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Friendly: Canada - Iran; Info, Updates and Live Reports (05.06.2022)

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    for canada game there is no guarantee how many players will get visa or even stuff, iff said they are sending 40-50 people, but i can promise not all the stuff will get visa, we have to wait and see there is alot of pressure in iran and in canada, expecially canada goverment does not want iran to play there.also canada footbal association have no say on visa at all. canada embasyy might not give all of them visa expecially estili, even though estili had been to canada before.we have to wait and see how many of them get visa and also iran wont be able to stay long , they might have to leave right after the game.


      Originally posted by Farhad-7 View Post
      What a bunch losers these canadian ministers and politicians are. they're using iran as one of their many scapegoats for having so many canadians now happy with their handling of the country in the last 4 years.

      I can't imagine the next world cup in US, canada, and mexico. The kind of stunts these countries will pull with the exception of mexico of course.
      i dont blame them, politically iran and canada arent doing well at all, so why must canda give iran visa to play there, where iranian goverment offical can go there. does not look good, i agree football wise is a good friendlies, but unfortunalty this days having good diplomatic connection is key for friendlies and iran dont have good relationship with most countries.


        we dont have plans i bet you by the time world cup come we wont have 2-3 friendlies in total


          Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
          Senegal not happening until september per estili.

          There is only one viable candidate at this stage that I can make out. Algeria have no friendlies setup at all and are free after tanzania match on the 8th. Wouldnt be difficult to arrange vs them in qatar one would think. Tunisia + Morocco are occupied with matches (Kirin cup for tunisia, AFCON qualifying extra game for morocco).
          i cant believe we didnt take part in kirin cup, would have been good friendlies, but again iran football is centered around politics, hence we cant get any good friendlies.


            A Canadian Jewish organization has released a statement today condemning the upcoming friendly:
            May 23, 2022 VANCOUVER – B’nai Brith Canada is deeply troubled by information that Canada Soccer will fund the Iranian Football Federation $400,000 to cover the team’s expenses for an exhibition match in Vancouver on June 5, 2022. Canada Soccer, which is largely subsidized directly by the Canadian Government and therefore by Canadian taxpayers, has agreed to the […]


              Originally posted by armen View Post
              A Canadian Jewish organization has released a statement today condemning the upcoming friendly:
              From B'nai Brith Canada's website on Who We Are: "a staunch defender of the State of Israel"


              Israeli military to hold wide-ranging drill simulating strike on Iran

              So yeah, no surprised they released this statement. Everyone has an agenda. Everyone.


                Originally posted by ehsan singapore View Post
                i cant believe we didnt take part in kirin cup, would have been good friendlies, but again iran football is centered around politics, hence we cant get any good friendlies.
                Do you actually believe IFF care about football ? They are told what to do by the Islamic Republic.
                kirin cup would have been perfect but IFF Dallas didn’t benefit from it.

                IFF should just focus on smaller teams before it’s too late.
                Uzbekistan is a good start followed by a couple of Eastern European and the Somali Pirates
                They know what needs to be done but they leave it to last minute so we are thankful for anything


                  Originally posted by Persian Panther View Post
                  Do you actually believe IFF care about football ? They are told what to do by the Islamic Republic.
                  kirin cup would have been perfect but IFF Dallas didn’t benefit from it.

                  IFF should just focus on smaller teams before it’s too late.
                  Uzbekistan is a good start followed by a couple of Eastern European and the Somali Pirates
                  They know what needs to be done but they leave it to last minute so we are thankful for anything
                  Didn't you say Canada should refuse to play us?...


                    hamid shabkhis
                    wants canada friendly


                      Originally posted by kateb View Post
                      i have bad feeling
                      this game will get
                      cancel due to political
                      i hate for my prediction come through.


                        Originally posted by kateb View Post
                        i hate for my prediction come through.
                        It won't. Luckily Iranians cashed out and Canada soccer is making big bucks lol


                          Originally posted by armen View Post
                          A Canadian Jewish organization has released a statement today condemning the upcoming friendly:
                          this was the funniest thing i've read in so long...

                          Iran football team to pocket 200k? Iranians are leading exporter of terrorism? (Did Saudi Arabia disappear from the surface of the earth?)

                          But the best of all was "Photos have surfaced of Iranian team manager Hamid Estili..."

                          Because yes, Hamid Estili is Team Melli's manager maybe he'd be a better one than that Croatian kebab addict we have right now


                            Our poor players, they are governed by a bunch of imbeciles.
                            IFF knew this was a political issue and yet they scheduled the game, they are playing games with us.

                            IFF doesn’t care about football , they could have organised other games , plans B, C and D.


                              Originally posted by Persian Panther View Post
                              Our poor players, they are governed by a bunch of imbeciles.
                              IFF knew this was a political issue and yet they scheduled the game, they are playing games with us.
                              IFF doesn’t care about football , they could have organised other games , plans B, C and D.
                              Why did they even put so much efforts to qualify us according to you? Was it a "conspiracy"? Maybe they made us qualify for "political reasons", try to arrange a friendly with Canada for "political reasons", knewing very well it would be cancelled? This was their goal according to you?


                                Originally posted by maly3648 View Post
                                Why did even made us qualify us according to you? Was it a "conspiracy"? Maybe they made us qualify for "political reasons", try to arrange a friendly with Canada for "political reasons", knewing very well it would be cancelled? This was their goal according to you?
                                It’s like the last TM game in Mashhad , they knew that woman are not allowed in the stadium so yet they held the game there.
                                Girls got beaten up outside the stadium all because they wanted to watch a game.

                                They want people to have sympathy for IFF and IR, Balme everyone but themselves.

                                They knew the game is at risk but ignored it, they politicise the whole thing.

                                IR doesn’t care about football , they run IFF and they would not care because they just blame others.

                                They can’t throw games away with FIFA watching , it’s too obvious, they just don’t help and the results will take care of the rest.
                                Look at the whole thing as a political game.

                                IFF could have asked other for a game or two but they didn’t.

                                They always want to be the victims knowing well that IR is the cause of everything.

