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TM-News-Vol. 7

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    Originally posted by peiman92 View Post
    Skocic to stay until Asian cup 2023.
    It’s time to support him now.
    I support these nutz! Fukk that piece of shit who knows he has no business being a head coach of a national team at the World Cup level, and only wants to be there to fulfill his personal agenda. That's it. And then he is gonna play dumb and blame other factors and the IFF for his lack of football knowledge and ounce of professionalism. We got some dark days, weeks, months, and even years ahead of us. This is Bullshit!
    sigpicVIVA K8RIMI


      Originally posted by Leicester City View Post
      Quit making things up.
      You "Hoped England puts 10 past TM" didn't you? Someone who loves TM above anything else wouldn't say that right?
      هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
      نگاه میکنید.
      I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.


        Originally posted by Superparsi View Post
        I support these nutz! Fukk that piece of shit who knows he has no business being a head coach of a national team at the World Cup level, and only wants to be there to fulfill his personal agenda. That's it. And then he is gonna play dumb and blame other factors and the IFF for his lack of football knowledge and ounce of professionalism. We got some dark days, weeks, months, and even years ahead of us. This is Bullshit!
        I mean how the hell are you going to go to the World Cup with over half the team against you as the coach? Even yesterday Taremi took a steaming shit on this Croatian dalal in his interview with Ferdosipour.


          Originally posted by Superparsi View Post

          Let's be honest, we are fucking doomed.
          Yes for sure, we have been doomed since that certain Mr big shot put a story in his Instagram dividing TM.
          هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
          نگاه میکنید.
          I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.


            Current board members are not up for election under the IFF rules. Three ( 2+1) new members will be added to the board in the event that a different candidate is elected, but that number might not be sufficient to alter the board's majority vote.
            Even if the incoming IFF president wants to change the coach, it won't be simple.
            Although late, this was the last opportunity to remove him because it will be impossible to do so after the election on August 30, The timing simply won't allow it.


              Originally posted by Roozbeh-G2006 View Post
              You "Hoped England puts 10 past TM" didn't you? Someone who loves TM above anything else wouldn't say that right?
              Well, "someone who loves TM above anything else" would know that with this coach they will be bound for not only 3 losses but a full-scale embarrassment! I mean did you not watch the games against South Korea and Algeria?


                Originally posted by Leicester City View Post
                I mean how the hell are you going to go to the World Cup with over half the team against you as the coach? Even yesterday Taremi took a steaming shit on this Croatian dalal in his interview with Ferdosipour.
                With passionate fans like yourself we will cheer so loud and will our boys on! Home field advantage will bring the best of our boys thanks to the passion and dedication fans and TM have!

                Believe ladies and gentlemen it's all we got left!

                Kateb will also treat every fan to a chai, shirini, and a slice of Pizza for all your hard work!

                Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
                Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


                  Originally posted by Leicester City View Post
                  Hope England puts 10 past Iran!
                  Amen to that!! Even though I know that this world cup is going to ruin my year for sure!!!! My head gonna be hiding in my ass for weeks and months to follow after the world cup from the embarrassment that is awaiting us!! What shit show this is. How is this team going to perform is beyond me when most players know Skocic is clueless coach who has no business leading them at the world cup. HE is a biggest fuckin p*ssy who has no charisma or the experience to be at such level. Mofo does not wanna give up losing TM seat either.. Its like having a blind man lead you.....
                  sigpicVIVA K8RIMI


                    Originally posted by Superparsi View Post
                    Amen to that!! Even though I know that this world cup is going to ruin my year for sure!!!! My head gonna be hiding in my ass for weeks and months to follow after the world cup from the embarrassment that is awaiting us!! What shit show this is. How is this team going to perform is beyond me when most players know Skocic is clueless coach who has no business leading them at the world cup. HE is a biggest fuckin p*ssy who has no charisma or the experience to be at such level. Mofo does not wanna give up losing TM seat either.. Its like having a blind man lead you.....
                    At least give that World Cup experience to a hamvatan or something if you can't bring back Queiroz or another foreign option!


