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    Originally posted by Ab-Gosht View Post
    heard this word a lot, what does it mean? turkmanchai
    Turkmanchai treaty was signed between the Qatar criminals and the Russia imperialist bastards after the Russio-Persian wars. Terms were completely in favor of russia. Iran ceded tons of territory, economic rights, military rights…
    Basically a complete surrender rather than a treaty.

    Any bad contract in Iran that is completely one sided is referred to as a turkemenchai treaty in Iran.


      Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
      This is the craziest agreement in Iranian sports history ( may be even beyond)

      If any party breaches the agreement set forth in this agreement between IFF and M. Wilmots, Iran (IFF) shall pay between £ 562,500.00 and £ 6,750,000.00.
      Yes, Iran must pay under this arrangement even if Wilmots terminates the deal.
      Without fully comprehending the terms of the contract, Taj, Baharvand, Eslamian, Taleghani, and Shiei all signed.Even the terminology in the Farsi version were beyond their comprehension.

      Do i understand this correct that IFF has given up its own building worth over 100 billion toman? Because of the contract?


        Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
        Turkmanchai treaty was signed between the Qatar criminals and the Russia imperialist bastards after the Russio-Persian wars. Terms were completely in favor of russia. Iran ceded tons of territory, economic rights, military rights…
        Basically a complete surrender rather than a treaty.

        Any bad contract in Iran that is completely one sided is referred to as a turkemenchai treaty in Iran.
        ok found it on wiki thanx.


          Originally posted by Ab-Gosht View Post
          insane to write a contract with so much money
          i suspect... actually have little doubt ... that it was more of a gaavebandi ... some assshole dalaals probably made a forturne from brokering this contract and probably paid off scandalous assholes like Taj and cronies to keep quiet and go along with it..!!
          and this POS has the audacity to run again for IFF presidency and all considering portray himself also as most qualified candidate..!! 👀

          other thing to note is this banking sanctions on the country and all these sanction-dodging antics by the IR cronies, makes it even more prone to scandalous contracts and dealings and thus even more difficult to exactly pinpoint the guilty parties afterwards...!!


            Originally posted by Ab-Gosht View Post
            Do i understand this correct that IFF has given up its own building worth over 100 billion toman? Because of the contract?
            IFF was unable to pay Wilmots during Taj and borrowed 2 million Euro from Shasta Co., which it failed to repay. Shasta seized the IFF building pursuant to a court ruling.


              Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
              IFF was unable to pay Wilmots during Taj and borrowed 2 million Euro from Shasta Co., which it failed to repay. Shasta seized the IFF building pursuant to a court ruling.
              Wilmots, the gift that keeps on giving!


                Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                If this is true it truly was turkmanchai. Taj wand anyone associated with this should be in jail or in grade 1!

                One of the most scandalous and harmful contracts in Iranian sports history was signed by Taj as president of the IFF. He and a select group of his IFF friends., Baharvand, Shiei, Talreghani, and Esfahani) sithout following correct procedure signed the most ridiculous and undefendable contract and made every effort to hide it from the public and criticism.
                They either lacked intelligence, committed a costly error and attempted to cover it up, or both.
                Even anyone without a legal background may understand the deal with Wilmots, yet Taj was unable to read and understand his own contract and maintains that his detractors are mistaken.
                He firmly informed Iranians throughout numerous interviews and TV appearances that he had signed a solid contract and that, in the worst-case situation, IFF would only be required to pay the 3 months' salary base of the article 5 cancelation clause in the event of contract termination.
                Board member Islamian even continued to accuse the opponents as being illiterate.
                In the end, everyone realized that Taj and his associates were the dishonest, illiterate liars.

                Contract with Wilmot:

                Coach will receive a yearly payment of £2,250,000.00 (4 instalments of £562,000.00 every 3 months) from 2/6/2019 to 1/6/2022 in accordance with the terms of the contract. He would receive a six-month extension if Iran qualified for the World Cup (2 payments of £ 562,500.00), for total of £7,875,000
                Government will also pay his taxes, and he will additionally receive a WC advance of $1.2 Million.

                Article 5: Cancellation clause
                1. If the Coach terminates the Contract in compliance to FIFA and CAS rules and regulations, he is entitled to three months' salary.

