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TM-News-Vol. 7

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    Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
    that proposed Russia friendly is totally a bigger and more obvious Trap than the earlier Canada friendly (as many have alluded) and if it is still works? must be by all means avoided at least until the end of our WC..!! just use the excuse of our schedule is already full and coach's prefer to kick that can down the road..! (i dont care just give any excuse to avoid it pre-wc)

    it really doesnt make a diddly squat whether Kazikistan is playing them first,( nobody gives a fk what they do, many dont even think of them as real country like borat ) us doing so will cause far more of a media shittstorm than imaginable and will become a massive, continues distraction throughout the WC campaign and will all but gurantee that we will get fked by FIFA/Refs during the tourney at every opportunity on or off the pitch.. ect...!!

    we got enough bs drama on our plates already and changing coaches so late, have a mountain of prep work to climb and i argue that such a friendly at this juncture is surplus to requirement and bit of a scheduling nightmare .... highly doubt Carlos would agree to it anyhow..?
    bosnia are now playing them as well apparently. I think its pretty simple check. Ask fifa, they say its fine, play the friendly, its a good match. If they say there will/could be consequences, don't risk it


      The TM list will be released on September 13th.
      Starting on September 14th, TM training will begin.

      Nekonam will undoubtedly serve as the sole Iranian coach at the World Cup.
      Nekonam's release from the Fould contract appears to be a choice made above and beyond Gharshasbi.



          Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
          bosnia are now playing them as well apparently. I think its pretty simple check. Ask fifa, they say its fine, play the friendly, its a good match. If they say there will/could be consequences, don't risk it
          Bosnia? They historically have had bad relations with Russia due to Russia's support of Serbia/former Yugoslavia.


            Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
            that proposed Russia friendly is totally a bigger and more obvious Trap than the earlier Canada friendly (as many have alluded) and if it is still works? must be by all means avoided at least until the end of our WC..!! just use the excuse of our schedule is already full and coach's prefer to kick that can down the road..! (i dont care just give any excuse to avoid it pre-wc)

            it really doesnt make a diddly squat whether Kazikistan is playing them first,( nobody gives a fk what they do, many dont even think of them as real country like borat ) us doing so will cause far more of a media shittstorm than imaginable and will become a massive, continues distraction throughout the WC campaign and will all but gurantee that we will get fked by FIFA/Refs during the tourney at every opportunity on or off the pitch.. ect...!!

            we got enough bs drama on our plates already and changing coaches so late, have a mountain of prep work to climb and i argue that such a friendly at this juncture is surplus to requirement and bit of a scheduling nightmare .... highly doubt Carlos would agree to it anyhow..?
            Is there any rule that says Iran can't play Russia as long as it's not under FIFA oversight? What's stopping the Russian NT from coming to Tehran for a friendly without FIFA involvement? The most FIFA can/should do is say the results won't count toward the FIFA ranking score. But other than that, TM has played all kinds of weird friendlies in the past without issues.

            They can even call it a friendly against "Russian athletes" and just have their NT cover the Russian flag on their kits.

            This FIFA bullying is just getting too much.


              Originally posted by Keshwardoost View Post

              Lenght: New format: 2 part movie, 2 x 120 min
              Charachtets: Aziz Khadem, Majedi, Misaghi, CQ, TM, Kaanani, Estili, Khodadad Azizi, Ak8, TM groupies, Skocic and Tot
              Why have you left out Kateb? He is the most important character.


                Quite. FIFA can lick our hairy koons, play them infront of a full house in Azadi with Russian flags all over the place and Putin as guest of honour


                  Mayor of Sarajevo and Pjanic have spoken out against the friendly with Russia.


                    Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                    Mayor of Sarajevo and Pjanic have spoken out against the friendly with Russia.
                    Pjanic is still captain? He just moved to an Emirati team I think


                      I just don't understand why people try to cancel friendlies for political reasons


                        Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
                        I just don't understand why people try to cancel friendlies for political reasons
                        Correction: friendlies are only canceled for nations that don't fall in line with the Western (American and Euro) geopolitical agenda. Otherwise they'll have friendlies with all kinds of war mongers till the cows come home.


                          I don't know about this Russia friendly guys.. It's a risky move. Almost feels like bait.