                      TM-News-Vol. 7

                      We are so doomed. Zero preperation, a tactically clueless coach who is there for personal gain, players who are divided and our stars who don’t agree with the coach. Looks like a receipe for disaster at the WC. Would be surprised if we get 1 point and that’s being generous.


                        Originally posted by Leicester City View Post
                        Well, "someone who loves TM above anything else" would know that with this coach they will be bound for not only 3 losses but a full-scale embarrassment! I mean did you not watch the games against South Korea and Algeria?
                        I know when players play well and when they are koongoshaad. I have seen how Taremi khodesho jer mideh vase Porto but he doesn't even give 50% of that for TM. I have seen it when our players play football with Ghyerat they can upset biggest teams. What will happen in Qatar is 90% up to the players. If they decide to play well they will get through even without game plans tactics etc. But if they hang on to whatever bs they will be trashed. We are not blind and can see what they are capable of and whether they will be delivering that or not. I reserve my judgement until then.
                        هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
                        نگاه میکنید.
                        I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.


                          Originally posted by Leicester City View Post
                          At least give that World Cup experience to a hamvatan or something if you can't bring back Queiroz or another foreign option!
                          Which hamvatan? They all rejected the position?

                          Originally posted by Superparsi View Post
                          Amen to that!! Even though I know that this world cup is going to ruin my year for sure!!!! My head gonna be hiding in my ass for weeks and months to follow after the world cup from the embarrassment that is awaiting us!! What shit show this is. How is this team going to perform is beyond me when most players know Skocic is clueless coach who has no business leading them at the world cup. HE is a biggest fuckin p*ssy who has no charisma or the experience to be at such level. Mofo does not wanna give up losing TM seat either.. Its like having a blind man lead you.....
                          You guys forget being a fan of a TM and supporting through thick and thin is a choice? You don't have to stress yourself out by cheering for TM. Lots of options in fact 31 other teams available this WC to support.

                          Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
                          Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


                            Originally posted by Roozbeh-G2006 View Post
                            I urge the Admin/staff please don't allow anymore threads about Skocic/CQ or anything that in any way contributes to creating division in TM and its supporters. Please delete the obsolete threads and let us all now unite behind TM and let them do what they need to do.

                            I really urge admins/staff please don't allow dividing/ moral destroying/ stupid anti TM threads. I predict threads like WE are sooooo Doomed......We are going to get scored on 10 ....blah blahhhh.
                            هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
                            نگاه میکنید.
                            I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.


                              If your self worth as a human being is tied to how TM does at World Cup, make dome adjustments in your life.


                                Originally posted by Leicester City View Post
                                I mean how the hell are you going to go to the World Cup with over half the team against you as the coach? Even yesterday Taremi took a steaming shit on this Croatian dalal in his interview with Ferdosipour.
                                Dude I was not shocked when I watched it. He basically said that we are doomed with Skocic and that he is NOT on international level. Team Melliro kardeh karvan sara. Taremi kept it real and professional at the same time when he was telling Ferdosipour how he feels about the situation and Skocic. For anyone who believes in Skocic and says he is a good coach, I question their intelligence tbh. WOW! How can anyone not appreciate what likes of Carlos Queiroz did for our boys. He fought for them and yes he didnt have to, but hell HE DID and that makes him a bad coach?!! People freaking forget so fast now a days; how much joy CQ era was for us football fanatics! EVERYONE on the team was as ONE UNIT, and that made him a bad coach?! We literally could have finished 1st in the group in the last WC and people already forgot about that??!?! Does that performance makes Carlos Queiroz a bad coach?! WTF is wrong with people. So ungrateful and namak nashnas. Even 2014 world cup with shitty preparation, we did Great! Losing 1-0 to world cup finalist Argentina with that kind of performance is something to be proud of despite the results. Losing 2-0 to korea and 2-1 to b team algeria, and playing like shit, hopeless subs, is not an achievement and when I see or read people who praise that moron, I question reality to be honest. In yaroo footballemoono bord 20 saal aghab.. SIGH!!!!!!
                                sigpicVIVA K8RIMI

