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Skocic set to lead Iran to World Cup after all

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    IFF should now seek teams like Ireland or Northern Ireland, Scotland and the likes for the remaining FIFA night. TM is likely to get good results with England & USA, however it’s Wales that could be a wild card.


      Originally posted by Keshwardoost View Post
      Yek do se chahar, mahe dige carlos miyad sare kar

      Bet he is starting analysing already.. [emoji28]
      Phonecall from Novin pizzeria to Portugal as we speak
      Lol let's hope he doesn't eat too much Pizza! Could be bad for his health!

      Panj shish haft in CQ koja raft?

      Hasht noh dah rafte pishe Asghar!

      Hahahahaha i get why kateb makes these cheers. Good laugh.

      Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
      Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


        Originally posted by IRANMAN View Post
        IFF should now seek teams like Ireland or Northern Ireland, Scotland and the likes for the remaining FIFA night. TM is likely to get good results with England & USA, however it’s Wales that could be a wild card.
        European teams are tied up in September.


          I heard from a cousin of my friend that the US Supreme Court with re-instate Trump at the end of August. Then he will attack Iran and fire Skocic and bring back CQ. Apparently, Trumps next wife is going to be Portuguese, and she has recommended CQ and only CQ.

          I hear Ivanka will be the head cheerleader for the TM and Don Junior will head the anti-doping agency due to his vast experience in the area. Looks like there is also a role for Melania. She will be best.

          Remember you heard it here first.
          Sign this petition to show opposition to US/UK support for the Rajavi/MKO cult


            Originally posted by nisfejahan View Post
            I heard from a cousin of my friend that the US Supreme Court with re-instate Trump at the end of August. Then he will attack Iran and fire Skocic and bring back CQ. Apparently, Trumps next wife is going to be Portuguese, and she has recommended CQ and only CQ.

            I hear Ivanka will be the head cheerleader for the TM and Don Junior will head the anti-doping agency due to his vast experience in the area. Looks like there is also a role for Melania. She will be best.

            Remember you heard it here first.
            I am certain Milad will regain his form if Ivanka is cheering on the sideline!!!


              This is good news, and a wise decision. If we can’t get CQ, why waste our time with lesser domestic coaches 4 months away? I think if the players truly understand that there will be a 0% chance of there being being a coaching change, everyone will fall in line and make the best of it. It’s when they think/know there’s a possibility of a change now, when they will rebel.

              The unanimous discontent is towards the federation, and that’s where the consistent focus should be.


                Originally posted by IRANMAN View Post
                IFF should now seek teams like Ireland or Northern Ireland, Scotland and the likes for the remaining FIFA night. TM is likely to get good results with England & USA, however it’s Wales that could be a wild card.
                unfortuantely uefa nations league makes it difficult to face uefa teams. it was the worst world cup to not get any south american or african teams, which we usually are able to play friendlies with much easier


                  There is no way that Skocic can stay as NT coach after what we read/heard the last week(s).
                  If IFF (IR Goons) do not understand this, we’re even sank deeper than anyone could imagine!!
                  Iran deserves better, TM deserves better.
                  O.G from '97 & still here


                    Originally posted by Leicester City View Post
                    Supporting Team Melli


                      TM former headcoach Afshin Ghotbi has supported Dragan Skocic by his post:


                        Originally posted by pajamNL View Post
                        There is no way that Skocic can stay as NT coach after what we read/heard the last week(s).
                        If IFF (IR Goons) do not understand this, we’re even sank deeper than anyone could imagine!!

                        Originally posted by Prowess View Post
                        This is good news, and a wise decision. If we can’t get CQ, why waste our time with lesser domestic coaches 4 months away? I think if the players truly understand that there will be a 0% chance of there being being a coaching change, everyone will fall in line and make the best of it. It’s when they think/know there’s a possibility of a change now, when they will rebel.

                        The unanimous discontent is towards the federation, and that’s where the consistent focus should be.
                        sorta True again, but Only in case of the Bolded part..!

                        hiring CQ somehow and doing so ASAP still the Best Solution/Alleviation to the current absolute clusterfk of TM's situation..!
                        after that we next best move is to keep Dragan and hope that he can first and foremost unite the boys and avoid any further damaging hashie, organize a rock solid pre-wc last camp training and friendlies and tone down on his more recent tactical desires of playing an open, attacking game and playing it from the back and instead prepare the boys for a bit more cautious and defensive team posture more similarly to his more cautious first TM games approaches at Bahrain in those Must win games ..! building upon CQ's work, rather than trying to completely reinventing a new attacking style like that moron wiltits tried to do and failed miserably at..!