                2-If the IFF terminates the contract in compliance with FIFA and CAS laws and regulations, the coach will be paid 3 months' salary as compensation.

                3-If the Iranian national side is unable to make it to the Qatar 2022 World Cup, the contract would automatically expire, and the coach will only be entitled to any back pay. He be prohibited from making any more claims.

                ماده 5 – فسخ قرارداد
                درصورتی که سرمربی با دلایل موجه و قابل قبول براساس قوانین و مقررات فیفاو(دیوان داوری ورزش ) اقدام به فسخ قرارداد
                نماید و بتواند این موضوع را ثابت کند حقوق سه ماه به او تعلق خواهد گرفت (یا یک مبلع مشخص )
                درصورتی که فدراسیون فوتبال ایران با دلایل موجه و قابل قبول براساس قوانین و مقررات فیفاو(دیوان داوری ورزش ) اقدام به فسخ قرارداد
                نماید و بتواند این موضوع را ثابت کند حقوق سه ماه به او تعلق خواهد گرفت (یا یک مبلع مشخص)بعنوان حسارت به سرمربی پرداخت خواهد شد.
                چنانچه تیم ملی ایران بخ جام جهانی فطر 2022 صعود ننماید این فرارداد خود بخود فسخ شده وسرمربی چنانچه مطالبات معوق داشته باسد صرفا مستحق دریافت آن خواهد بود ونمیتواند هیچگونه ادعای دیگری داشته باشد.

                £562,500.00 -£ 6,7500,00:00

                Taj insisted that maximum penalties for termination of contract is 3 months’ salary ( £ 562,500.00 ) . He was wrong and when it was exposed he tried to cover up his misdeed with more lies and deceptions.
                where he miscalculated.
                He clearly did not understand the implications of Article 5 as we mentioned in this thread in 2019 and 2020.
                The contract is for three years (£ 6,750,000.00), and there are only two circumstances in which it may be terminated and the payment reduced to £ 562,500.00
                1. If the coach decides to leave for any reason, he will still receive £562,500.00
                2- If the IFF has a valid reason to terminate the contract (coach's breach of the contract), Iran will only be fined £562,000.
                However, if Iran fails to provide a sufficient reason for termination, the coach will be paid in full £ 6,7500,00:00 . The Court agreed that IFF violated their contract by failing to pay three months' salary and sided with the coach.
                In the end, the coach obtained more or less his full salary, not just half as some allege, and the focus of the CAS case was not on identifying the guilty party, but rather how much the 6 is entitled to.


                  Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
                  One of the most scandalous and harmful contracts in Iranian sports history was signed by Taj as president of the IFF. He and a select group of his IFF friends., Baharvand, Shiei, Talreghani, and Esfahani) sithout following correct procedure signed the most ridiculous and undefendable contract and made every effort to hide it from the public and criticism.
                  They either lacked intelligence, committed a costly error and attempted to cover it up, or both.
                  Even anyone without a legal background may understand the deal with Wilmots, yet Taj was unable to read and understand his own contract and maintains that his detractors are mistaken.
                  He firmly informed Iranians throughout numerous interviews and TV appearances that he had signed a solid contract and that, in the worst-case situation, IFF would only be required to pay the 3 months' salary base of the article 5 cancelation clause in the event of contract termination.
                  Board member Islamian even continued to accuse the opponents as being illiterate.
                  In the end, everyone realized that Taj and his associates were the dishonest, illiterate liars.

                  Contract with Wilmot:

                  Coach will receive a yearly payment of £2,250,000.00 (4 instalments of £562,000.00 every 3 months) from 2/6/2019 to 1/6/2022 in accordance with the terms of the contract. He would receive a six-month extension if Iran qualified for the World Cup (2 payments of £ 562,500.00), for total of £7,875,000
                  Government will also pay his taxes, and he will additionally receive a WC advance of $1.2 Million.

                  Article 5: Cancellation clause
                  1. If the Coach terminates the Contract in compliance to FIFA and CAS rules and regulations, he is entitled to three months' salary.

                  2-If the IFF terminates the contract in compliance with FIFA and CAS laws and regulations, the coach will be paid 3 months' salary as compensation.

