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Friendly: Canada - Iran; Info, Updates and Live Reports (05.06.2022)

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    Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
    with all due respect ozone jan, you are not on clubhouse getting your ego stroked and producing verbal diarreah so the death of your family member in the airline downing perpetrated by the US military doesnt count.

    Fair enough. To be quite frank this event impacted me far less than others in my family as I was very young when this tragedy occurred. Nonetheless time heals all wounds. We handle grief and loss differently. I can't blame anyone for emotional pain they experience. However I personally would never attack an American athlete for some rogue military man's decision making. Just seems like throwing a dart and hoping it lands somewhere worthwhile.

    Logic sometimes defies grief and loss. How on earth does KSA not pay for 9/11 but Iranian frozen assets are used to compensate victims; or that Ukraine gets so much coverage but Yemen doesn't get a peep suggests to me that the world is unfair and at times cruel regardless of what side of the divide you are on...

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    Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


      Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
      with all due respect ozone jan, you are not on clubhouse getting your ego stroked and producing verbal diarreah so the death of your family member in the airline downing perpetrated by the US military doesnt count.

      That’s fine mate have another dig, but remember that everything that has happened post the so called revolution is because of what the Islamic Republic has done.

      They have killed directly or indirectly many people in Iran, Iraq, Syria , Yemen , Lebanon etc.

      During the shah we didn’t have these problems. We were world citizens not some so called third country supporters terrorists around the world.

      We want our people to live in peace just like we do in the west , that’s all we want. Peoples voice needs to be broadcasted and we do our part in social media. We can’t just sort around and wait.

      F the USA , Europe and the whole lot of them. Iran comes first along with its people.

      Do never forget what the Europeans and the US did to us .

      Are you happy to let go of football and fight for Iran?

      43 years is enough , more and more people are eating from rubbish bins.

      All we are saying is that this game is an insult to the people who lost their lives , just accept it and let go of your inner Akhoond.


        I am curious why we even have a General Discussion section... it seems every discussion is comingled with sport.


          Originally posted by O-ZoNe View Post
          I am one of the few people who lost a family member in an airline downing. But my family member was killed over the Persian Gulf. Not only was the commander in charge of the the Vincennes not held accountable he was awarded a medal for his service.

          Fair is fair...we are not confusing issues mate but highlighting the double standard and overt hypocrisy. Keeping sports and politics separate applies for the select few it

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          I am so sorry for your loss my brother.

          I remember it well, my whole family were in tears , we just couldn’t believe it.

          We will never forget how USA got away with killing all those innocent people. Lest we forget.


            Originally posted by O-ZoNe View Post
            I guess a concern I have is if we don't highlight the double standard where does it stop? Don't be surprised if TM players are sanctioned next for representing Iran. They are banned from international teams...I mean this could happen if we just stay quiet. People are already asking for TM staff to be arrested etc...we need to make it clear we won't stand for the mixing of politics and sport. Look at what's going on with Russia. Athletes are banned from competitions clubs are banned, they lost the chance to be in WC...even with some of their athletes speaking against the war...
            Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
            I see your point. Unfortunately we need unified certified advocates for this not just social media.

            Agree with not mixing politics with sport.
            Last edited by perspolis#1; 05-20-2022, 08:27 PM.


              Fantastic reviews of the situation. I suggest you guys watch this video! Great VIEWS


                Originally posted by shahin2000 View Post
                I am curious why we even have a General Discussion section... it seems every discussion is comingled with sport.
                No government has infused sports with politics more than IR, and so you can't talk about even a friendly game without politics creeping in like a cancer.
                زن زندگی آزادی


                  Good news all: Just checked and a bunch of resell tickets available on StubHub for the Canada match. Just upgraded my nose bleeds to 3rd row from the pitch!!!!


                    Originally posted by Persian Panther View Post
                    That’s fine mate have another dig, but remember that everything that has happened post the so called revolution is because of what the Islamic Republic has done.
                    They have killed directly or indirectly many people in Iran, Iraq, Syria , Yemen , Lebanon etc.
                    During the shah we didn’t have these problems. We were world citizens not some so called third country supporters terrorists around the world.
                    We want our people to live in peace just like we do in the west , that’s all we want. Peoples voice needs to be broadcasted and we do our part in social media. We can’t just sort around and wait.
                    F the USA , Europe and the whole lot of them. Iran comes first along with its people.
                    Do never forget what the Europeans and the US did to us .
                    Are you happy to let go of football and fight for Iran?
                    43 years is enough , more and more people are eating from rubbish bins.
                    All we are saying is that this game is an insult to the people who lost their lives , just accept it and let go of your inner Akhoond.

                    -Iraq of Saddam attacking us, supported by the west is because of IRI?

                    -Germany providing chemical weapons to Saddam to throw them on our troops is IRI's fault, with the help of Americans giving them satellite images of our troops ?

                    -All the crimes commited by US in Iraq after Saddam's fall, killing 1 million innocent, which provoked IRI's reaction to expand their soft power through the region to defend itself and not be next is IRI"s fault? (go and read Mearsheimer and Walt book about US foreign policy and Israel to ready about what US intentions were, instead of spending your days surrounded by buddies thinking like you on Clubhouse and becoming brainwashed).

                    -Coming openly and openly commit terrorist acts to kill our scientists and their family in the middle of our land is IRI's fault?

