked to lead Omid team to Olympic qualification for the first time in HALF a CENTURY in a few months... Can you imagine what experience a few starts vs likes of lebanon and syria will do for him, both in terms of learning experience and also confidence? Allahyar is future of forward line, is physically one of our fittest players and can play any position across front 3, if not for Taremi exclusion skocic would still not have invited him... Ghayedi he keeps calling up but refusing to give any mins either.

      This is an important aspect of growing TM and also helping some guys who will be key in huge olympic project. At least last qualification cycle CQ introduced many new guys to mins, Ezatolahi (at a time he was still playing for Atletico Madrid B), Taremi, PAG becoming mainstay of defensive unit, Azmoun, milad from terek, and others.

      I dont see Skocic pick up any new young faces or replace majorly underperforming, aging guys, or even god forbid ROTATE them once in a while. His main accomplishment in this regard was bringing sarlak (!) off bench repeatedly, or even trying to start him instead of ezatolahi.


        Originally posted by Ab-Gosht View Post
        Most embarassing is not the interview by Dragan, its not the tweet by Taremi, but its to not smooth this whole bullshit out. Who gives a sheet about an interview or a tweet, but not inviting your best player for no reason thats embarassing. How the list can come out without Taremi how is that possible to even go through the fed with this happening thats embarrasing.
        Leaders can’t allow themselves to be subjugated by the ones they’re supposed to lead. Conversations like this can’t happen on the Twitter sphere.


          Originally posted by somebuffguy View Post
          Leaders can’t allow themselves to be subjugated by the ones they’re supposed to lead. Conversations like this can’t happen on the Twitter sphere.
          yes thats what im saying as well, this should have all been sorted out by now. they had so much time to fix this. There has been no underlying problems, Taremi has played 90min every game and Iran has sealed 95% qualification, u dont stop now!


            Originally posted by Iranianarsenal11 View Post
            The most embarressing part of this whole debacle is the fact that Zahedi isn't called up, yet Rafiae, Kaveh, and Torabi are... LOL

            If this is just a two game ban from Skocic to Taremi, I'm okay with it IF HE CAN BACK IT UP WITH GOOD TACTICS AND RESULTS against Lebanon and Syria.

            But if this Taremi debacle continues, Skocic needs to get axed.
            That's the biggest mistake he make


              I can only remember how offensively ineffective TM was without Taremi when we faced Japan in AC 2019.. I know it was Japan, but still.. yet people think it‘s a good thing to do or think it‘s funny.. now the next two games will be essential.. if we win both I think we are through to the WC.. if not.. everyone , especially the one‘s who say it was the right decision or think it‘s funny, will blame Skokic .. (and IMO he must be blamed then, but god forbid..)

              I only hope the rest of TM players will now try extra hard in the next two games, and I hope that he FINALLY LETS GHODDOS PLAY.

              I don‘t know if Skokic is on some serious, horse-tranquilizing crack or whatever, that he won‘t let Saman get more minutes or even start, a player who even gets praise from racist and punk a$$ brit commentators..


                In all honesty I have to question how knowledgable he is on the fitness and form of our legionnaire based players. Is he just picking some players based on their name and what they have done before , is he watching their games , is someone else making sure certain players in the squad?

                Hajsafi has struggled to get much game time for Athens , Rezaei struggled for game time too. Karim has not been starting for Athens as well and is playing limited sub role - he seems to be doing more of a marketing role for his club.

                Let’s use these games then to put in players in form - show your team that if they are not performing then they are not guaranteed a place in the squad. That he wants players at the top of their game, just like last round of games when he picked Milad even though he was not match fit and Rezaei as well and he missed games through his constant injury.

                You can’t say follow me I’m the boss and drop Taremi and then contradict yourself and pick players who are busy playing Monopoly on the bench and who have fitness problems. He is being dictated too but as others as said what is the alternative ? Who else comes in? Darren Potter?


                  Originally posted by Ab-Gosht View Post
                  yes thats what im saying as well, this should have all been sorted out by now. they had so much time to fix this. There has been no underlying problems, Taremi has played 90min every game and Iran has sealed 95% qualification, u dont stop now!
                  We are playing keese teams. Maybe getting our younger players involved would be a good thing. The damned sanction don’t allow Iran to get much practice and we can never develop our young players with this system. So why not try this instead? I personally am happy to see Allahyar playing.


                    Khube ke regime Iran be andaze kafi zaye hast o adam nabayad darbarash ba kasi harf bezane.. inaram nabayad be kasi goft, ke ye bazikone Champions League ro in yaru Skokic endakhte birun 😂


                      Originally posted by somebuffguy View Post
                      We are playing keese teams. Maybe getting our younger players involved would be a good thing. The damned sanction don’t allow Iran to get much practice and we can never develop our young players with this system. So why not try this instead? I personally am happy to see Allahyar playing.
                      allahyar and sardar cant play together. they both play the same game, run and dont pass


                        Taremi is the only one to blame. Dragan did the right thing even if it costs TM. You can't support CQ's similar action and then be against this one!


                          Got to say though, sure, we've lost our most influential player and have undone a decade's worth of professionalism overnight and opened the floodgates to all manner of antics to come as we make ourselves a laughing stock but, on the bright side, it hasn't half livened up what was looking like being another desperately dull international break. I mean we'll still have to cope with 180 minutes of dire Sgohcic-ball but at least we can also look forward to a lot of bitching and back-stabbing in the coming fortnight. I for one can't wait.


                            Originally posted by Iran_19 View Post
                            I stand on what Skocic did regarding to Taremi, even though he is our best player but this is freaking poor list.
                            Torabi, Ghaedi, Kaveh, Hajsafi don't deserve to be in this list. This list is not sending a good message. Players performances doesn't mean much for the coach.
                            And i know we are extremely poor in CM but Soroush Rafai, seriously?
                            Skocic is at best at IPL level. This guy didn't even coach big teams in Croatia. Something that most of Vic who came to Iran have done.
                            Sent from my MAR-LX3A using Tapatalk
                            If you're talking about what CQ did he didn't do it out of EGO , Rahmati retired himself from the team and Aghili left the camp and didn't show up to practice. Taremi is getting crossed off for not agreeing with some comments its so pathetic, petty and stupid! I say fire this clown asap , even his tactical decisions vs Korea were so stupid they made no sense !
                            You just got Caged
                            K.C McElroy's Fan


                              Originally posted by CAGE View Post
                              If you're talking about what CQ did he didn't do it out of EGO , Rahmati retired himself from the team and Aghili left the camp and didn't show up to practice. Taremi is getting crossed off for not agreeing with some comments its so pathetic, petty and stupid! I say fire this clown asap , even his tactical decisions vs Korea were so stupid they made no sense !
                              Just listen to Aghili's interview and how he was crossed off....
                              Lets say what you say is true. How about Shoja? Shoja made some stupid comment like Taremi and never was invited.
                              At the end, as player your job is to play your damn game.

                              Sent from my MAR-LX3A using Tapatalk


                                Originally posted by Iran_19 View Post
                                Just listen to Aghili's interview and how he was crossed off....
                                Lets say what you say is true. How about Shoja? Shoja made some stupid comment like Taremi and never was invited.
                                At the end, as player your job is to play your damn game.

                                Sent from my MAR-LX3A using Tapatalk
                                Khalatbari did the same after he didn’t make the 2014 squad.

                                To me the Taremi exclusion is not the worst part of this selections. It’s him inviting guys like Torabi, Ghaedi, Hajisafi and Rezaei!