                            Publish Date: September 11, 1401 - 11:11
                            24 players employed in The Iranian League invited to the national team camp
                            The head coach announced the names of the players invited to the national football team's camp.
                            According to the official website of the Football Federation, Carlos K. Roche, the head coach of the national football team, announced the names of the players working in the Iranian league to participate in the national football team's training camp as follows:


                            Message needed from Sepahan, Hossein Hosseini from Esteghlal and Alireza Beiranvand from Persepolis


                            Ramin Rezaian and Omid Noorafkan of Sepahan, Mehdi Shiri and Aref Aghasi of Steel, Saleh Hardani and Abolfazl Jalali of Esteghlal, Saman Fallah of Paykan, Armin Sohrabian of Golgohar, Morteza Pour Ali Ganji of Persepolis


                            Mehdi Mehdi Pouraz Esteghlal, Mohammad Karimi, and Yassin Salmani of Sepahan, Reza Asadi of Tractor, Mehdi Hosseini of Rafsanjan Copper, Mohammad Khodabandelu of Golgohar and Milad Sarlak of Persepolis


                            Mohammad Mohebbi and Mehdi Ghaedi from Esteghlal, Saeed Sadeghi, Mehdi Torabi from Persepolis, Shahriar Moghanloo of Sepahan

                            It should be noted that the above players must be present at the Olympic Hotel on Wednesday, September 14, from 12:00 pm.

                            It should be noted that the list of Legionnaires' players will subsequently be notified through the official website of the Football Federation in due course.

                            Supporting Team Melli


                              By Age:

                              1 Sepahan MF Yasin Salmani 20 6 15
                              2 Paykan CB Saman Fallah 21 3 30
                              3 Golgohar DM Mohammad Khodabandelo 23 0 4
                              4 Esteghlal RB Saleh Hardani 23 11 28
                              5 Esteghlal FW Mohammad Mohebbi 23 8 22
                              6 Esteghlal LW Mehdi Ghaedi 23 9 6
                              7 Esteghlal LB Abolfazl Jalali 24 2 16
                              8 Sepahan LB Omid Noorafkan 25 5 2
                              9 Foulad CB Aref Aghasi 25 9 9
                              10 Sepahan DM Mohammad Karimi 26 2 22
                              11 Tractor DM Reza Asadi 26 7 25
                              12 Golgohar CB Armin Sohrabian 27 1 16
                              13 Sepahan GK Payam Niazmand 27 4 5
                              14 Persepolis DM Milad Sarlak 27 5 16
                              15 Sepahan FW Shahriar Moghanlo 27 8 21
                              16 Persepolis LW Mehdi Torabi 28 0 1
                              17 Mes Raf MF S Mehdi Musavi 28 11 26
                              18 Persepolis RW Saeed Sadeghi 28 3 17
                              19 Esteghlal MF Mehdi Mehdipour 28 6 24
                              20 Kayserispor MF Alireza Karimi 28 7 0
                              21 Persepolis GK Alireza Beiranvand 29 11 21
                              22 Esteghlal GK Seyed Hossein Hosseini 30 2 12
                              23 Persepolis CB Murteza Pouralighanji 30 4 23
                              24 Foulad RB Mehdi Shiri 31 7 11
                              25 Sepahan EB Ramin Rezaeian 32 5 21
                              26 Persepolis LW Vahid Amiri 34 5 9
                              693 141 402
                              706 154 13
                              AVE AGE 27.1


                              by clubs:
                              1 Esteghlal RB Saleh Hardani 23 11 28
                              2 Esteghlal LB Abolfazl Jalali 24 2 16
                              3 Esteghlal GK Seyed Hossein Hosseini 30 2 12
                              4 Esteghlal LW Mehdi Ghaedi 23 9 6
                              5 Esteghlal MF Mehdi Mehdipour 28 6 24
                              6 Esteghlal FW Mohammad Mohebbi 23 8 22
                              7 Foulad CB Aref Aghasi 25 9 9
                              8 Foulad RB Mehdi Shiri 31 7 11
                              9 Golgohar DM Mohammad Khodabandelo 23 0 4
                              10 Golgohar CB Armin Sohrabian 27 1 16
                              11 Kayserispor MF Alireza Karimi 28 7 0
                              12 Mes Raf MF S Mehdi Musavi 28 11 26
                              13 Paykan CB Saman Fallah 21 3 30
                              14 Persepolis GK Alireza Beiranvand 29 11 21
                              15 Persepolis CB Murteza Pouralighanji 30 4 23
                              16 Persepolis RW Saeed Sadeghi 28 3 17
                              17 Persepolis DM Milad Sarlak 27 5 16
                              18 Persepolis LW Mehdi Torabi 28 0 1
                              19 Persepolis LW Vahid Amiri 34 5 9
                              20 Sepahan GK Payam Niazmand 27 4 5
                              21 Sepahan EB Ramin Rezaeian 32 5 21
                              22 Sepahan LB Omid Noorafkan 25 5 2
                              23 Sepahan MF Yasin Salmani 20 6 15
                              24 Sepahan DM Mohammad Karimi 26 2 22
                              25 Sepahan FW Shahriar Moghanlo 27 8 21
                              26 Tractor DM Reza Asadi 26 7 25
                              Last edited by St_Mark; 09-11-2022, 02:26 PM.


                                Good to see khodabandelou rewarded. Captain of Omid and maybe good future CM option. Same with fallah at CB.

                                Not good to see: Shiri, Asadi, that random guy from Mes, even if just for a domestic camp

