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WCQ 2022: Iran - Iraq (Info, Reports & Live Updates)

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    eeen Haja Agha Mehdi reseed bel akhareh ya na?


      Originally posted by Kavian View Post
      eeen Haja Agha Mehdi reseed bel akhareh ya na?
      Hanooz na


        I think Mehdi is the only TM player I would trust to start from the beginning without a single training session. This guy is a real workhorse and never gets tired, a true beast! So if he manages to do the PCR test, he should start IMO.


          Originally posted by diz View Post

          Does Iran have new jerseys or what? How come they are wearing Meeroj? Did I miss something? Pas in "Alesheport" chis shod??


            All this mess is on FIFA with their shitty schedules. If we would've started the camp 2 weeks earlier all of this mess would've been prevented (european leagues having same schedule for qualifiers). Taremi and azmoun would've been in camp by now ready for match.


              Originally posted by Kavian View Post
              eeen Haja Agha Mehdi reseed bel akhareh ya na?
              I heard they are shooting the movie The Terminal 2 starting Mehdi Taremi at the Antalya Airport.
              "History is a set of lies that people have agreed upon,"


                i have feeling medi has done this
                on purpose specialy since sardar is
                out too HE WANTS TO MAKE HIS POINTS
                of coaches dont win games players do.
                i hope he dont play .

                memo to medi
                you are not on same level of
                at least 50 players who wore tm jersey
                IN THE 1970S U WOULDNT even start
                in 98 to 02 team u would of been bench warmer.


                  Originally posted by kateb View Post
                  i have feeling medi has done this
                  on purpose specialy since sardar is
                  out too HE WANTS TO MAKE HIS POINTS
                  of coaches dont win games players do.
                  i hope he dont play .

                  memo to medi
                  you are not on same level of
                  at least 50 players who wore tm jersey
                  IN THE 1970S U WOULDNT even start
                  in 98 to 02 team u would of been bench warmer.
                  Well doesn't this sound opposit? If we win without those players then clearly mehdi has been proven wrong. This would show that skocic can win games with any players and even without our stars.


                    Originally posted by Arman2 View Post
                    Does Iran have new jerseys or what? How come they are wearing Meeroj? Did I miss something? Pas in "Alesheport" chis shod??
                    Yes, we have Merooj jerseys now


                      Originally posted by taremiscores View Post

                      Seems like the bug has also hit the Iraqi camp from what I understand using Google Translate. These players were training today with the rest of the Iraqi as well and in camp.
                      الفحوصات تغيّب ثمانية لاعبين عن مباراة إيران
                      أظهرت نتائجُ فحوصات الـpcr إصابةٍ أربعة لاعبين، حيث ظهرت النتيجة ايجابيةً، وهم كلٌ من:
                      مصطفى ناظم وشيركو كريم وحسين علي وحسين جبار،
                      بالإضافة إلى المُعالجِ جبار عبد الحسين.
                      وبذلك سيغيبُ اللاعبون الأربعة عن مباراةِ منتخبنا أمام نظيره الإيراني التي تقام غداً الخميس في ملعبِ ازادي بالساعةِ الخامسة والنصف عصراً.
                      وسيكون عدد الغائبين عن المباراةِ ثمانية لاعبين هم: أمجد عطوان وياسر قاسم ومناف يونس وسعد ناطق ومصطفى ناظم وحسين علي وحسين جبار وشيركو كريم.
                      The results of the PCR tests showed that four players were injured, and the result was positive, and they are: Mustafa Nazim, Sherko Karim, Hussein Ali and Hussein Jabbar. In addition to the therapist, Jabbar Abdel-Hussein.
                      Thus, the four players will be absent from the match against Iran, which will be held tomorrow, Thursday, at Azadi Stadium, at half past five in the afternoon.
                      The number of absentees from the match will be eight players: Amjad Atwan, Yasser Kassem, Manaf Younes, Saad Natiq, Mustafa Nazim, Hussein Ali, Hussein Jabbar and Sherko Karim.
                      ay baba that means the rumors were true. At this point I hope uae doesnt request to play in neutral ground.


                        Originally posted by mbaizai View Post
                        ay baba that means the rumors were true. At this point I hope uae doesnt request to play in neutral ground.
                        Too late for that. Also this has nothing to do with iran.


                          Originally posted by milad_b View Post
                          Too late for that. Also this has nothing to do with iran.
                          offcourse has nothing to do with iran but you know ayrabs. I'm surprised that these positives are not happening in uae syria camp in Dubai or we maybe hears that today.


                            Originally posted by O-ZoNe View Post
                            We are likely going to wear what the women are wearing right now. Not a fan of the design but more importantly hope the quality is good.

                            Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
                            You mean they are going to have our guys play with sweat pants, Long sleeve and Hijab.

                            I like to se them play 25 minutes with that


                              Who is the player with #28


                                Originally posted by rdwrrr View Post
                                Who is the player with #28
                                Siavash Yazdani

