Faghanpoor (Pinocchio) is (was)the head of legal department of IFF.
2 days ago on live live interview criticized IFF (majedi) and said he had not seen contract with Canada.
Majedi yesterday when came back to Iran said Faghanpoor lied and all documents were share with him in advance.
Today he said when he was talking about not seen the contract was referring to Wilmots contract.
This stupid lawyer said it specific in TV interview now said it was misunderstanding.
With Lawyer like that no wonder IFf is in trouble.
2 days ago what he said
آیا او به عنوان مسئول حقوقی فدراسیون درباره قرارداد بازی دوستانه با کانادا اظهارنظر کرده بود یا خیر،
بیان داشت: این قرارداد را به من ارجاع نداده بودند. زمانی قرارداد را به من ارجاع دادند که بسته شده بود و گفتند نظرت را بگو!
فغانپور: بحث من در مورد قرارداد ویلموتس بود نه بازی با کانادا!/ همیشه پای حرفم را امضاء می کنم
This Aldang must be dummest lawyer around and was fired today but said he was quitting,