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WC Chants Thread

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    WC Chants Thread

    We seriously need to upgrade our chants from vuvuzela doo dodo doo dooo Iran in 90 minutes.

    Im no chants expert, i suggest Kateb as Chants leader and song writer.

    here is a few suggestions for our games though

    vs england.

    where is greenwood ole ole ole he is in prison ole ole ole..

    vs wales

    he is ugly he is bad, he fkt his brothers wife in his bed, ryyan giiigs ryyyan giiigs
    he is wales greatest man, he beat his wife all the time´, ryaaan giiigs ryaaan giiigs

    vs usa.

    we go with classic

    maaarg bar amrika maaarg ba amrikah
    Supporting Team Melli

    we need someone to make some good chants (Kateb agha) and spread it to the ones going to the games.
    like drop a 10 page chants book or something,,
    Supporting Team Melli


      i have a feeling you want to share something about chants during TM games...
      Iran deserves better, TM deserves better.
      O.G from '97 & still here


        lol yes we need upgrade, not necesarely mine crappy ones. we need good Kateb chants to irritate our opponents.. vuvuzela and doo doo do doo Iran for 90 minutes is getting old..
        Supporting Team Melli


          That only works if we're actually in the stadium to at least start the (new) chants.

          so, who is going to provide tickets
          Iran deserves better, TM deserves better.
          O.G from '97 & still here


            here is a few inspirationals

            Coleen is a slapper, she takes it in the back door, when she’s shagging Rooney, she thinks of Adebayor

            Elephant man, the elephant man, Diego Costa, the elephant man

            Singing to Luton town

            "You're just a shit fucking Airport, shit fucking airrrrport, shit fucking Airport."

            there were a lot more brutal ones but thougt i dont want to be banned you can look em up here..
            there was one that leeds supporters sang for giggs,, ryan giggs did you taste your brothers xxx
            brutal one,
            Supporting Team Melli


              It's coming Qom 😗


                Originally posted by Abtin View Post
                It's coming Qom 😗
                That's a good one. lol.


                  after our headcoach situation is decided.
                  in octoberish close to november
                  will have chants FOR EACH MATCH..
                  right now my brain is on stike until the head coach is 100% decided.


                    Just want to say Iran Hero Morocco Zero was the best streetside crafted one in St. Petersburg. Lets plan ahead


                      Vay be anrooz ke matrah shaveem.


                        aboli lokhtesh ghashangeh..

                        ستايشگر آموزگاری هستم که انديشيدن را
                        به من بياموزد و نه انديشه ها را. زرتشت


                          Originally posted by perspolis#1 View Post
                          Just want to say Iran Hero Morocco Zero was the best streetside crafted one in St. Petersburg. Lets plan ahead
                          just for you persepolis #1
                          یک هفته
                          دو هفته
                          هری کین حموم نرفته
                          پلیس زد شورش
                          داش رحیم و بشورش

