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TM-News-Vol. 7

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    *We won't focus on the problems that distract our attention. ‎

    Regarding how opponents are attempting to divert the national team's and the player's attention, CQ stated that the real issue is not whether or not we pay attention to the things that divert us, but rather, who does so when these things don't actually matter to us.​*

    The national team's head coach spoke out against the efforts to prevent Iran from traveling to the World Cup.

    I am aware of how the majority of Iranians react to this type of discourse. They are enthusiastic about the national team competing at the World Cup,

    *قرار نیست به مسائلی که حواس ما را پرت می کنند، توجه کنیم

    کی‌روش در مورد اینکه حریفان تلاش می‌کنند تمرکز تیم ملی و بازیکنان را به هم بزنند، گفت: سؤال اصلی این نیست که آیا ما به مسائلی که حواس ما را پرت می‌کند توجه می‌کنیم، سؤال اصلی این است که چه کسانی به این مسائل توجه می‌کنند چون این صحبت‌ها برای ما معنایی ندارد.

    *انگلیس تیم بسیار بزرگی است

    وی در مورد اینکه شرایط انگلیس به عنوان اولین حریف تیم ملی را در فاصله یک ماه مانده تا شروع مسابقات چگونه می‌بیند، عنوان کرد: در درجه اول اصلاً لازم نیست چیزی به اسم تیم ملی انگلیس اضافه کنم چون آنها همین الان هم تیم بسیار بزرگی هستند. چیزی که بگویم و شما اطلاع نداشته باشید واقعاً وجود ندارد. خودتان هم می‌دانید تیم بسیار بزرگی است و بازیکنان خیلی خوبی هم دارند و نام بسیار بزرگی در جهان فوتبال هستند. برای ما افتخار و باعث لذت است که مقابل آنها بازی می‌کنیم.

    *مسائل و سردردهای بسیار بزرگی داریم

    سرمربی تیم ملی در مورد کمپین‌هایی که تلاش می‌کنند تا ایران در جام جهانی حاضر نشود، اظهار داشت: همانطور که الان هم شنیدید همکار خبرنگار شما در مورد انگلیس پرسید. ما مسائل و سردردهای بسیار بزرگی داریم. همانند بازی مقابل انگلیس، تمرکزمان روی این مسائل است. به تمام نقطه‌نظرات احترام می‌گذاریم اما تمرکزمان روی این مسئله است. این کمپین اگر من طرفش بودم می‌دانستم چه جوابی به آن بدهم. می‌دانم اکثریت مردم ایران هم چه جوابی به اینگونه صحبت‌ها می‌دهند. آنها قلباً علاقه‌مند هستند تیم ملی در جام جهانی حضور پیدا کرده و بازی کند ولی به خاطر اینکه طرف این کمپین من نیستم اجازه بدهیم بقیه در موردش صحبت کنند.

    *چالش هایی داریم اما نگران نیستیم

    کی‌روش در خصوص اینکه مهم‌ترین دغدغه او در فاصله 30 روز تا شروع جام جهانی چیست و آیا وضعیت کمپ قطر راضی‌کننده بوده است، گفت: ما نگرانی نداریم. چالش‌هایی را داریم که با آنها مواجه هستیم. به دنبال ایجاد راهکارهای مناسب مقابل این چالش‌ها هستیم. از تمام باشگاه‌ها، مربیان و بازیکنان که تلاش و از خودگذشتگی می‌کنند برای حضور در تیم ملی تشکر می‌کنم، چالش فوق‌العاده‌ای که پیش‌رو داریم این است که هر روز تلاش می‌کنیم بازیکنان را بهتر و بهتر کنیم.

    Last edited by St_Mark; 10-22-2022, 08:33 AM.


      Originally posted by Keshwardoost View Post

      Think this was posted a while ago. Some game had this as our kit, (fifa world cup game?) but it could just aswell be some temporary thing they designed themselves to fill out the missing kit until its dropped.
      So its not certain its the real kit or the final version of it.


      As someone mentioned before, Peggy Bundy style from this picture but hopefully it looks nice when its a clean picture of it coming out


      You haven't see back of the jersey yet
      it has picture of big SIENI IN THE BACK


        From today's Training.


