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TM-News-Vol. 7

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    Originally posted by Hosseini View Post
    Skocic supporters will scream the same arguments into the void until someone makes these great exact points and silences them for a few days because there is no legitimate response
    Then repeat the process. Never-ending lunacy
    This pattern of posting talking points, seeing them refuted, then laying low and coming back to repeat the talking points is not what people do when they have legitimate concerns. It's concern trolling. It's a common tactic when people are lobbying for something and don't really care about facts and merits.

    The Croatian coaching racket in Iran has a long history. Some of them have been good like Ivic or Ciro, but it's not coincidence or a simple matter of quality that so many coaches from this one country keep being imported to Iran.

    Portugal is starting to compete with Croatia in this regard, but CQ is more in the mold of Ivic, a rare treasure in our football. However this doesn't matter when your concerns are mainly off the field.


      Dailymail is at it again. This time they are having a go at CQ. Saying is tactics are frozen and very predictable coach.

      My advice for Dailymail is that don't start mind games with the Master CQ. He will sh*t on your newspaper. Just saying


        CQ's answers to Adel last night re his knowing before hand
        that he was going to be offered the job did not convince me at all.
        As I said I learn everyday more that this whole affair was about
        CQ and not TM.
        He is here now and I am sure his soldiers who are all so happy in love and fulfilled
        (you see it in their eyes when they are looking at CQ LOL) will now play their 100% football for him.
        Shame, it used to be a tradition that football players play for TM and their people, not their favourite

        And congratulations to CQ, His PR, and agent who cleverly and effortlessly managed to
        book themselves a cheap and easy seat at the WC and who will collect all the credits
        if they manage to proceed to the next round.
        هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
        نگاه میکنید.
        I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.


          And the talking points keep getting more and more desperate and absurd.

          I'm sure Taremi and JB wanted CQ in charge because he promised them a percentage of his contract or were hypnotized by his eyes!

          Not because he had proven his mettle in two world cups with the same team.

          Not because Skocic was hardly qualified to coach a club in ACL let alone a national team at the World Cup and this was made painfully clear at the Qatar camp.

          Not because these professionals have spent years in Europe and can tell the difference between world class and amateur coaching, and knew they were guaranteed to get embarrassed in front of the world with this coach.

          Everyone is corrupt except the coach whose biggest supporter had business ties with him!

          Of course if facts didn't back my case, if I didn't really care about the national team and only saw it as a tool, if my only concern was making sure a certain coaching racket from a certain country stays on top, I'd be saying a lot of wacky stuff too! I'd be pretending to love "attaccing footbaal", and using that in defense of a coach who had the best forwards in Asia but more than half of his wins were just one-goal difference scores.

          As Cruyff once said, "Argentina and Spain? Lol. You don't know attaccing footbaal until you've beaten Syria and UAE 1-0".


            The hypocrisy of the fans is beyond belief. Just in the above posts:

            Beating Lebanon no big deal since they are not in our WC group. Newsflash neither is S.Korea yet this loss is cited incessantly

            Skocic would have failed. He was not qualified. Crystal balls must be on sale. Even Sardar said the man knows football. And yes let me remind all that players have spoken out against CQ in past as well.

            The Skocic defense talking points are becoming repetitive. Tell me how this differs from the CQ ones? If we are gonna do this let's call a spade a spade. The same select points are used to defend CQ as an option.

            And yes if CQ fails in WC some fans will say I told you so. The same way fans did after Skocics only 2 losses. Would you reasonably expect different from passionate TM fans?

            A member claimed he stayed away during Skocic reign to avoid negativity. He/she suggested so called Skocic fans do the same. First off that was your choice. Did you share this advice with other anti Skocic fans? I suggest you browse the forum and count the threads by Kateb alone. The attacks started from day one. We are all TM fans. Most of us want the best for TM (I say most since I'm not sure where Leicester City stands now after placing his bets on England, Wales, USA lol). Some of us wanted to try and take bigger risks others wanted to play it safe. Thats what it boils down to. Fact is anyone saying Skocic would have failed in WC didn't listen to CQ carefully enough who in his interview with Adel repeatedly said this is different WC and anything can happen.

