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Saman Ghoddos @ Brentford FC | 2022-23

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    Neither Saman or Jahanbakhsh were included in the match day squad of their team's friendlies this weekend.

    Probably a sign that the boys are going out this winter transfer window


      Originally posted by The View Post
      Neither Saman or Jahanbakhsh were included in the match day squad of their team's friendlies this weekend.

      Probably a sign that the boys are going out this winter transfer window
      too late for all that bs now..!! but i suppose it wouldnt be too big of a surprise if they got sold off to inferior leagues/teams..! at least we can hope to see them get into groove of things, become game ready and actually play closer to their potential levels..!!

      folks keep bitchin moanin how ARJ's confidence was shattered with an EPL move and thus why he is struggling to play to respectable level, but imo, Ali's potential and true Level as a footballer was never all that high and it became quite evident to everyone when he reached too high trying to crack it as a regular in EPL..!!
      However i really think if anyone's game and true Pedigree got damaged due to CONFIDENCE Decline from persistent benching .... is Sammy's ...! fking Frank really shot that confidence and suprior vigor he used to frequently playing playing football by not believing in him and benching him way too frequently even in championship and when he did forcing him in some bizarre defensive position ..!!

      sammy could really benefit from a move away from EPL .... there is still time left to get much more outa this kid than he has offered so far in TM..!
      for Ali on the other a move probably wont make too much of change... he will continue to shine vs Slow and none physical low level footballing opponent, but will continue to fail stepping it up in higher levels of competitions where very limited spaces is afforded to him to work his magic..!! The man just can't level up in tighter spaces and higher intensity of games...!



          They lost a friendly today but looking at the players who played, none of the players who went to the world cup played. Raya and the Danish boys who went to the WC did not play either.


            Merry Christmas




                Saman is on in the 67' vs Spurs.


                  Spurs score. Not sure if Saman will get some heat for that as we was kind of slow closing down.


                    Had a good defense on a Tottenham cross


                      Ghoddos is now our 2nd player who has become a shell of himself after playing in EPL.

                      The Saman of old would’ve scored that opportunity against the USA, and even from the recent WCQ games, I particularly remember a couple of scenes where he could’ve scored but didn’t.

                      EPL want a finished product—they’re not interested in developing players, especially a team like Brentford.

                      Overall, he’s lost his mojo, swag, and decisiveness on the pitch. He needs to move ASAP. Though I’m afraid, similar to the ARJ situation the damage may have already been done.

                      Just look back at Ghoddos’ & ARJ’s performances in WC18: so much more decisive & confident on the pitch against good opponents, and they were playing in weaker leagues.

                      Teams that will make a player the best version of themselves>>playing for a top tier team/league (just for the sake of it)


                        Saman and PAG made wc music video

                        Supporting Team Melli


                          Originally posted by Prowess View Post
                          EPL want a finished product—they’re not interested in developing players, especially a team like Brentford.
                          I'm sorry but that couldn't be further from the truth. Brentford's transfer policy spending wise is to buy young players (under 25) to develop them. This year Damsgaard, Lewis-Potter and Hickey. Last year Ajer, Wissa and Onyeka.

                          Players that are at their peak development (late 20s plus) are generally free transfers in areas they're short. Recently Strakosha, Mee, Zanka.

                          Most bottom half Premier League teams do this as they don't have the budget or transfer appeal to pay for players that are the "finished product" or in the prime.

                          The reason Saman and ARJ failed in England is not because England is somehow this terrible place for Iranian players to come. That is just incredibly illogical no matter how many Iranian players continue to come here and fail... It's because they're both, as individual players, simply not good enough (talent, physical attributes, tactical understanding and desire to improve) for the demands of the league, their team, their coach. It has nothing to do with their nationality. Saman for all intents and purposes football wiss is a product of Sweden.

                          There's an argument to be had about being played out of their favoured position; ARJ was seldom an out and out RW for Brighton in those first 2 seasons - he was more a RWB due to the amount of defending they had to do and Saman is a number 10 but Brentford have never really played a formation to accommodate that position. If they did they'd get smashed every game as they'd lose the midfield battle as badly as they lost it when they took off Jensen for Saman against Spurs.

                          I was at the Spurs game. I've seen Saman play in person for Brentford multiple times and the reality is he's not good enough to play in this team as a starter (particularly not in the centre of midfield) for the requirements of this team. A low possession, underdog that needs to constantly press it's opposition off the ball in one of the best leagues in the world.

                          He would still thrive at a big team in a 2nd rate league (Portugal, Turkey, a Scandinavian league) as he has done in the past. When he's playing around players that are better than the opposition and his team have a majority of the possession so his off the ball demands don't need to be a big part of the game, he can thrive as a player.​


                            On the bench vs. Hammers


                              Saman is on in the 67', I think he's in the midfield again for the 2nd game in a row.


                                Saman almost scored on a nice volley with his left foot, great shot, but better save by Fabianksi.

