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Iran and Cuba improving sporting ties with Football included

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    First agenda item for idea exchange: how to keep US cars running (Cuba) and US planes flying (Iran) for 50+ years


      Originally posted by diz View Post
      First agenda item for idea exchange: how to keep US cars running (Cuba) and US planes flying (Iran) for 50+ years
      Second agenda item for idea exchange: how to make cigars and rum


        Originally posted by Leicester City View Post
        Second agenda item for idea exchange: how to make cigars and rum
        Alcohol-free rum of course


          These sporting agreements would be beneficial for both.

          Cuba can help Iran with Boxing, Track & Field, Baseball.

          Iran is going to help Cuba with Football, Pahlevani and possibly some other sports.

          Both are good in Volleyball, Wrestling, Basketball, Martial Arts.

          Football: Iran wishes to help Cuba with Football coaching. Cuba wishes for their national team to travel to Tehran and play Team Melli to give their players international experience. I think regular friendly with Cuba will benefit reserve, bench and uncapped players. Also maybe women's team, U23 and youth teams will benefit from regular friendlies too.


            I have been to Cuba and I have traveled to many of the cities. I agree hundred precent with inarsenewetrust, why embargo a tiny country? If U.S. ideology is so powerful, have open relationships with them and let the chips fall where they would. I don't agree with their political system yet people were really appreciative about free education, free health care and did not want to lose those. They were also proud that they had been able to fend off all the U.S. attacks and pressures. They wanted better economic conditions but did all of them hate their government? that is not what I picked up. I was not in a resort. We stayed in an apartment in Havana and we had Cuban tour guides and driver. We bonded with them during the trip. This was during the Obama years and the openness that was later ended by Trump had made a significant impact. There were so many small businesses and people were excited about newly found opportunities. I think it is fascinating that they have been able to still keep it together in spite of all US sanctions and overnight disappearance of all the support they got from former Soviet Union in 1991 when the "empire" fell apart. I still welcome cooperation with them. They are socially more open than backward IR and have made significant gains in medicine, biological sciences and certain branches of sports (not football).

            Before their revolution, Cuba was a hub of drug smuggling and prostitution for the US Mafia. We met with a university professor who was telling us that ONLY in Havana, there were over fifty thousand prostitutes before the revolution and Cuba was the mafia hub for cocaine and heroine. They were also a bastion of racism before the revolution. We visited a famous hotel in Havana were Sinatra and Nat King Cole (remember the song unforgettable?) had performed before the revolution. They were telling us the story about how Cole could not stay in the hotel or even dine in the ballroom where he performed because he was Black. I was just impressed that they were able to stand up to the U.S. only eighty miles away.

            BTW, Cuban people were so much fun. We had an amazing time.

            Go TM!


              Originally posted by Futbaldoost View Post
              Before their revolution, Cuba was a hub of drug smuggling and prostitution for the US Mafia. We met with a university professor who was telling us that ONLY in Havana, there were over fifty thousand prostitutes before the revolution and Cuba was the mafia hub for cocaine and heroine. They were also a bastion of racism before the revolution. We visited a famous hotel in Havana were Sinatra and Nat King Cole (remember the song unforgettable?) had performed before the revolution. They were telling us the story about how Cole could not stay in the hotel or even dine in the ballroom where he performed because he was Black. I was just impressed that they were able to stand up to the U.S. only eighty miles away.

              US Mafia intervention in Cuba reminded me of the scene depicted in The Godfather II.


                Originally posted by Ghermez Agha View Post
                I hope this is a joke….if you talk to any Cuban anywhere (inside our outside of Cuba) they will tell you how terrible life is there. The country has been plagued with poverty and ppl are living in the 1960s still over there without basic every day commodities. There’s a reason they all risk their life on a boat just to get to the US and beg and plead to stay. That country is as messed up as Iran under IR.
                Dara jan, in ke Cuba eshtebahaati karde dar toole in saalhaa kamelan ghabool daram.
                AMMA regime Cuba va Jomhoorie Eslami raa barabaar koni... na, na-doroste.
                Cuba adamhaaye dorost o hesaabi daashte ke vaghean mikhastan baraye mardom kaari konand.
                Jomhoorie Eslami ye mosht SAGE HAARE SHIEYE KAPITALIST daare ke az hamoon avval donbale
                ridan be mardom bodand va hamchenan hastand.
                Khomeiniye GOHE SAG koja, Ernesto "El Che" Guevara koja?
                DROOD BAR AHMAD KASRAVI.


                  Cuba has suffered greatly because of illegal sanctions.

                  Yes, Cuban people are friendly except those who live in Florida and support democratic party.

                  We can benefit from Cuban's medical advancement(s). Cuba exports physicians to many poorer countries and help them in other ways.

