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TM-News-Vol. 7

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    Even if IFF cancels Skocic's contract at this point, TM won't be disqualified from the World Cup in Qatar.

    While they wait for the IFF election and World Cup, they will punish Iran in other ways. When that happens, they won't wait for the IFF statute to be approved by parliament; instead, they'll immediately ban Iran.


      Originally posted by Leicester City View Post
      His priorities include avoiding a terrible federation, actually getting paid, and not getting sacked for frivolous reasons. Even so we prob dodged one with him.

      Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
      Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


        A day before the TC meeting, TSL's comments in support of the domestic football coach were publicized. They have now pushing denial after three days. Damage is done.
        They claim that the comment was made three years ago, so why was it reprinted in the government-run media the day before the TC meeting?

        The media is seriously tainted, and truth is a rare commodity

        The Supreme Leader has not made any recommendations regarding the selection of the head coach of the national football team.


          Short version:
          The action taken by Qhasempour was detrimental and ineffective,

          BOD spokesmen blasted Qasempour's (TC spokesman) actions yesterday, saying they were unprofessional and showed a lack of understanding of proper protocol.
          Qhasempour defended their decision and blamed it for the BOD's inaction.
          Qasempour appears to be out of his element and unaware of the extent of his own responsibilities.
          The TC is only an advisory body and one of the IFF committees that Majedi and BOD oversee and administer. Majedi and the BOD appoint the members of the TC; they are not elected, and they are subject to removal at any time.

          The only time TC makes suggestions is when Majedi asks for them, and the TM coach is not subject to their hiring or firing decisions.
          They are required to evaluate and make suggestions for recent TM and Skocic data. They have been asked to provide a list of domestic and international alternatives if they believe Skocic shouldn't remain.

          They are within their rights to nominate another candidate in lieu of Skocic, but they do not have the authority to deem Skocic unqualified.
          Skocic is a qualified coach with a professional license who is also a working TM coach with a decent track record.
          Instead of openly announcing that they believe he is unqualified for the position of TM, TC should have mentioned in their formal report that they don't think he would thrive at WC or that he lacks WC experience, etc. That comment might be considered defamatory/lible.

          Qhaempour is unaware that there are a number of committees inside IFF that will advise Majedi and the board on their choice, including the TC, Financial Committee, and Legal Committeeonly one of these committees is TC.
          TC should have providedBOD its official report and let BOD and IFF representatives handle any public statements because they have a department for that. In a rushed, immature decision that was erroneous, harmful, and unprofessional, Ghasempour deemed Skocic ineligible.

          Apart from Skocic, the TC committee and Qhasempour patiently awaited a meeting with the U17, U19, and U23 teams. They spoke with Abdi, Marfavi, and Mahdavi Kia in person and listened to their justifications, but Qhasempour could not wait for Skocic to be in Iran to join the meeting because they knew he was going back to Iran.

          BOD was forced to meet with the coach in person and awkwardly listen to his defense as a result of TC's disrespectful actions. Osouli asserts that they must now meet with the TC in order to examine Skocic's explanations . Everything was done improperly as a result of TC's bad behavior.
          Ghasempour is angry that the BOD, who has the last say on the IFF, did not immediately approve their recommendation.

          Qhsempor don't comprehend Elections are held every four years to select the president and board members who will be in charge of managing all facets of Iranian football, including TM. TC is a very small part of the IFF. The board and acting president, not TC, are in charge of TM and make the decisions regarding coach hiring and firing.
          The BOD is another inept board in addition to TC and Ghasempour's lack of professionalism.


