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TM-News-Vol. 7

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    Originally posted by St_Mark View Post

    These trainings look a gazillion times more professional than what we witnessed under Sgoh!


      Originally posted by diz View Post
      Cardio, weights, and field work
      The players all look so miserable. Having to fake this smiles. Won’t someone please think of the poor players!

      Games where Pooladi has gotten a bonehead red card and lost to Iraq:

      Skocic: 0
      CQ: 1

      It’s undeniable folks. I was recently hit in the head with a heavy object and my logic skills like the above statistics came to me.


        Originally posted by Leicester City View Post
        These trainings look a gazillion times more professional than what we witnessed under Sgoh!
        So no more video games, late night partying, and sleeping in till noon?


          Originally posted by diz View Post
          ^Great to see them back. The smile on all their faces when chatting with CQ is priceless!
          You can see the admiration in their eyes
          "History is a set of lies that people have agreed upon,"


            Originally posted by diz View Post
            So no more video games, late night partying, and sleeping in till noon?

            I've seen drills more professional at a high school level, I kid you not!


              Originally posted by Leicester City View Post

              I've seen drills more professional at a high school level, I kid you not!
              I honestly think this clip was the catalyst in the undoing of Skocic.


                The complaint about this drill was that there needs to be progression and we did not see any. But Skocic mentions in the video that you all do it once and then I introduce the progression. This is a counter attacking drill. I don't understand what is so wrong with this drill. As a matter of fact, every time I see the practice of a pro team, I am reminded how similar their practices are to my son's U12 team. It is just that pros do it so much quicker. Close down quicker, make decisions quicker... but same exact drills. As a matter of fact, there was a little video of CQ's practice in Tehran a few days ago which was even a simpler drill than this. Please go review.


                  Originally posted by Futbaldoost View Post
                  Jahanbakhsh, Taremi and Ansarifard joined the TM Austria camp tonight!

                  Go TM!

                  Taremi looks at CQ with so much love and admiration. He respects him a lot.


                    Originally posted by Kavian View Post
                    Taremi looks at CQ with so much love and admiration. He respects him a lot.
                    He's the reason Mehdi left Iran for Portugal and has the career he has now.


                      Originally posted by The View Post
                      Apparently Norullahi won't make it because of Visa issues.

                      Shame since I feel like CQ could have channelled his energy at the right direction


                        Originally posted by Roozbeh-G2006 View Post
                        Except, he didn't accept the job! He killed for it.
                        you are literally making things up. "He killed for it"? where's your evidence?

                        fans like you are setting yourselves up for a "win win". if team melli does well in Qatar, you're happy. If team melli does poorly, you have the satisfaction of blaming CQ for it. You may as well put some money on england, wales and US too to further your perverse brand of fandom


                          S - E - C - U - L - A - R - I - S - M


                            Originally posted by Roozbeh-G2006 View Post
                            One thing we will never know is that what TM would
                            have achieved under Skocic at the finals.
                            He was a mysterious coach with no previous high level showing
                            and no one particularly our group opponents had any idea how
                            he would turn up! That is sometimes an advantage. When your
                            opponents know what tactics/strategy you are going to play
                            especially high calibre ones, you basically have lost before
                            you set foot on the pitch.
                            CQ is well known and everyone knows exactly
                            how TM will play at the finals. That is as sure as daylight.
                            I am still not happy with the appointment of CQ particularly I learn more everyday
                            that this change of head coach had absolutely nothing to do
                            with TM's prospects at the finals. It was all about CQ. And his final participation
                            in the WC for the last time before fading into the sunset.
                            CQ was behind all of it, the player divisions, the campaign by his
                            supporters, and that LAAT CHALEHMEYDOON.
                            If you go back you will find that the moment we qualified
                            before the final two games Taremi &Co started rolling the

                            NOT MUCH MAN , under Skocic I tell you right now it be 3 loses and embarrassing loses

                            Look no one on this board Is even close to being a professional footballer who in a respectable league in Europe if Mehdi Taremi , Alireza jahanbakash , Ehsan Hajsafi, Milad mohammadi, Saman ghoddos , who all play at a high level though skocic was massive under qualified then let’s trust these players , they don’t want to go to a World Cup and be embarrassed,

                            I can tell you man Skocic himself know he was under qualified he know what why he wouldn’t quit ,,,,


                              Originally posted by Roozbeh-G2006 View Post
                              One thing we will never know is that what TM would
                              have achieved under Skocic at the finals.
                              He was a mysterious coach with no previous high level showing
                              and no one particularly our group opponents had any idea how
                              he would turn up! That is sometimes an advantage. When your
                              opponents know what tactics/strategy you are going to play
                              especially high calibre ones, you basically have lost before
                              you set foot on the pitch.
                              I disagree. Skocic's tactics did not differ much in any of our games we played under him. Identity was amorphous to say the least.

                              You don't need to surprise your opponent to beat them. Some of the most distinguished sides in history would straight up tell the other team how they planned on playing beforehand. Some of them were well known for their tactics and played that way every single time regardless:

                              1)Atletico Madrid. For the last 10 years every time the same way. Against the big dogs in the Champions league you expect a ****house performance with their CBs trying to rile up the other team and a counterattacking set up. EVERY TIME

                              2) Mourinho's Chelsea. Counterattacking football? Check. Random African striker up top? Check. Less than 30% possession a game? Check. Beat Liverpool 2-0 with Gerrard losing his last shot at a premier league? CHECK

                              3) Any bottom half team in EPL against the top 6. Burnley. Compact middle? Check. Roughhouse centrebacks and forwards? Check. Ali asghari long balls? Check. Winning games 1-0 with 5% possession check.

                              4) Barcelona in the golden age. Pass the opponent to death by a ratio of 10:1? Check. Lob the ball to Messi for a quick tap in? Check.

                              All these sides did the same thing for years without changing anything. The thing was that they were incredibly effective and even if you gave the blueprints to the other team they still wouldn't figure out how to deal with it.


                                We don’t know how Skocic would’ve fared. Maybe there is a small chance he would’ve done well.

                                But, with CQ there is a SIGNIFICANT upgrade in terms of experience, preparation, overall knowledge, and, he already knows most of the players.

                                But most importantly, with CQ you know what you’re going to get. Which frankly, bodes well since this group is easier than the one from 2018.

                                It’s definitely unfortunate the way we parted ways with Skocic, but CQ is definitely a much safer choice for a tournament as big as the world cup. Players like ARJ, Taremi, and Ghoddos, have definitely been exposed to high standards of play, and they did not want to RISK wasting one of team melli’s golden generation on an unproven coach like him. And I do not blame them one bit.

