Originally posted by nosferatu
I think that when people talk about British people (and I think this is what Rooz was getting at) they immediately picture the British football hooligan type. Or as they are sometimes called: Kevs, Janners, Chavs etc... You know the kind I mean, the ones with the burberry caps and Ben Sherman shirts and Kickers shoes. The ones who will want to fight you just because you look at them- the Wayne Rooney type.
Having worked in a restaurant for going on 2 years, following university, I've encountered all types of Brits, but mostly the drunk 'chavs' who make people's lives a misery. British youth really are the biggest problem. The vast majority of them have no respect for anyone and don't understand logic or common sense. I can't even count the number of times i've been called a Paki, Nigger, black shit, been told to go back to my own country and the funniest one of all from some drunk idiot- "Yeaahh we bombed Afghanistan!!"

The Restaurant is my dad's and we've had our window smashed several times. All this and I'm what you would call one of the 'white', pale skinned Iranians and i've been living in England for 17 years. Its this kind of ignorance and just utter stupidity that makes people dislike the British. And I have to tell you, having had to put up with that shit for as long as I have, I've grown a real dislike for British people, but only the kind of Brits I mentioned above.
I have several close English Friends and I certainly appreciate and acknowledge what this country has done for me and will do for me in the future. But because of the kind of people I've described (and their numbers are growing at an alarming rate) I'll never truly be able to support the British or English at anything. I've even told my English friends this and they are actually embarrassed by 'those' British.
No matter what sport they're involved in whether its Football, Rugby, Cricket or when they compete at the Olympics or any major sporting event (apart from boxing or mixed martial arts tournaments) I always hope they lose. Maybe if all the 'chavs' were wiped out my position would change, but until then I will continue my prejudice against the British because of that section of their society.
Oh and to answer the original question I'm rooting for Ghana because one of friends is half ghanain. Its gonna be real tough for them against Brazil espescially since Essien is suspended but I'm sure they'll put on a good show.