                  Amazing how Cubans love their country and are willing to die for it. We can learn many things from Cubans who will not steal from us whereas ALL the Western countries want to steal and sabotage our country.
                  چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد


                    Originally posted by AIrani View Post
                    steal from us whereas ALL the Western countries want to steal and sabotage our country.
                    Yup. They have their best friends in there (Islamic Republic) who is making sure Iran dies from within. Iran in the 70s was progressing too fast and the Westerners put IR in power to make sure that doesn't happen.

                    In 1978, 17,800 tomans would buy you an automobile. Today, it buys you half a pound of chicken.

                    "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


                      Next up north Korea and Venezuela...never ending love between commies and Islamists.


                        Originally posted by _Navid_ View Post
                        Next up north Korea and Venezuela...
                        Don't forget Bolivia and Syria.
                        "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


                          Originally posted by Ardalan View Post
                          Dara jan, in ke Cuba eshtebahaati karde dar toole in saalhaa kamelan ghabool daram.
                          AMMA regime Cuba va Jomhoorie Eslami raa barabaar koni... na, na-doroste.
                          Cuba adamhaaye dorost o hesaabi daashte ke vaghean mikhastan baraye mardom kaari konand.
                          Jomhoorie Eslami ye mosht SAGE HAARE SHIEYE KAPITALIST daare ke az hamoon avval donbale
                          ridan be mardom bodand va hamchenan hastand.
                          Khomeiniye GOHE SAG koja, Ernesto "El Che" Guevara koja?
                          Absolutely. As far as incompetence and corruption, I don't even want to compare Cuban leadership with the IR. It's insulting to them.
                          "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


                            [QUOTE=taremiscores;2815163]Yup. They have their best friends in there (Islamic Republic) who is making sure Iran dies from within. Iran in the 70s was progressing too fast and the Westerners put IR in power to make sure that doesn't happen.
                            In 1978, 17,800 tomans would buy you an automobile. Today, it buys you half a pound of chicken.

                            I agree the situation is not good in Iran. A major part of it is illegal sanctions which have violated UN, NPT, and IAEA agreements for a member country of these organizations before IR came to power.
                            Interesting to note import of cigarettes is not sanctioned.

                            Not only Western countries have placed illegal sanctions, they have stolen our artifacts and filled up their museums.

                            Killing our scientists. Banning import of medicine or a method to pay for them. Illegal sanctions have helped some people to make money on both sides.

                            Rather than criticizing, it will be helpful to say what our people have done to improve the situation in the country. Oppositions and separatists are tearing the country apart.

                            Western countries fund groups to kill or cause destructions inside the country. Lately, they have made videos to lie about us.

                            Peace. Iran is the oldest country or one of the oldest countries and Persian language is the fourth important language in the world.

                            Yes we have shortcomings, but we have many positive things even in today's Iran.
                            چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد


                              Originally posted by taremiscores View Post
                              Yup. They have their best friends in there (Islamic Republic) who is making sure Iran dies from within. Iran in the 70s was progressing too fast and the Westerners put IR in power to make sure that doesn't happen.
                              In 1978, 17,800 tomans would buy you an automobile. Today, it buys you half a pound of chicken.

                              I agree the situation is not good in Iran. A major part of it is illegal sanctions which have violated UN, NPT, and IAEA agreements for a member country of these organizations before IR came to power.
                              Interesting to note import of cigarettes is not sanctioned.

                              Not only Western countries have placed illegal sanctions, they have stolen our artifacts and filled up their museums.

                              Killing our scientists. Banning import of medicine or a method to pay for them. Illegal sanctions have helped some people to make money on both sides.

                              Rather than criticizing, it will be helpful to say what our people have done to improve the situation in the country. Oppositions and separatists are tearing the country apart.

                              Western countries fund groups to kill or cause destructions inside the country. Lately, they have made videos to lie about us.

                              Peace. Iran is the oldest country or one of the oldest countries and Persian language is the fourth important language in the world.

                              Yes we have shortcomings, but we have many positive things even in today's Iran.
                              Migi tahrimhaa bayad bar-daashte beshe. In harf vaghean manteghi ast chon mardome Iran darand nabood mishan.

                              Yek chizi dige ham bayad bar-daashte beshe: Regime kapitalisiye adam-koshe mosalmoon dar Iran.

                              Pas do chiz: ham tahrim, ham shieye khoonkhaare kapitalist. Va dar zemn Emam Ali ham bargarde Arabestane Saudi ke nakhastim.
                              DROOD BAR AHMAD KASRAVI.


                                Originally posted by taremiscores View Post
                                Don't forget Bolivia and Syria.
                                Ham Bolivia ham Venezuela mitonand football baazi konand.

                                Haji-baazaarihaaye Soorie beran pishe ammashoon chai o baghlawa bokhoran.
                                DROOD BAR AHMAD KASRAVI.