            No one is debating that CQ has a bigger resume than Skocic. He is prob the safer bet for the WC. Most can agree on that. But with CQ you predictably know what you are getting. There is a reason he was let go from Colombia, Egypt, and TM. He had 8 years. Let's not forget Bosnia in 2014 and Japan in AC. His teams have failed when it counts and have come up short. Most recently twice with Egypt against Senegal. As CQ said with Adel a loss is a loss and no excuses can be made if you prepared but you must take it and learn from it. We can't give a guy a Carte Blanche. Like he said we are the Boeings vs the Space my question and I hope Adel presses him in 2nd part of the interview is how are you going to make our Boeing beat the rockets?

            Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
            Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


              Originally posted by IranFTW View Post
              And the talking points keep getting more and more desperate and absurd.
              I'm sure Taremi and JB wanted CQ in charge because he promised them a percentage of his contract or were hypnotized by his eyes!
              Not because he had proven his mettle in two world cups with the same team.
              Not because Skocic was hardly qualified to coach a club in ACL let alone a national team at the World Cup and this was made painfully clear at the Qatar camp.
              Not because these professionals have spent years in Europe and can tell the difference between world class and amateur coaching, and knew they were guaranteed to get embarrassed in front of the world with this coach.
              Everyone is corrupt except the coach whose biggest supporter had business ties with him!
              Of course if facts didn't back my case, if I didn't really care about the national team and only saw it as a tool, if my only concern was making sure a certain coaching racket from a certain country stays on top, I'd be saying a lot of wacky stuff too! I'd be pretending to love "attaccing footbaal", and using that in defense of a coach who had the best forwards in Asia but more than half of his wins were just one-goal difference scores.
              As Cruyff once said, "Argentina and Spain? Lol. You don't know attaccing footbaal until you've beaten Syria and UAE 1-0".
              The fact that Taremi & Co wanted CQ is proof in itself that CQ
              himself has been behind all of this. Taremi started the show immediately after
              we qualified. Not before! How was he sure CQ would become the head coach?
              because CQ and his agent and PR wanted the job as soon as we qualified.
              Now as I said congratulations to CQ. No doubt he is a better coach than Skocic
              going by their resume. I accept nothing less than qualifying to the next round.
              هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
              نگاه میکنید.
              I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.


                Originally posted by Roozbeh-G2006 View Post
                The fact that Taremi & Co wanted CQ is proof in itself that CQ
                himself has been behind all of this.
                Sometimes a comment is so nonsensical it's hard to distinguish it from trolling.

                How in hell could CQ *make* two stars who were certain to start under Skocic call for a new coach??

                How does this stuff even make sense to you?

                Do you imagine CQ putting a gun to their head?... hypnotizing them?... paying them?... threatening to publish nude pics of them??...

                How can it be so hard to understand that these two experienced, Euro-based team leaders simply saw bad coaching and decided to sound the alarm so they don't get embarrassed in the world cup?...

                I also love how in this genius narrative Azmoun who has business ties with Skocic gets a pass for backing him with no mention of the obvious ulterior motives, but Taremi & JB are accused of hidden motives with ZERO evidence. This one is next level genius! It's the kind of story I would have come up with in 5th grade.

                Taremi started the show immediately after
                we qualified. Not before!

                Were you following the Djibuti league when Taremi called out Skocic and was crossed off TM for half of the return leg during qualifying?? FFS it was a major issue and I can't imagine it wasn't discussed here either! This comment is so out of touch it's unbelievable. It's a waste of time to argue with someone who lacks even basic info about something they're apparently so passionate about.

                If you're sincere with all this nonsense, do you think Skocic would ever care about you the way you do about him?? Do you think he would have stayed a single second if he had been offered a better contract somewhere else?... Do you realize how silly it is to be so emotionally invested in another man's employment when you don't even know him??...