                          Originally posted by DR Strangemoosh View Post
                          Sounds like it was Skocic who pushed against a Senegal friendly

                          He didn’t want a friendly against Senegal?
                          "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


                            His decisions are bizarre to say the least. One of the many downsides of having somebody with his CV and experience leading a team to the world cup, he has no fucking clue what to do on prep side of things, camps, trainings, etc. He, self admittedly, leaves a lot of this aspects up to the federation, estili, etc. Only thing is, no coach of INTEGRITY who wants to prepare for the games of his life would leave all these elements up to a bunch of known to be incapable clowns.

                            First with the Canada camp: Yes, not his fault friendlies were cancelled BUT he could have easily asked Estili and others for a % chance that friendlies there could be cancelled, for whatever reason. Some very basic outside research on Sko's part would have confirmed this as a moderate possibility. In most likely event, Estili and Co would have given some (small) % that something happens and friendlies get cancelled. If not, Sko's outside research itself could have confirmed that (as many on this forum did). Given that this was the biggest friendly window, even a 5% chance of cancellations would be too big of a risk for any coach with experience regarding world cup preparations to take! He should vetoed the whole thing then and there and said he would rather confirm 3 actual friendlies with zero opportunity of cancellation.

                            Then the Qatar Camp: It was confirmed by members of IFF AND by Marijo Tot himself on Gol Bezan that the decision to camp in Qatar was that of the coaching staff. Not enough people are talking about this and it is actually the source of most of the player pushback against Sko. Nobody forced him to do this, it was simply an available option.

                            He failed to do his due diligence, he failed to check the weather conditions, he failed to confirm the state of the practice pitches. According to Tot, our assistant coach, the reasoning was that "other national teams are camping in qatar". Here in lies the crux of the issue: When you have no experience doing something, the classic first step is to look around you and see if you can copy what others are doing. Thats a glaring issue bc our team has its own concerns and special circumstances. Those teams that were "camping in Qatar" did not do so out of choice. They (Peru, Australia, New Zealand Costa Rica) did so because they had intercontinental playoffs that were scheduled there. And even those teams tried to minimize there time in Qatar beforehand (Peru played friendly in Spain vs NZ). It makes no sense why we would go there in such weather conditions where training was only permissible after 10pm.

                            It was because of this choice from Sko and Staff, that players were cooped up inside until nightfall every day. Instead of complaining how taremi admitted players were playing video games to pass the time, why dont you guys complain about how training could only start at 10PM because Sko chose, by his own accord, to take the team to Doha instead of remain in Tehran. The second point Tot made on the Doha decision was "in Tehran there are too many distractions". or something along those lines. Again, this stems from the insecurity and inexperience of the coaching staff themselves that by stationing the players in tehran for 2 weeks they don't feel confident about ensuring team's concentration. Major red flag! The players could afford to sleep at 2am because there was nothing happening training wise besides a short gym session until nightfall of the next day!

                            Adding insult to injury, you had players having to pay out of THEIR OWN POCKET for food and refreshments. Do you realize how insulting that is? Travel half the world during your vacation after long season in europe and you have to buy your own hydration and are cooped up in a hotel room because your head coach decided, without consulting the players, to take the team to a verified hell hole in the middle of the summer, and then not even have refreshments and lunch provided to you. Why doesnt anybody discuss these points instead of opening a "should we cut taremi" thread?

                            WE could have easily camped in tehran for 2 weeks and then travelled to doha the night before the game like the algerians did. We could have had double sessions in tehran, once in the morning and once in the evening, maximized our training time and kept the players in good spirits. Instead, Sko's own decisions and a frankly pathetic tendency to keep deferring TM scheduling to idiots that he has complete veto power over led to the feelings we saw after camp in Qatar (look at player's interviews in airport, interview of Hajsafi before camp compared to him joining Anti-Sko group afterwards). He lost their faith and has nobody but himself to blame.

                            And it doesnt help the actual content of the training sessions is level of Khoone be Khoone, or that he runs of to zagreb every 3 days. Maybe he didn't want more videos of the "training" to be leaked through V3 photographers.

                            Just for comparison, in CQ time he would personally verify the state of the training pitches for Camps long in advance. Even now when it comes to picking camp for WC, we can see that the head of security and estili (!!!!) were sent to Qatar to inspect the pitches and select the hotels. I can already smell impending disaster on week of world cup with the arrangements these types of people make. Meanwhile, CQ personally ensured we got the Lokomotiv Moscow camp that was reserved by Italy (who then faled to qualify for WC) by going to Russia in person and getting it ahead of many other interested teams. He did the same thing in Brazil 2014. Skocic again, seems to be deferring critical elements of preparation to unqualified people instead of taking the responsibility himself. Its hard for me to imagine before the most crucial event of somebody's professional life why they would leave so many things up to incapable people and chance...


                              If we pull an upset at WC. Do you guys realize how stupid some of you will look? Suspend judgements until after the world cup. Being a sceptic is sound and healthy.

                              Other than that: these rumour spreading and downright cremlology about CQs return was hilarious. First it was wait til monday last weekend, then pdfc cremlologists just kept on postponing date of cq return.

