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Mehdi Taremi @ FC Porto | 2022-2023

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    Here is an article in farsi about the situation:

    برخی بازیکنان تیم ملی فوتبال کشورمان علیه نمایندگانی موضع‌گیری کرده‌اند که به دنبال نقش نظارتی خود، علیه تخلفات پرونده مارک ویلموتس برخواسته‌اند

    Further fragmentation and dis-unity... as mAst ke bar mAst.


      Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
      Ezatollahi also removed his post.
      His dad probably called him up and gave him sh.t.

      Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk


        There should be a clear divide between government and the football federation (questionable when the last time there was in Iran). Leave the football conversations and decisions to the football people. These guys probably want a photo opportunity in their uniform of shirt, no tie , oversized trousers, brown shoes and a suit jacket.


          Originally posted by Farzadfarhangni View Post
          Here is an article in farsi about the situation:

          برخی بازیکنان تیم ملی فوتبال کشورمان علیه نمایندگانی موضع‌گیری کرده‌اند که به دنبال نقش نظارتی خود، علیه تخلفات پرونده مارک ویلموتس برخواسته‌اند

          Further fragmentation and dis-unity... as mAst ke bar mAst.
          It is a cynical and critical article but it shows how quickly the players can get themselves in trouble. The game of politics is not what what they know or understand. Anything they say can quickly backfire. The federation has asked them to be hard is that?

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            Probably because they are sick and tired of these politicians getting involved in things they shouldn’t be and the amount of rubbish they have to put up with playing for their national team. They just want to enjoy their football and get the respect they deserve - it has happened in the past before. It is no surprise that some of those who have experiences of playing in a well developed and run football club are coming out calling out the hypocrisy of our government and football federation. If they don’t say it then who will and then things will never change.


              At this point, as long as it doesn't get their families in trouble, good on them for posting this stuff.
              Ma Bishomarim

              "!خدایا ایستاده مردن را نصبیم کن که از نشسته زیستن در زلت خسته ام"
              محمد مختاری -

              "Lord, let me die standing, as I am tired of living in indignity and on my knees"
              - Mohammad Mokhtari


                Here is an excerpt of an interview with Naser Ebrahim, former NT player and head coach.
                بازیکن به هیچ وجه حق ندارد برای مربی و فدراسیون تعیین تکلیف کند. حال این بازیکن ستاره تیم باشد یا بازیکن نیمکت*نشین. همه بازیکنان باید تابع کادرفنی و تصمیمات مدیریت فوتبال باشند. طارمی را دوست دارم و فوتبالش را قبول دارم اما نه او و نه هیچ بازیکن دیگری حق ندارد در این گونه مسائل دخالت کرده و تصمیم*گیری کند. بازیکن نباید وارد این بازی*ها شود. اینکه چه کسی سرمربی تیم ملی است اصلا به بازیکن ارتباطی پیدا نمی*کند. بازیکن وظیفه دارد به سرمربی تیم ملی احترام بگذارد. این یک اصل در فوتبال حرفه*ای است و بازیکنی که وارد این بازی*ها شود ضربه می*خورد و فوتبالش به چالش کشیده می*شود.

                He basically says it is the principle of professional football that the players should have not interfere the in the selection of the coach or federation members. He specifically mentions Taremi as well.

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                  Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                  Further info, those 2 members of parliament basically said Taj shouldnt be allowed to run for IFF presidency due to his role in the Wilmots contract f*** up.

                  Honestly, it’s none of their business but they’re right. Taj really f***ed up royally on the wilmots contract.
                  MPs are supposed to represent people on literally every matter regarding the people, their interests and their concerns.
                  So these two members are right. But it definitely is none of the players' business to get involved in the politics of thing
                  and get themselves involved in matters beyond their duty to get fit and play their best football
                  for their people and country. Despite my support for Taremi as a great football player and never miss his games but he is a rouge idiot outside the football pitch. It is sad that this guy
                  simply can't get it or thinks he is so good and invincible that he can post stories and destabilize the
                  TM and create hashiyeh and no one can touch him.

                  He must be stopped or he will take this shit right to the locker room at the finals.
                  هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
                  نگاه میکنید.
                  I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.


                    Originally posted by Roozbeh-G2006 View Post
                    MPs are supposed to represent people on literally every matter regarding the people, their interests and their concerns.
                    So these two members are right. But it definitely is none of the players' business to get involved in the politics of thing
                    and get themselves involved in matters beyond their duty to get fit and play their best football
                    for their people and country. Despite my support for Taremi as a great football player and never miss his games but he is a rouge idiot outside the football pitch. It is sad that this guy
                    simply can't get it or thinks he is so good and invincible that he can post stories and destabilize the
                    TM and create hashiyeh and no one can touch him.
                    He must be stopped or he will take this shit right to the locker room at the finals.
                    Except it's against FIFA rules for governments to get involved in footballing matters.
                    Maybe the players are just trying not to get Kuwaited.


                      Originally posted by The View Post
                      Except it's against FIFA rules for governments to get involved in footballing matters.
                      Maybe the players are just trying not to get Kuwaited.
                      Even so it is not for the players to get involved.
                      If FIFA bans any form of check on football federation of a country by its political system, which
                      I doubt it to be as strict as that
                      - simply because if a football federation of a country is riddled with corruption -
                      then who else other than Parliament and law makers of that country could intervene?
                      It is not for the players to get involved.
                      There are many others that can say that least of all
                      That idiot himself Taj could state exactly the same story as
                      This other idiot has put on his social media account.
                      هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
                      نگاه میکنید.
                      I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.


                        Originally posted by The View Post
                        Except it's against FIFA rules for governments to get involved in footballing matters.
                        Maybe the players are just trying not to get Kuwaited.
                        Fifa also has put out guidelines that indicate candidates for federations who have been officially charged or "provisional judicial measures" have been taken" against them be should be removed from the election. So there may be a sanctioned indirect route for government influence in the election if the judiciary brings charges against Taj.

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                          Kamranifar, IFF general secretary has put out the following statement (except)

                          کامرانی*فر گفت: خواسته صریح فدراسیون فوتبال از اعضاى تیم ملی رعایت اخلاق حرفه*اى و عدم ورود به بخش*هاى دیگر و موضع*گیرى در خصوص مسائلی است که در حوزه مسئولیت بازیکن قرار نمی*گیرد.

                          In essence asking players to not meddle into matters beyond their direct responsibilities. He also denied government interference.

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                            I think some of you guys are missing the point. The footballitarin article that sounds so logical (footballers should just play football) is written by I.R goonies who ignore that is is impossible to play football on a sinking ship. This is their response to everything, if you have a problem go through the regular channels and follow the law and order. Problem is we all know this always leads to a dead-end. And what this means for our players who see the writing on the wall, is fighting between 0/1 points and utter humiliation in the coming WC.

                            And if you speak out against it, whether it be corruption, withholding payments of workers, lack of reputable Covid vaccines, forced hejab, etc etc. you will have a chomagh landing on your head. So you can add footballers to the long and growing list of the discontented. Putting aside the character of Taj, I can't fault any of those guys for protesting against the situation.
                            زن زندگی آزادی



                                i dont understand how you guys are saying .. ban them all ... since when is casting your opinion will get you banned? they are trying to bring awareness and show the disorganized / corrupt non-football backing IFF / government who have their noses in every crevice