                  3-If the Iranian national side is unable to make it to the Qatar 2022 World Cup, the contract would automatically expire, and the coach will only be entitled to any back pay. He be prohibited from making any more claims.

                  ماده 5 – فسخ قرارداد
                  درصورتی که سرمربی با دلایل موجه و قابل قبول براساس قوانین و مقررات فیفاو(دیوان داوری ورزش ) اقدام به فسخ قرارداد
                  نماید و بتواند این موضوع را ثابت کند حقوق سه ماه به او تعلق خواهد گرفت (یا یک مبلع مشخص )
                  درصورتی که فدراسیون فوتبال ایران با دلایل موجه و قابل قبول براساس قوانین و مقررات فیفاو(دیوان داوری ورزش ) اقدام به فسخ قرارداد
                  نماید و بتواند این موضوع را ثابت کند حقوق سه ماه به او تعلق خواهد گرفت (یا یک مبلع مشخص)بعنوان حسارت به سرمربی پرداخت خواهد شد.
                  چنانچه تیم ملی ایران بخ جام جهانی فطر 2022 صعود ننماید این فرارداد خود بخود فسخ شده وسرمربی چنانچه مطالبات معوق داشته باسد صرفا مستحق دریافت آن خواهد بود ونمیتواند هیچگونه ادعای دیگری داشته باشد.

                  £562,500.00 -£ 6,7500,00:00

                  Taj insisted that maximum penalties for termination of contract is 3 months’ salary ( £ 562,500.00 ) . He was wrong and when it was exposed he tried to cover up his misdeed with more lies and deceptions.
                  where he miscalculated.
                  He clearly did not understand the implications of Article 5 as we mentioned in this thread in 2019 and 2020.
                  The contract is for three years (£ 6,750,000.00), and there are only two circumstances in which it may be terminated and the payment reduced to £ 562,500.00
                  1. If the coach decides to leave for any reason, he will still receive £562,500.00
                  2- If the IFF has a valid reason to terminate the contract (coach's breach of the contract), Iran will only be fined £562,000.
                  However, if Iran fails to provide a sufficient reason for termination, the coach will be paid in full £ 6,7500,00:00 . The Court agreed that IFF violated their contract by failing to pay three months' salary and sided with the coach.
                  In the end, the coach obtained more or less his full salary, not just half as some allege, and the focus of the CAS case was not on identifying the guilty party, but rather how much the 6 is entitled to.

                  imo i don’t even think all the blame should be on taj for the contract, what were all the lawyers doing in this?

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                    Originally posted by kian_khosh View Post
                    imo i don’t even think all the blame should be on taj for the contract, what were all the lawyers doing in this?

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                    The IFF treasurer or and legal department will often sign such contracts.
                    Nowhere in this specific contract.

                    Not only was there a defective and detrimental contract in place, but there were also ongoing lies and coverups.


                      حمید سجادی درمورد آخرین شرایط فدراسیون فوتبال و تیم ملی در آستانه جامجهانی 2022 قطر اظهار داشت

                      : گزارش را خواندم و متوجه شدم 2 میلیون یورو پرداخت شده است. رای هم 3 میلیون و 300 هزار یورو است و دو 5درصد هم دیرکرد است. 32 میلیارد تومان مالیات این قرارداد است. قراردادی که بسته می
                      شود و پیش پرداخت هایی که صورت میگیرد چه اصولی دارد؟
                      گفته میشود از شستا کمک گرفته شده است که همه ما آن مجموعه را هم دوست داریم اما چرا ضمانت آن پولی که گرفته شده باید ساختمان فدراسیون فوتبال باشد؟
                      سجادی خاطرنشان کرد: در اسناد پرداختی فدراسیون 24 میلیارد تومان به یوروی 12 هزار تومان به شستا پرداخت شده که علاوه بر این، ساختمان هم به نام شستا شده است. سونامی ویلموتس در ورزش و فوتبال کشور باید حل شود نباید ویلموتس دومی هم داشته باشیم. هرجا سهل ا نگاری کنیم بازهم شاهد این اتفاقات خواهیم بود.
                      sports minister
                      We need to find a solution to the Wilmots tsunami that has hit the nation's football and sports, and we shouldn't have another Wilmots.