          Originally posted by Rooyintan View Post

          The malicious project for "Suspension of Iran Football Federation" started in late 2019 or early 2020. ......
          This malicious campaign actually started in WC 2006, by Israeli and KSA outlets, claiming that because M. Ahmadinejad had said somethings, that should disqualify Iran. And of course, UK and US media kept piling on as expected.

          I even remember when (I think it was CBS) commentator started the IRAN-MEXICO game, he said something like "I wonder if the Iranian tea drove by a concentration vamp and how they feel about it" or something like that.

          Sign this petition to show opposition to US/UK support for the Rajavi/MKO cult


            mostly positive comments for those interested in these things! Slowly seems mental fog is lifting.

            Also interesting to see hardani was added, I dont think his name was on the posted list. Guess straight fight between him and Ramin for backup RB spot.


              Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post

              mostly positive comments for those interested in these things! Slowly seems mental fog is lifting.

              Also interesting to see hardani was added, I dont think his name was on the posted list. Guess straight fight between him and Ramin for backup RB spot.
              Rb is by far our weakest link.
              it's 2 man fight to start. Ramin vs moharami.
              Also Daniel esmailifar is in the mix as well even though he is not called up.


                Originally posted by nisfejahan View Post

                This malicious campaign actually started in WC 2006, by Israeli and KSA outlets, claiming that because M. Ahmadinejad had said somethings, that should disqualify Iran. And of course, UK and US media kept piling on as expected.

                I even remember when (I think it was CBS) commentator started the IRAN-MEXICO game, he said something like "I wonder if the Iranian tea drove by a concentration vamp and how they feel about it" or something like that.
                Yes, you are right about 2006 WC. Also in 1998 some Iranian opposition groups and possibly Israel wanted Team Melli to be banned from World Cup.

                What I meant was the current campaign started in late 2019 or early 2020, and is over 2 years. It started by Openstadiums an Iranian female fans organization, and ofcourse in such cases foreign countries who see the opportunity jump in with either funding or supporting the cause. Possibly Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE, Bahrain are involved. But we've seen other Iranian groups have jumped in this year and making loud noise trying to trick International Human Rights and Women's Rights organizations/activists, journalists, politicians to make "Team Melli players and Iran Football Federation" as scapegoats for their own motives and agenda. Right now Saudi Arabia will gain nothing by supporting Team Melli's ban, after all their national team is in the World Cup.

                The current foreign leeches, vultures, hyenas and venomous loud callers for ban are Italy and UK, as well as Ukraine sympathizers who are all pushing for their candidate to replace Team Melli in the World Cup, names mentioned such as Italy, UAE and Ukraine. Although rightfully many other countries (North Macedonia, Austria, Sweden, Peru, New Zealand, Turkey, Scotland, Solomon Islands) can object to such choices. Maybe even majority of FIFA members can object to ban on Team Melli, cause by banning Iran, who knows in the future which other country will be next to get banned for non-sport or non-football federation reasons.

                If Team Melli is banned, FIFA will no longer have any legitimacy and FIFA tournaments will be considered sham. Banning Team Melli will be unsportsmanship, unjust and immoral.


                  Carlos is so relax this time around, be hich jaasj nist lol


                    Both khodabandelou and Jalali are not getting much playing time at cub level but seems CQ really like them.


                      Valid Amiri is not superb for lb. Still great running skills
                      should get staget.concern of him giving pk is very high


                        Looks like we will play Tunisia in Doha on 16th Nov.
                        Esteghlal 💙💙


                          Originally posted by peiman92 View Post
                          Looks like we will play Tunisia in Doha on 16th Nov.
                          What's the source? That would be an awesome friendly.


                            Originally posted by Rooyintan View Post

                            What's the source? That would be an awesome friendly.
                            Nabi said it


                              Originally posted by Iran_19 View Post
                              Carlos is so relax this time around, be hich jaasj nist lol
                              Yeah I noticed this too lol. I think he mentioned in his interview that he doesn't have any time to start beefing with people cause his contract is over in like 2-3 months


                                Originally posted by peiman92 View Post
                                Looks like we will play Tunisia in Doha on 16th Nov.
                                Not bad 🧐