            Originally posted by armen View Post
            I'd add that because of African Cup of Nations, it looks like African teams will be unavailable for friendlies during the September window, as well. Some African World Cup teams have complained about this and have asked to reschedule these Afcon games, but so far, all indications are that they will go ahead.
            It looks like African teams will now be available for friendlies in September, as CAF has postponed all Afcon games in the September window to allow African World Cup teams to arrange friendlies during the September window to prepare for the World Cup:


              Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
              Short version:
              The action taken by Qhasempour was detrimental and ineffective,

              BOD spokesmen blasted Qasempour's (TC spokesman) actions yesterday, saying they were unprofessional and showed a lack of understanding of proper protocol.
              Qhasempour defended their decision and blamed it for the BOD's inaction.
              Qasempour appears to be out of his element and unaware of the extent of his own responsibilities.
              The TC is only an advisory body and one of the IFF committees that Majedi and BOD oversee and administer. Majedi and the BOD appoint the members of the TC; they are not elected, and they are subject to removal at any time.
              The only time TC makes suggestions is when Majedi asks for them, and the TM coach is not subject to their hiring or firing decisions.
              They are required to evaluate and make suggestions for recent TM and Skocic data. They have been asked to provide a list of domestic and international alternatives if they believe Skocic shouldn't remain.
              They are within their rights to nominate another candidate in lieu of Skocic, but they do not have the authority to deem Skocic unqualified.
              Skocic is a qualified coach with a professional license who is also a working TM coach with a decent track record.
              Instead of openly announcing that they believe he is unqualified for the position of TM, TC should have mentioned in their formal report that they don't think he would thrive at WC or that he lacks WC experience, etc. That comment might be considered defamatory/lible.
              Qhaempour is unaware that there are a number of committees inside IFF that will advise Majedi and the board on their choice, including the TC, Financial Committee, and Legal Committeeonly one of these committees is TC.
              TC should have providedBOD its official report and let BOD and IFF representatives handle any public statements because they have a department for that. In a rushed, immature decision that was erroneous, harmful, and unprofessional, Ghasempour deemed Skocic ineligible.
              Apart from Skocic, the TC committee and Qhasempour patiently awaited a meeting with the U17, U19, and U23 teams. They spoke with Abdi, Marfavi, and Mahdavi Kia in person and listened to their justifications, but Qhasempour could not wait for Skocic to be in Iran to join the meeting because they knew he was going back to Iran.
              BOD was forced to meet with the coach in person and awkwardly listen to his defense as a result of TC's disrespectful actions. Osouli asserts that they must now meet with the TC in order to examine Skocic's explanations . Everything was done improperly as a result of TC's bad behavior.
              Ghasempour is angry that the BOD, who has the last say on the IFF, did not immediately approve their recommendation.
              Qhsempor don't comprehend Elections are held every four years to select the president and board members who will be in charge of managing all facets of Iranian football, including TM. TC is a very small part of the IFF. The board and acting president, not TC, are in charge of TM and make the decisions regarding coach hiring and firing.
              The BOD is another inept board in addition to TC and Ghasempour's lack of professionalism.
              Wow just wow! And this guy was suggesting Azmoun learns to speak properly. Agenda much?!


                Dadkan's perspective on

                Skocic's mistreatment
                describing him as unqualified
                His choice in light of the circumstances


                  Originally posted by St_Mark View Post

                  Dadkan's perspective on

                  Skocic's mistreatment
                  describing him as unqualified
                  His choice in light of the circumstances
                  Thanks for that. In Short, Dadkan says that Skocic would be his choice to represent us at WC22.


                    Now that it is too late and obvious government meddling in the process of replacing TM coach has been made public on a global scale, IFF has released a statement denying TSL, Presiden, and SM had undue influence and announcing their independence and intent to make an independent decision.

                    In light of the overwhelming evidence, a hollow statement will not placate FIFA or the general public. There is incontrovertible proof.

