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Mehdi Taremi @ FC Porto | 2022-2023

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    Originally posted by Ali.Karimi79 View Post
    After so man iranian failures in EPL you want Taremi to go there?! SMH.
    And to stay in porto to score penalties against Chaves and tondela during the next years will bring what exactly? Slowly he will stagnate and regress in this tokhmi league while having the quality to break EPL curse.

    South Americans didn't really match with EPL but they insisted and finally break into it.


      Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post

      And to stay in porto to score penalties against Chaves and tondela during the next years will bring what exactly? Slowly he will stagnate and regress in this tokhmi league while having the quality to break EPL curse.

      South Americans didn't really match with EPL but they insisted and finally break into it.
      The difference is that south american players have the speed and technique to do well in the EPL.

      I cant say the same about iranian players.


        Originally posted by Artaxerxes View Post

        The difference is that south american players have the speed and technique to do well in the EPL.

        I cant say the same about iranian players.
        That's why we should work on these and confront us to this counter natural style instead of avoiding it


          I am truly puzzled at some of the comments on here. If anything, Taremi is the poster boy of iranian ambition. Going from PGL, Qatar, to playing for a top club in portugal, who consistently plays in the champion’s league.

          He’s 30 years old. How many players have had success playing in EPL when they START at that age? Not a lot.

          If he decides to stay in Porto, absolute no shame in that. We tend to get emotional about these things, and lose sight of healthy pragmatism.

          Hopefully, Taremi will also be a lesson to other footballers to go to Europe at an earlier age. As much as I want him to go to EPL, he’s several years too late. Whatever decision he makes, I respect though.


            Originally posted by Prowess View Post
            I am truly puzzled at some of the comments on here. If anything, Taremi is the poster boy of iranian ambition. Going from PGL, Qatar, to playing for a top club in portugal, who consistently plays in the champion’s league.

            He’s 30 years old. How many players have had success playing in EPL when they START at that age? Not a lot.

            If he decides to stay in Porto, absolute no shame in that. We tend to get emotional about these things, and lose sight of healthy pragmatism.

            Hopefully, Taremi will also be a lesson to other footballers to go to Europe at an earlier age. As much as I want him to go to EPL, he’s several years too late. Whatever decision he makes, I respect though.
            Ambition isn’t supposed to stop once you reach a certain level. It’s supposed to continue and keep pushing further bounds. Taremi is capable of this. Why shouldn’t he?


              Originally posted by mehdi13 View Post
              We have one dorost hesabi player… of course he has to go to a bigger club if he has the chance… Not just Iranian players have a scared mentality but the fans too! I read Liverpool is interested in Amrabat. I think maybe a piano would have to fall on his head to get a “no” from him? Bazikone ma fekresh pishe asb o dokhtar bazi bud… Taremi HAS to move to a big club if he has any respect for himself as a footballer….
              It's not a "scared mentality". It's what fits his career, the best. You questioning his self-respect, should he not make the move, is just blind arrogance. You sound like a typical fat American fan of almost any sport, who eats his fried food and chugs beer, while screaming at the TV about how the elite athletes he watches, "suck", for not being perfect.

              Or, you sound like a typical Team Melli fan.

              Listen.. he is currently in top goal-creating form at one of the top 5-6 European leagues, playing for one of the top 3 teams in this league, and is a starter. Furthermore, he is consistently playing in Champion's League and is scoring. <-- read all that again, and then check your ridiculous bravado.

              If he goes to Arsenal or Chelsea, none of that is guaranteed. It's a different league with more pressure, and he will definitely get less playing time.


                Originally posted by PrinceAli View Post

                Ambition isn’t supposed to stop once you reach a certain level. It’s supposed to continue and keep pushing further bounds. Taremi is capable of this. Why shouldn’t he?
                Who are you to question his ambitions and drive? Seriously man.. go back to the couch and down a gallon of ice cream. Calm down, and quit questioning athletes who are achieving at a level that few can even dream.


                  Originally posted by Scooter View Post

                  Who are you to question his ambitions and drive? Seriously man.. go back to the couch and down a gallon of ice cream. Calm down, and quit questioning athletes who are achieving at a level that few can even dream.
                  Who said I questioned his ambition? I’m encouraging him to make an ambitious move if the opportunity presents itself. Show me where I questioned his ambition

                  seems you’re the one who needs to calm down bichare


                    Originally posted by PrinceAli View Post

                    Ambition isn’t supposed to stop once you reach a certain level. It’s supposed to continue and keep pushing further bounds. Taremi is capable of this. Why shouldn’t he?
                    He is already our most successful European club player that we’ve exported: best player on Porto, winning the league, champion’s league performances, etc

                    I’m just saying, if he decides to stay at Porto, it’d be incredibly unfair to judge him as unambitious. Again, how many players were successful entering EPL at 30?

