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TM-News-Vol. 7

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    Originally posted by eerooni View Post
    Bringing CQ back is like asking Reza Shah to come and join the current Iranian govt!! This will never happen!! Iran is on a fast downward trajectory in all areas! we will be lucky if we even qualify to the next WC!! Look at whos in charge in Iran and that should be enough to indicate how everything is run and where everythig is going!
    Next WC there will be 8 Asian teams qualifying, so we should easily qualify even with any of us as the manager.
    However, advancing to the knockouts is a pipe dream


      Originally posted by taremiscores View Post
      Sure, 8 years was not enough lets waste 16 years.


        I hope for any reason he leave Foulad.


          Originally posted by The View Post
          No thanks. He's my favourite Team Melli player ever but he plays old players and he sticks with players even when they don't perform. Too rigid in his approach.
          "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


            Its funny if you think CQ will sign now. With no clear preparation plan, a highly limited number of teams even free to play friendlies and a tough ass group there is nothing in it for him except $$$


              Originally posted by soniq View Post
              Its funny if you think CQ will sign now. With no clear preparation plan, a highly limited number of teams even free to play friendlies and a tough ass group there is nothing in it for him except $$$
              Don't tell me you believe what you are saying? CQ is our only option now, and we have 6 months left to the WC, and that is enough time to cause any change. I have hope and belief in CQs professional abilities as a coach to turn this nightmare around...


                Originally posted by taremiscores View Post
                No thanks. He's my favourite Team Melli player ever but he plays old players and he sticks with players even when they don't perform. Too rigid in his approach.
                Because he's running a professional team with goals to meet and not an under-23 team.

                He plays the best players available to him. Unfortunately, in the PGPL, most talented players are the older ones at the moment.


                  Originally posted by The View Post
                  Because he's running a professional team with goals to meet and not an under-23 team.

                  He plays the best players available to him. Unfortunately, in the PGPL, most talented players are the older ones at the moment.

                  That is debatable.
                  He played consistently Ansari and Abbasi as winger forward for past 3 years

                  Last time Ansari scored in the PGL was over a year ago and last time Abbasi scored a goal was 3 years ago before moving to Foulad.

                  Foulad recruited one of best young and successful Winger/Forward Koushki an starter and turn him into a bench player and he no longer want to be with Foulad.

                  Limouch was U23 best winger who scored winning goals for U23 to be qualified. He was not given one minute of play by Nekonam even in dying minutes of any game.


                    Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
                    That is debatable.
                    He played consistently Ansari and Abbasi as winger forward for past 3 years

                    Last time Ansari scored in the PGL was over a year ago and last time Abbasi scored a goal was 3 years ago before moving to Foulad.

                    Foulad recruited one of best young and successful Winger/Forward Koushki an starter and turn him into a bench player and he no longer want to be with Foulad.

                    Limouch was U23 best winger who scored winning goals for U23 to be qualified. He was not given one minute of play by Nekonam even in dying minutes of any game.
                    Saying all of this - I still prefer Javad over Skocic. What Javad has one in the past two years with Foolad is more than Skocic has done in his entire career.
                    "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


                      Javaad is just the new Yahya of last year or so..!!

                      just because these jooje, for most part amature, coaches go on a short term, hot winning streak in for most part joke competitions, being loaded with cherry picked best talents from a small pool available .... Does not make them anywhere near qualified to lead us at WC ...!

                      personally rather count on a miracle with Eskoocher than a change to such domestic amature candidates..!! especially so in such short window of preparations prior to WC..!!

                      such what you call falling from from chaleh to chaah..!


                        Originally posted by The View Post
                        What is it with Iranians and not being able to let the past go?
                        In politics, we have a large section of population that are waiting for hologram Shah to comeback and free the people from I.R.
                        In football we have people who after 3 years can't get over the fact that CQ is done with Iran.
                        Is this rooted in Shiaism and the concept of the hidden imam coming back?
                        I genuinely wonder.
                        No one (and not just Iranians) are able to let go of things in the past, until things are resolved and people deal with the past in peace!
                        Iranians are clinging to hope and holograms because they are desperate. They have nothing else to give them hope. They see where the world is going and then they see their own country that is taking declining path. People are sad, unhappy! They are losing their culture, their identity their sense of trust and now they see their football team one of the few sources of joy and pride left for this nation also going down the path of mismanagement and destruction!

                        This arab-zadeh regime has its own agenda which is different from providing for welfare, happiness and livelihood of Iranians. They want to revenge blood for all underprivileged people in the world, redraw maps and displace people -- all out of total ignorance and stupidity not intelligence!

                        CQ may be not the greatest coach in the world, but for Iran he was a spark of hope and in desperate situations, people are rightfully calling for what they think is going to save them! they have the taste of something better. No way you can take that away from them ..and that is despite the fact that his return is complicated and may never happen.

                        ... by the way, I agree with all positive remarks about Nekounam. I think he has done well.


                          Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
                          That is debatable.
                          He played consistently Ansari and Abbasi as winger forward for past 3 years
                          Last time Ansari scored in the PGL was over a year ago and last time Abbasi scored a goal was 3 years ago before moving to Foulad.
                          Foulad recruited one of best young and successful Winger/Forward Koushki an starter and turn him into a bench player and he no longer want to be with Foulad.
                          Limouch was U23 best winger who scored winning goals for U23 to be qualified. He was not given one minute of play by Nekonam even in dying minutes of any game.
                          Well his decisions have paid off.

                          My man won Hazfi cup, put up a respectable performance against a team with a future Barcelona manager last ACL, and this ACL is the only Iranian team come next February whose players won't be sitting at home braiding their koon hair while ACL is going on.

                          There's a reason I'm riding him so hard, it's not just results ( otherwise I'd be saying Yahya or Farhad ), Javad actually has a well thought out tactics and is playing something resembling modern football.
                          Last edited by The; 06-13-2022, 08:57 AM.


                            I would nut if we got Nekounam. He did great things with a relatively anonymous roster, commands enough respect from the big egos on the team to keep everyone focused, and can communicate his intentions and instructions clearly and without need for a translator


                              Originally posted by soniq View Post
                              Its funny if you think CQ will sign now. With no clear preparation plan, a highly limited number of teams even free to play friendlies and a tough ass group there is nothing in it for him except $$$
                              CQ would sign for the opportunity to go to the WC. He is trying to go for the record for most WC appearances.


                                Where will they pull money out from to give to Carlos? From their a**? Juan Perron is still barking in French he hasn't been paid his full amount. It would be some kind of a miracle if CQ comes back.

                                This would also be a nightmare for England because they will have to endure the Iranian bus. An Iranian bus with a deadlier counterattack. England will be under a lot of stress. Wales and USA will be under stress too if we take 1 point from England.

                                I'm not sure if any of this is true so I'm not putting my hopes up. As of right now and this moment, Dragan is our head coach. As of right now and this moment our lovely i.r. football federation don't seem to give a crap about the national team sporting their crest. In fact i.r. FF is more to blame as we didn't get 3/4 friendly matches to test players, tactics, formations..