                    بيانيه فدراسيون فوتبال در خصوص تصميم گيرى پيرامون تيم ملى

                    بر اين مبنا فدراسيون فوتبال جمهورى اسلامى ايران بر مبناى وظايف و مسئوليت هاى خود در راستاى تحقق فرمايشات مقام معظم رهبرى
                    در زمينه سربلندى و حضور قدرتمندانه نمايندگان ورزش ايران اسلامى در ميادين بين المللى همچنين خوشحالى و رضايت مردم شريف ايران
                    اسلامى تنها در راستاى مصالح و منافع ملى در خصوص شرايط تيم ملى به صورت كاملا مستقل تصميم گيرى و به تكليف خود عمل خواهد كرد
                    و هيچ گونه دخالت سياسى و غير ورزشى در اينگونه موضوعات تخصصى كه در حوزه وظايف تعريف شده مسئولان فدراسيون
                    به شمار مى رود صورت نگرفته همچنين سخنگوى محترم دولت و وزير محترم ورزش بارها بر استقلال كامل فدراسيون در زمينه
                    تصميم گيرى پيرامون شرايط تيم ملى و نقش حمايتى دولت محترم در خصوص پشتيبانى از فدراسيون در مسير آماده سازى تيم ملى تاكيد نموده اند.



                      Perhaps not the best idea to promulgate this on a forum read by outsiders who might not want to see TM play in the World Cup...


                        Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
                        Now that it is too late and obvious government meddling in the process of replacing TM coach has been made public on a global scale, IFF has released a statement denying TSL, Presiden, and SM had undue influence and announcing their independence and intent to make an independent decision.
                        In light of the overwhelming evidence, a hollow statement will not placate FIFA or the general public. There is incontrovertible proof.
                        How can it be too late when no final decision has been made? FIFA cannot act on rumours and something that hasn't happened! Skocic despite rumours spread (I edited this myself) has not been fired/sacked yet.
                        P.S. Government officials do show interest in football and they support teams. It is normal. No one blinked an eyelid when Canadian PM expressed his meddling of the friendly game with us and in fact it was canclled. FIFA does not act on expressions only if there is a direct interference and there is no such thing happening so far. There is no order and IFF has not acted on recommendations etc.
                        هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
                        نگاه میکنید.
                        I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.


                          Originally posted by Roozbeh-G2006 View Post
                          How can it be too late when no final decision has been made? FIFA can not act on something that hasn't happened! Skocic despite rumours spread and this forum is also guilty of has not been fired/sacked yet.
                          They will have to wait for new incoming IFF president, who has his own preference - to fire Skocic and claim he has his own independence. Mehdi Taj will do that. The current acting IFF regime may not get away with it.
                          "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


                            The TC's role was to evaluate the existing coach and offer recommendations. Before submitting an official report to the BOD and in violation of IFF rules, Ghasempour hurriedly and immaturely made the TC decision public in a circus show , which led to misunderstandings and the false conclusion.
                            He maintains his public interviews and his crusade against the current coach in spite of board condemnation for his unethical behavior. His most recent interview is proof of his personal grudge, his insensitivity, and his lack of education.

                            Skocic is still the TM coach, thus these unjustified claims and fabrications regarding him are untrue, yet an IFF official is breaking multiple rules. He needs to be fired since he lost his mind to prevent additional harm to IFF's standing, TM.

                            قاسمپور: تاخیر در برکناری دراگان صلاح نیست


                              Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
                              The TC's role was to evaluate the existing coach and offer recommendations. Before submitting an official report to the BOD and in violation of IFF rules, Ghasempour hurriedly and immaturely made the TC decision public in a circus show , which led to misunderstandings and the false conclusion.
                              He maintains his public interviews and his crusade against the current coach in spite of board condemnation for his unethical behavior. His most recent interview is proof of his personal grudge, his insensitivity, and his lack of education.

                              Skocic is still the TM coach, thus these unjustified claims and fabrications regarding him are untrue, yet an IFF official is breaking multiple rules. He needs to be fired since he lost his mind to prevent additional harm to IFF's standing, TM.

                              قاسمپور: تاخیر در برکناری دراگان صلاح نیست
                              هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
                              نگاه میکنید.
                              I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.


                                Sko is in safe position. And if this report is genuine and not fake/fabricated/old, he apparently travelled to see Shahab Zahedi

                                هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
                                نگاه میکنید.
                                I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.

