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    IFF emergency board meeting on strategies to justify keeping Skocic through the WC


      🎥 Adel Ferdosipour's interview with Dragan Skocic has been released.

      Must watch.
      "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


        ^^^ thanks for posting it bro.

        The interview was positive ... but whats the points people will comment negative stuff about him!

        Edit: I'll take it back the comments are actually postive.


          Originally posted by taremiscores View Post
          [emoji327] Adel Ferdosipour's interview with Dragan Skocic has been released.

          Must watch.

          YouTube version as well.

          Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
          Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


            Originally posted by O-ZoNe View Post
            YouTube version as well.

            Was his first question to Skocic really about this weight??? smh Iranian interview to the core!


              Again Skocic is not THE problem. IFF is.

              He is doing His part. Doing antics for media is not part of coach job.

              That coach get to take heat for iff shortcomings is One of the real issues. It shows how low People of Iran have stooped. It only breeds servility.

              The Guy is trying to prepare the team in best possible way.

              Advice: IF u are angry then went it against that sabzi foorosh that literarly comes from naziabad (older members Will get THE pun)


                Originally posted by taremiscores View Post
                This will be must watch. Will it be released tomorrow?

                Honestly, in a one minute clip - Adel has held Dragan more accountable and asked better questions (by a reporter) than all the other reporters combined.

                We need Adel Ferdosipour in our football.
                This!!! +1

                Aghaye ferdowsipour is One of those gems that is a pillar in iranian media. If iran becomes free some Day he Will be THE foundation for something better in His field of work.


                  But just an observation: he just did not hold him accountable. He also gave the poor man a chance to reach out and explains things. Thus giving us better assesment of the issues.


                    Originally posted by diz View Post
                    Was his first question to Skocic really about this weight??? smh Iranian interview to the core!
                    Lol small talk but agree. Not the best way to start.

                    I thoroughly enjoyed Dragans interview. He doesn't lose composure and like some suggested behind scenes he is fighting for TM. I believe in this moment he is the right guy for the job. He also honestly spoke about all the false and misleading things iff has done to him, his staff, and in regard to his plan/preparation thus far.

                    Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
                    Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


                      A recurring leitmotif in shahname: kerm az khode derakht ast


                        he was lying through his teeth, get him gone and get carlos in


                          Originally posted by diz View Post
                          Was his first question to Skocic really about this weight??? smh Iranian interview to the core!
                          I actually thought it was posed in a respectful way, gave him the chance to mention it is a medical issue. We make fun of his weight here and say eating kubideh is all he does but in this light there is really nothing the poor guy can do about it except get the appropriate medical attention which he has now done.

                          Anyways overall I really can only thank adel. His tone, his charisma, and his line of questioning provided skocic with a much better platform to clear the air than any iranian media has done previously (especially in comparison to that swine misaghi). Skocic I thought handled himself well. There are things he could have pressed on more but he also knew that when sko feels threatened he gets super defensive and whole interview could go to shit.

                          I do not think he is a coach for the level of the world cup. His resume is proof of that. He skipped about 3-4 steps in a regular ascent to such a role. If he is to be our coach, while he should be questioned and held accountable for his decisions on technical basis like any other coach, he also doesnt deserve abuse. I feel like he could honestly solve a lot of issues with a few tactical tweaks and stopping extended experiments with norafkan and nourollahi.


                            I watch the interview like everybody else and I have to admit I have been really hard on Scott-teach lately especially with his players selection and tactics and I felt like he was really soft and And he would let the IFF get away with a lot of stuff but after watching that interview it seems like he’s in a very hard position the Iff is taking advantage of the situation for whatever reason it seems like they don’t care about this team at all to the iff they rather we just go to the World Cup with minimal camps , friendlies and preparation and lose all three games and thats that.

                            Money is not an issue they have the money they can get really good friendly games they can set up really good friendly camps look at esthegal they brought a Portuguese coach look at tractor to bring another good Foreign coach they have the money,

                            All the clubs in Iran , all the teams in Iran are government run it is all the governments money so the people that pay skocic also pay for all the foreign coaches for the clubs also pay whatever foreign players comes into the league this is not private money it is all public money

                            It’s just other factors are at play at this moment mainly the fact that they just don’t want the team to do well they just don’t want the team to do well and they don’t want it to be a successful tournament for us that I FF has just made that very clear they just don’t care about this team going to the second round they don’t want this to be a happy tournament for us or the people or the team , they don’t want to see anybody celebrating in the streets just go home watch the game we lose three games that’s it everybody sad


                              Originally posted by kaebi kabab View Post
                              he was lying through his teeth, get him gone and get carlos in
                              Give me a break, lie about what? He critizes iff in public. First he is a yes man then when he says iff is not implementing measures and following My plan he is a liar?

                              There are costs in Iran for speaking like he did. Does he literarly need to rub royal shombolz to get some credibility?


                                Iranian footballers need to be like our wrestlers. Ive Said it many Times: but more importantly our fans need to be more like wrestling fans.

                                Patriotic, proud and loving. The federation would not dare Messing with football then. In the same way they do not dare touch wrestling.

                                When Hassan Lost in last seconds in Olympus i swear every iranian man was struck by sorrow. When he cried we all cried. If we treat football the same way in current system we Will most likely get regime khaye mals at charge, but they Will be giving posts to competent khaye mals at least

                                Lets treat our national team like heroes regardless of results. Iranians should signal that the love isnt conditional and that demands wont go away in smoke just bc we dont have CQ. There should be costs for manhandling the WC preparations