                People who care about their national team and aren't trying to lobby for personal interests should ACT like it, instead of appointing themselves as some foreign dude's online PR agent! That's just weird and pathetic, if not downright suspicious.


                  Originally posted by Altamonte View Post
                  We beat Bahrain in Bahrain for first time ever under Skocic. CQ can barely even beat Lebanon
                  If you are going to make a claim please be accurate.



                    Originally posted by Roozbeh-G2006 View Post
                    The fact that Taremi & Co wanted CQ is proof in itself that CQ
                    himself has been behind all of this. Taremi started the show immediately after
                    we qualified. Not before! How was he sure CQ would become the head coach?
                    because CQ and his agent and PR wanted the job as soon as we qualified.
                    Now as I said congratulations to CQ. No doubt he is a better coach than Skocic
                    going by their resume. I accept nothing less than qualifying to the next round.
                    Dude, do you seriously believe what you just wrote here?


                      Originally posted by IranFTW View Post
                      Sometimes a comment is so nonsensical it's hard to distinguish it from trolling.
                      How in hell could CQ *make* two stars who were certain to start under Skocic call for a new coach??
                      How does this stuff even make sense to you?
                      Do you imagine CQ putting a gun to their head?... hypnotizing them?... paying them?... threatening to publish nude pics of them??...
                      How can it be so hard to understand that these two experienced, Euro-based team leaders simply saw bad coaching and decided to sound the alarm so they don't get embarrassed in the world cup?...
                      I also love how in this genius narrative Azmoun who has business ties with Skocic gets a pass for backing him with no mention of the obvious ulterior motives, but Taremi & JB are accused of hidden motives with ZERO evidence. This one is next level genius! It's the kind of story I would have come up with in 5th grade.
                      Were you following the Djibuti league when Taremi called out Skocic and was crossed off TM for half of the return leg during qualifying?? FFS it was a major issue and I can't imagine it wasn't discussed here either! This comment is so out of touch it's unbelievable. It's a waste of time to argue with someone who lacks even basic info about something they're apparently so passionate about.
                      If you're sincere with all this nonsense, do you think Skocic would ever care about you the way you do about him?? Do you think he would have stayed a single second if he had been offered a better contract somewhere else?... Do you realize how silly it is to be so emotionally invested in another man's employment when you don't even know him??...
                      People who care about their national team and aren't trying to lobby for personal interests should ACT like it, instead of appointing themselves as some foreign dude's online PR agent! That's just weird and pathetic, if not downright suspicious.
                      Those whose opinion matter to me know everything you said
                      in this post is total nonsense
                      هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
                      نگاه میکنید.
                      I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.


                        Originally posted by perspolis#1 View Post
                        If you are going to make a claim please be accurate.


                        That match was in Tehran. He said Bahrain in Bahrain [emoji6]

                        Thanks for the vid. Good match anyways and sweet revenge [emoji6]

                        Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
                        Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


                          Originally posted by Arman2 View Post
                          Dude, do you seriously believe what you just wrote here?
                          Yeah every word of it.
                          هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
                          نگاه میکنید.
                          I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.


                            Originally posted by Roozbeh-G2006 View Post
                            Those whose opinion matter to me know everything you said
                            in this post is total nonsense
                            If "the people whose opinion matter to you" say you're right, they need to stop mattering to you, pal.

                            Because this is starting to get embarrassing.


                              We should all kiss the hands of the players who conspired with CQ to bring him back. Well done boys, finally someone did the thing that needed to be done 😊


                                Originally posted by IranFTW View Post
                                If "the people whose opinion matter to you" say you're right, they need to stop mattering to you, pal.
                                Very good point. I wish we could all take a breather and learn to discuss and debate without attacking one side versus another. There are no sides. I hope we can all agree everyone here is a TM fan. The rest is just details. We just express our support differently.

                                Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
                                Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan

