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POLL - Are Persian Gulf League players as tactical as European League players?

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    Originally posted by TM4LIFE View Post
    There is no question that IPL is a tactically inferior league. The issue is that Skocic said IPL players are tactically inferior. What this undermines is their intrinsic ability to adapt to more demanding tactical settings which is practically an assault on their intellect. Thats why Taremi took it so personally. Regardless of the precedent set by Quieroz, that is not the sort of advertising you want from your national team coach to a European audience.
    Quit embarrassing yourself TM4LIFE by making up lies/false claims and changing Skocic's words to fit your false agenda. Straight up libel.

    How would you describe the difference on the field in the Iranian and Croatian leagues?

    - Iranian footballers are individually technically savvy and physically resilient , truly at an enviable level. And what they lack and where I see a lot of room for improvement is tactical ability, they’re not that good at it yet, but when I look at the long term, it’s something that can be learned and that will raise the Iranian football ladder even further. Europeans have always been tactically tidy, and as Iran has more and more players in European clubs, that is slowly starting to change.
    ^ This is the original interview that Skocic. Much different from what you falsely alluding to.


      I see what you did there Doctor DOOM Making people who are against skocic agreeing with skocic lol


        Originally posted by Leicester City View Post
        Quit embarrassing yourself TM4LIFE by making up lies/false claims and changing Skocic's words to fit your false agenda. Straight up libel.

        ^ This is the original interview that Skocic. Much different from what you falsely alluding to.
        Fair enough, thanks for posting the full quote. Seems more reasonable than what I had thought it was.


          Originally posted by milad_b View Post
          I see what you did there Doctor DOOM Making people who are against skocic agreeing with skocic lol

          well, sort of.
          It seems extreme majority of us DO believe Iran's league is behind European leagues in tactical acumen & aspects.
          So one might wonder then what is all this outrage about what Skocic said ... when WE, OURSELVES believe it too.
          Which brings me to what I keep repeating here and there: It's not the truth that bothers us. It's WHO tells that truth!

          If we say it, it's ok.
          If some big, famous, int'lly well known coach says it, it's ok.
          But if an unknown coach says the very same truth, then we take objection to it and actually see fit to step over rules of professionalism to counter him!

          In my world that's hypocritical


          And what's even worse, Thanks to Leicester (above post) and others who have recounted Skocic's words, the man didnt berate us, didnt put us down, didnt belittle us at all. He actually had a lot of praise for our football and players. He just said tactically we have some ways to go to catch up to Europe's level. WHICH IS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH ANYWAY.

          anyway. I think the point is made


            Originally posted by TM4LIFE View Post
            There is no question that IPL is a tactically inferior league. The issue is that Skocic said IPL players are tactically inferior. What this undermines is their intrinsic ability to adapt to more demanding tactical settings which is practically an assault on their intellect. Thats why Taremi took it so personally. Regardless of the precedent set by Quieroz, that is not the sort of advertising you want from your national team coach to a European audience.
            You are kidding right!!!! There is a distinction between: "You are not a nuclear physicist" and "You are incapable of becoming a nuclear physicist". "you are not a nuclear physicist" does not insult your intelligence. You can become one with time and lessons, but currently you are not. "You are incapable of becoming a nuclear physicist" means you are too dumb to learn it. Skocic never said Iranian players are incapable of learning tactics so I don't know why you are saying he assaulted their intellect.
            Everyone agrees that level of coaching in Iran is lower than Europe and hence IPL players are less tactical than top European Leagues. For sure, Taremi, Jahanbakhsh and Azmoun who have played in Europe under more sophisticated coaches for many years are more disciplined at executing coach's demand than Fajr players. Doesn't mean Fajr players can't learn. They just have not been taught to the same level. NOT an assault on their intellect or an insult.

            Edited. TM4LIFE jan, it seems that you changed your stance after reading Skocic's exact words. Please ignore above.


              I think we all can benefit from reading Skocic's ACTUAL comments (opened by leicester HERE IN THIS THREAD )
              The chap is full of compliments for our football, players and their abilities.
              He just said something that the extreme majority of fans ALSO believe to be true (see results of the poll)

              If we listen to fan's twisting of his comments and third hand recounts, obviously we will never get the correct picture. And subsequently, drive wrong conclusions.


                After the Lebanon game, I'd say F**K tactical adaptability. Our players (even the freaking NATIONAL TEAM ONES) need to learn BASIC things about football like playing until you hear the bloody whistle!!!!
                WTF ????

                We cant get the basics right. but suddenly we get angry and take objection to ppl pointing out we need more tactical refinement????