                    -Killing a general which was a war hero, in a foreign land like cowards with a drone, which was by the way in a political negotiation is IRI'S fault? Imagine IRI, Russians or Chinese doing the same to a US general, what would be their reaction? But of course, you're so blind and obsessed by IRI that you don't see the reality of the world we have to navigate into. As if Europe, US or Israel wanted "democracy and freedom" in Iran. ANY government in place in Iran, willing a free and independent Iran, democracy or not, religious or not, would be toppled by US if we don't obey them. When you'll understand that, you'll make one leap forward in your understanding of the world.

                    If you want to sell your land and lick the feets of the Western world and be an atheist to be more "accepted" by your buddies, that's your individual right but stay away from Persian culture and never ever again talk on behalf of iranians.

                    By the way, when you'll understand that ultimately, you'll always remain a dark face and a pale copy of these arrogant people, when you'll see their true face, you'll understand.

                    Meanwhile, stay in your stupid logic that EVERYTHING is IRI's fault and that US, Israel, Europe and Saudis are "the good guys".

                    How even talk to people like that, what a waste of time ...


                      Originally posted by maly3648 View Post
                      -Iraq of Saddam attacking us, supported by the west is because of IRI?

                      -Germany providing chemical weapons to Saddam to throw them on our troops is IRI's fault, with the help of Americans giving them satellite images of our troops ?

                      -All the crimes commited by US in Iraq after Saddam's fall, killing 1 million innocent, which provoked IRI's reaction to expand their soft power through the region to defend itself and not be next is IRI"s fault? (go and read Mearsheimer and Walt book about US foreign policy and Israel to ready about what US intentions were, instead of spending your days surrounded by buddies thinking like you on Clubhouse and becoming brainwashed).

                      -Coming openly and openly commit terrorist acts to kill our scientists and their family in the middle of our land is IRI's fault?

                      -Killing a general which was a war hero, in a foreign land like cowards with a drone, which was by the way in a political negotiation is IRI'S fault? Imagine IRI, Russians or Chinese doing the same to a US general, what would be their reaction? But of course, you're so blind and obsessed by IRI that you don't see the reality of the world we have to navigate into. As if Europe, US or Israel wanted "democracy and freedom" in Iran. ANY government in place in Iran, willing a free and independent Iran, democracy or not, religious or not, would be toppled by US if we don't obey them. When you'll understand that, you'll make one leap forward in your understanding of the world.

                      If you want to sell your land and lick the feets of the Western world and be an atheist to be more "accepted" by your buddies, that's your individual right but stay away from Persian culture and never ever again talk on behalf of iranians.

                      By the way, when you'll understand that ultimately, you'll always remain a dark face and a pale copy of these arrogant people, when you'll see their true face, you'll understand.

                      Meanwhile, stay in your stupid logic that EVERYTHING is IRI's fault and that US, Israel, Europe and Saudis are "the good guys".

                      How even talk to people like that, what a waste of time ...
                      Wow dadash, I‘ve always wanted to write something similar in response to some people on this forum but i thought it would be a waste of time since most people are brainwashed and can‘t see things from a different perspective. Anyways I‘m glad to see some real Iranians that can see through western bullshit. Damet garm 🇮🇷❤️


                        Originally posted by maly3648 View Post

                        If you want to sell your land and lick the feets of the Western world and be an atheist to be more "accepted" by your buddies, that's your individual right but stay away from Persian culture and never ever again talk on behalf of iranians.
                        This is a bizarre statement.

                        Being Muslim is not a prerequisite to being a proud Iranian.

                        Teimourian was worth a hell of a lot more to Iranian football fans than Torabi ever will be.


                          Originally posted by perspolis#1 View Post
                          This is a bizarre statement.
                          Being Muslim is not a prerequisite to being a proud Iranian.
                          Teimourian was worth a hell of a lot more to Iranian football fans than Torabi ever will be.
                          You're definitely right. I didn't mention anything about "Muslim", i talked about these iranians so much in love with a certain west that they become atheists and mostly, anti-religious in general, mainly to "be accepted" as they have deep identity, psychological and mental issues.

                          I would never lack of respect to my fellow Christians, Jews or Zoroastrian iranians in love with Iran and defending our land and ancestral culture.

                          My remark was very specific and was targeting a specific group of mentally colonised atheists pseudo iranians.


                            Originally posted by maly3648 View Post
                            You're definitely right. I didn't mention anything about "Muslim", i talked about these iranians so much in love with a certain west that they become atheists and mostly, anti-religious in general.

                            I would never lack of respect to my fellow Christians, Jews or Zoroastrian iranians. My remark was very specific and was targeting a specific group of mentally colonised atheists pseudo iranians.
                            LOL WTF? What do you have against atheists!?!?!?


                              Originally posted by Leicester City View Post
                              LOL WTF? What do you have against atheists!!!
                              Nothing against iranian atheists who are not selling their land but atheism isn't part of our culture. It's mainly an imported worldview of the modern Liberal individualistic or communist west.


                                Enemies and traitors of Iran Zamin and Ahura Mazda, have turned on our beloved Team Melli (Yuzhaye Irani). These traitors in Vancouver and elsewhere in Canada have shown that they are worst than any other traitor in Iranian history. Worse than Salman Parsi, Badhan, Afshin and others.

                                Team Melli belongs to Iranian people. Players, coaches, Football Federation are not responsible and accountable for wrongdoings of others. They took no part in downing the AUI752 airplane.

                                The disgraceful leaders of the traitors establishment must know that if Cyrus the Great, Darius the Great, Xerxes the Great, Shapur the Great were alive today, they would have surely despised such traitors to Iran Zamin and Team Melli. When there are such traitors, there is no need for foreign enemies.

                                WTF is wrong with such ill-mannered Iroonis???!!!

                                Last edited by Rooyintan; 05-21-2022, 05:57 AM.

