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Friendly: Canada - Iran; Info, Updates and Live Reports (05.06.2022)

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    Originally posted by Persian Panther View Post
    Sure mate , you sell your dignity for a football match.
    Down with IR and it’s supporters.
    Give it a rest. You are so god damn annoying. We want updates about the match and discussions about line ups yet every time I come to check for that news all I see is your political bs.


      Originally posted by Team Melli Fan View Post
      Current poll results:

      Did Canada Soccer err in its plan to host Iran for a friendly?

      Yes, this is an inexcusable decision. (48%, 24 votes)
      No, I don't really understand the outrage here. (30%, 15 votes)
      I understand the blowback but prefer to just focus on the game. (20%, 10 votes)
      I'm not sure, I need to learn more about this. (2%, 1 vote)
      Update: so far, over 81% have voted for "Yes"...


        Dear all: don't feed the trolls on here. They pop their head up every once in a while to get a rise out of everyone. Let's stick to the topic at hand, and let's enjoy our TM to the fullest without all the political BS (we get enough of that outside of football and TM). I'll be in Vancouver and hope to see many of you and my other hamvatans there to enjoy the atmosphere and match. Cheers.


          Originally posted by Iranianarsenal11 View Post
          Warned for bad conduct/insulting other members. Next time will be a 7 day ban...

          You cannot go around calling our members "stupid" or calling them regime supporters because they disagree regarding a friendly match for Team Melli football.

          Our footballers don't represent this backwards regime in charge in Iran. Please respect that and others.

          How about warming for people who call me MEK member, Vatan Froush , mentally sick ? All I did was stood for the innocent people who were killed in cold blood.

          I guess football is more important and please don’t make this about respect.


            Originally posted by armen View Post
            Update: so far, over 81% have voted for "Yes"...
            hosele dari, Armin jan!


              Originally posted by armen View Post
              Update: so far, over 81% have voted for "Yes"...
              Yes, if there's one lesson to have learned in the last few years it's that online polls accurately represent a population. Good job.


                Originally posted by Persian Panther View Post
                How about warming for people who call me MEK member, Vatan Froush , mentally sick ? All I did was stood for the innocent people who were killed in cold blood.
                I guess football is more important and please don’t make this about respect.
                Broooo stfu. You have no idea wtf you're talking about. MEK? are you fucking serious?


                  Originally posted by diz View Post
                  Dear all: don't feed the trolls on here. They pop their head up every once in a while to get a rise out of everyone. Let's stick to the topic at hand, and let's enjoy our TM to the fullest without all the political BS (we get enough of that outside of football and TM). I'll be in Vancouver and hope to see many of you and my other hamvatans there to enjoy the atmosphere and match. Cheers.

                  Sure body , you don’t give a damn about the people who were killed. Imagine if one of these people were family, would you still go and watch knowing everything in Iran is run by Sepah? Knowing Sepah killed all those people?

                  I guess you do not care just like the Islamic regime.


                    Originally posted by Persian Panther View Post
                    Sure body , you don’t give a damn about the people who were killed. Imagine if one of these people were family, would you still go and watch knowing everything in Iran is run by Sepah? Knowing Sepah killed all those people?

                    I guess you do not care just like the Islamic regime.
                    As I said, I don't feed trolls. Enjoy your bridge.


                      Originally posted by armen View Post
                      Update: so far, over 81% have voted for "Yes"...
                      yes 3,100 people have voted yes, 55000 people automatically voted no by buying tickets to the game lol


                        Originally posted by Persian Panther View Post
                        How about warming for people who call me MEK member, Vatan Froush , mentally sick ? All I did was stood for the innocent people who were killed in cold blood.
                        I guess football is more important and please don’t make this about respect.
                        Bro, I appreciate your passion about Iran and wanting a free Iran. The vast, vast majority of us here want the same things you do (the 1 or 2 IR supporters here notwithstanding). But with this kind of talk, you alienate some people here and there. TM belongs to the Iranian people, not to IR.

                        You're not a troll. You're a hamvatan like the rest of us. I get that you think cancelling will help a future free-Iran, but it doesn't. It just plays in the hands of a victim-blaming mentality that IR uses like a crutch.
                        "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


                          Originally posted by taremiscores View Post
                          Bro, I appreciate your passion about Iran and wanting a free Iran. The vast, vast majority of us here want the same things you do (the 1-2 IR supporters are clear). But with this kind of talk, you alienate some people here and there. TM belongs to the Iranian people, not to IR.
                          You're not a troll. You're a hamvatan like the rest of us. I get that you think cancelling will help a future free-Iran, but it doesn't. It just plays in the hands of a victim-blaming mentality that IR uses like a crutch.
                          All good mate , I wanted PDFC to remember the innocent people who were killed by IR. I am aware of the 2:1 support for IR.
                          Iranian lives don’t matter internationally and in Iran. We are organising protests outside the stadium if this game goes ahead. We want to be heard.
                          This is not about TM, it’s for the people.
                          Thanks for your kind words


                            Originally posted by diz View Post
                            As I said, I don't feed trolls. Enjoy your bridge.
                            Enjoy your football , hope you never loose a family member to the Islamic Republic.


                              The logic used here does not make sense at all! We all condemn IR (sepah's) behavior and we are all against them, but what does football have anything to do with this????! And most importantly how does suspending one Friendly match destroy I.R?


                                Originally posted by Persian Panther View Post
                                Enjoy your football , hope you never loose a family member to the Islamic Republic.
                                Once again, you are not the only person who's been impacted by IR.

                                Can't visit Iran because of political reasons, won't get to see my grandmother before she dies. Won't be able to go to her funeral, Haven't seen my family members for 20 years, etc ...

                                Team Melli is one of the few remaining connections I have to my homeland, and to have people want to ruin that because they think this will in any shape or form impact the people controlling Iran is pretty god damn annoying.

                                Ruining one of the last things that more lor less unites all Iranians, is neither going to bring the regime down, or bring back the people who passed away in the plane.
                                Last edited by The; 05-19-2022, 01:32 PM.

