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Long live Indonesia!

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    Long live Indonesia!;_yl...v=ap&type=lgns

    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.



      but actually it's indeed they see that it's not only Iran that is against Israel



        Wow t
        I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.


          stupid thread...:bs: :bs: :bs:


            Originally posted by KC McElroy
            Wow there's another group of moslems who insist on mixing sports with politics. What idiots.
            Congratulations to Israel for the tennis victory over the moslems.
            I shit on shir o khorsid
            shut yo mouth fool, you deserve to get shit on your face with that talk.
            Last edited by Amir H F; 07-06-2006, 09:15 PM.

            Delam mikhad be Esfahan bargardam...


              Like I always say, Apartheid is Apartheid. Be it religous (like in the case of
              Islamic Republic) against none-Moslems and women, or Isreal, which is against
              anyone that is none-Jewish or more precisely none-Zionist. Descrimination based on race, religion,
              gender must be condemned. We should advocate boycott of any country
              from participating in world sports event, so long as their politics is based on
              oppressing one segment of society, in favor of another. Anyone having
              problem with this, is either hypocrite or ignorant.


                Israel deservs nothing for their inhumane actions, adn I am glad Indonesia refused to play with them by rioting.

                But McElroy and Amir, both of you are confused. McElroy, sport might not have anything to do politics, but by protesting this way towards Israel, it is more than sport, it is political.

                Amir don't be so abusive in your words towards him, if you are religious you should know something in your religion differs that, but then again the majority of religous people on the planet do not go by the scripture in the "books" but by their own ignorant minds.
                The Worker-communist Party of Iran (WPI)
                For the struggle in Iran: "In retrospect, all revolutions seem inevitable. Beforehand, all revolutions seem impossible.


                  The Indonesian
                  I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.


                    Originally posted by PersianMadrid7
                    Israel deservs nothing for their inhumane actions, adn I am glad Indonesia refused to play with them by rioting.
                    But McElroy and Amir, both of you are confused. McElroy, sport might not have anything to do politics, but by protesting this way towards Israel, it is more than sport, it is political.
                    Amir don't be so abusive in your words towards him, if you are religious you should know something in your religion differs that, but then again the majority of religous people on the planet do not go by the scripture in the "books" but by their own ignorant minds.
                    Whoa whoa whoa...slow down big guy. I am all the sudden 'religous' and your lecturing me? I NEVER said or implied that...I simply just told him to shut his mouth (not abusive) if he says immature things like 'I shit on shir o khorshid' because that happens to be something I respect. Its fine when he says things like 'I goozed' in order for a laugh or two but to disrespect is another story. The only ignorant mind is your own for assuming im religous.

                    Delam mikhad be Esfahan bargardam...


                      Originally posted by KC McElroy
                      The Indonesian moslems should have found it an honor to be on the same field with the chosen ones. Well done to Israel for providing the moslems with this opportunity which unfortunately the moslems decided to let it slip away.
                      if I would take you as a representant of every jew, I would see jews as dumb, ignorant, dirty, classless, cultureless, worthless and not funny people nobody likes and who are just are waste of place on this planet


                        But you don't, correct?
                        I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.


                          its always a challange


                            So your answer is no, you don't.
                            I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.


                              if I would take you as a representant of every jew, I would see jews as dumb, ignorant, dirty, classless, cultureless, worthless and not funny people nobody likes and who are just are waste of place on this planet