                      Should there be a second Taj?

                      Taj recently advocated for paying Wilmont's penalties using IFF funds that FIFA had frozen.
                      He also stated that if elected, he would like to sign a Forgen coach (not ruling out CQ).
                      He omitted to explain how he would pay for that, and if he expected assistance from the ministry of sport, he would be making yet another miscalculation.


                        IFF vs Manuel Ferrera,

                        According to the IFF website, IFF has been ordered to pay £348617 plus £6,000 euros in bonus , as well as a 5 percent annual interest payment, starting on July 6, 2020, based on the CAS judgement in the case of Manuel Ferrera, Mark Wilmots' first assistant in the national team.
                        IFF should pay approximately £390,350.00 to Manuel Ferrera,Not including taxes, of course.


                          Only bodyguard Serge Borlee chose not to file a lawsuit against IFF.

                          Wilmots traveled to Iran with a bodyguard, who also joined him at IFF gatherings.

                          The cost of the hotel, meals for this bodyguard, and first-class flights (Wilmots frequently traveled abroad) were all covered by the federation.


                            Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
                            IFF vs Manuel Ferrera,

                            According to the IFF website, IFF has been ordered to pay £348617 plus £6,000 euros in bonus , as well as a 5 percent annual interest payment, starting on July 6, 2020, based on the CAS judgement in the case of Manuel Ferrera, Mark Wilmots' first assistant in the national team.
                            IFF should pay approximately £390,350.00 to Manuel Ferrera,Not including taxes, of course.
                            This just gets better. At this rate IFF will have to pay the families of these guys for mental anguish...and I fear all these foreign coaches in ipl will soon be lining up at CAS door for nonpayment!

                            Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
                            Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


                              Publish Date: August 2, 1401 - 09:58

                              The Wilmots case has put the federation in crisis
                              Farhadi: We appreciate the support of the Ministry of Sports to get through this tragedy

                              Due to the financial effects and damages of the Wilmots contract for the Football Federation, tsunami is the least described for this contract and the resulting crises.

                              According to the official website of the Football Federation, the director of legal affairs of the federation on the issues raised about the costs of the case Mark Wilmots said: The most important effect of this contract is in the financial statements and balance sheets of the Football Federation, which has caused the loss of the federation and the critical financial conditions of the football complex.
                              Arash Farhadi reiterated: In addition to the sentence issued for Mr. Wilmots, the sentence of his assistants by CAS and the tax recognition sheet of 32 billion Tomans has also been communicated to the Football Federation and despite the efforts of Dr. Vosough Ahmadi and his legal team in reducing the sentence which is worthy of appreciation, paying about four million euros for the federation that has lost its building is a disaster.
                              He continued: "The points that the high official of the Ministry of Sport, Dr. Sajjadi raised about the losses caused by the case, including taxes and buildings and the amount of cash, and used the phrase tsunami, are completely documented and correct, and in addition to these cases, there are other significant losses that will be determined in the future.

                              He said: "The efforts of the legal authorities of the Ministry of Sport and the Football Federation are continuing and we hope to help the respected government to lessle the losses and damages of this tragedy for the federation. The 32 billion Tomans tax debt of the Wilmots contract, apart from the unpaid taxes of the contract of Carlos Kay, is the former head coach of the national football team, which is currently paid in installments to the Finance Department.
                              He concluded: "Unfortunately, the Football Federation is faced with the consequences of this case, but there is room to thank the cooperation and efforts of Dr. Sajjadi and his colleagues and the legal deputy of the ministry, especially regarding the interaction that was created through the Ministry of Sport with the Ministry of Economy to cooperate with the Federation in resolving the effects of this case, and hopefully with the support of the Ministry of Sport and the government of the respected problems resulting from this case. The contract is resolved as soon as possible.

                              Supporting Team Melli


                                some ond please confirm
                                if mohamad akhondi has been
                                approved to run for iff president election.
                                all over telegram is being discussed
                                SAJADI WILL MOVE TO head of olympic
                                committee ..
                                will have new sport ministry vazir
                                AND AKHNDI WILL BECIME IFF PRESIDENT.