                    Ambition without wisdom is “progressing” for the sake of progressing, without taking context into consideration. In essence, it becomes blind ambition.

                    He’s already proven how driven he is, he deserves to make whatever decision he wants without any backlash.


                      One thing about this ambition debate...

                      It is important to temper your ambition to your abilities. Otherwise you will be perpetually unhappy and failing.

                      The man is a big fish in a medium pond. Maybe he knows that his abilities and his age will prevent him from being a big fish in a big pond. Maybe he doesn't want to be a bench warmer at his age. He doesn't have a year or two to prove himself to a new coach and fight for a regular spot.

                      He's got a great thing going at Porto...ruin it to satisfy his daddy and you lot?

                      Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk


                        Originally posted by Prowess View Post

                        He is already our most successful European club player that we’ve exported: best player on Porto, winning the league, champion’s league performances, etc

                        I’m just saying, if he decides to stay at Porto, it’d be incredibly unfair to judge him as unambitious. Again, how many players were successful entering EPL at 30?

                        Ambition without wisdom is “progressing” for the sake of progressing, without taking context into consideration. In essence, it becomes blind ambition.

                        He’s already proven how driven he is, he deserves to make whatever decision he wants without any backlash.

                        Again, I never said he’s not ambitious. He could stay at Porto and still be our most successful legionnaire ever. But if the opportunity presents itself, I do hope he at the very least entertains it

                        my mentality is such that there’s always more and better and to strive to reach that. What’s the downside for Mehdi? If he makes a transfer, he’s either successful or not and can probably return back to Porto. He’s 30. He’s not risking developmental years. It’s a low risk opportunity to build on his already strong legacy and help the reputation of our athletes

                        Ultimately if he does stay at Porto though, it won’t be out of a lack of ambition but rather other factors which may exist


                          Originally posted by PrinceAli View Post
                          Again, I never said he’s not ambitious. He could stay at Porto and still be our most successful legionnaire ever. But if the opportunity presents itself, I do hope he at the very least entertains it

                          my mentality is such that there’s always more and better and to strive to reach that. What’s the downside for Mehdi? If he makes a transfer, he’s either successful or not and can probably return back to Porto. He’s 30. He’s not risking developmental years. It’s a low risk opportunity to build on his already strong legacy and help the reputation of our athletes

                          Ultimately if he does stay at Porto though, it won’t be out of a lack of ambition but rather other factors which may exist
                          The downside? He doesn't adjust to the system of whichever EPL team, and ultimately becomes a minute 60 sub, or worse. What are you even talking about? He has a great thing at Porto!

                          And how do you assume he can just stroll back into Porto after such a move, and (presumably) after a couple of years, where he has not proven himself? At the age of 32? Are you even thinking about this with a straight head? Do you really think Porto will just take him back, considering he probably won't be the same player who left Porto?


                            Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post

                            That's why we should work on these and confront us to this counter natural style instead of avoiding it
                            Totaly agree brother.

                            But for us to get better at this as a footballing nation we need a system, foundings, competent iff, youth academies etc etc.

                            This will maybe be looked at post I.R Iran


                              Originally posted by Artaxerxes View Post

                              Totaly agree brother.

                              But for us to get better at this as a footballing nation we need a system, foundings, competent iff, youth academies etc etc.

                              This will maybe be looked at post I.R Iran
                              Of course it will be better with than without, but even without we can do better if all our players have ambition and go to Europe asap


                                Originally posted by PrinceAli View Post

                                Ambition isn’t supposed to stop once you reach a certain level. It’s supposed to continue and keep pushing further bounds. Taremi is capable of this. Why shouldn’t he?
                                The question is WHY SHOULD HE?
                                You are projection your wishful thinking on our star player without considering the truth that EPL is toxic for Iranian players.
                                Adapting to a total different world, weather, fan culture, gaming style etc. at the age of 30... for what exactly? His Ambitions brought him this far, he doesn't neet to prove anyone anything.
                                The youngster should go EPL not Taremi lmao.
                                Let this guy enjoy his last 2-3 seasons in the loving, thankful environment in Porto.

                                IRI's politics is no different than handling a pressure cooker ..... As the pressure builds up, you slowly let the steam out just a tad bit so that you don't see overflow, and once the pressure from below is less, you put the lid down again and raise the temperature.

